Forms for Evaluators of Professional School Applicants
To be completed by the student requesting the evaluation:
Name of student requesting evaluation: |
Name of evaluator: |
Type of school to which student is applying: |
Course(s) student took from evaluator, including dates: |
Dates student was employed by evaluator: |
Dates student was supervised as a volunteer by evaluator: |
Other relationship to evaluator: |
I understand that your candid evaluation, together with official school records and autobiographical information that I will supply as needed, will be collected by the Biology Chief Health Professions Advisor to make a packet of evaluation letters that will be copied and sent to the school(s) to which I apply. I will supply to the Advisor a list of the admissions officers, addresses and phone numbers of all schools to which I am applying.
Signature of student requesting evaluation: __________________________________
Date of signature: ________________
______ I do not waive my rights.
______ I do waive all rights which I otherwise would be able to assert under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 with respect to this evaluation. By such waiver, I expressly consent to, and do hereby authorize, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville and any professional school to which Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville may hereafter forward this evaluation or its contents, to retain said evaluation of information in a strictly confidential manner, specifically to include withholding such from me and my family whenever I may request to see it or to be informed of its contents, and otherwise to deny me access to this evaluation once submitted by the evaluator.
Signature of student requesting evaluation: ________________________________
Date of signature: _______________
To the evaluator:
Please attach your evaluation letter to this form.
In your letter, please indicate the nature and frequency of your contact with the student and the confidence with which you would recommend the student for admission to the professional school indicated.
Professional schools are interested both in the student's academic abilities and intellectual potential and in personal qualities that may be related to his or her performance as a health professional. Wherever possible, give specific examples of qualities you discuss. Please comment on some or all of the following qualities:
The request sheet and the completed evaluation letter should be returned by the evaluator directly to Dr. Christina Wilson, Biology Chief Health Professions Advisor, Department of Biological Sciences, Box 1651, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Edwardsville, Illinois 62026-1651. The Advisor will prepare a packet containing copies of each evaluation received for each school to which the student is applying for admission.
If you have questions regarding the evaluation process, please feel free to call Dr. Wilson at (618)650-2509 or send email to
Please return the request sheet and evaluation letter to Dr. Wilson by the following date: _____________