Week 9:
Ex. 13--Specialized Media
- Quiz 4, Ex. 10 Report due
- Talk about differential media, selective media, highly selective media, and selective & differential
media (multitest media, in the lab manual), with examples of each.
- Explain what makes each medium we are using selective and/or differential,
and what positive and negative tests look like and mean about the organism on each medium.
- Only one person in each group needs to swab their throat, or have a lab partner swab their throat, and inoculate a BAP.
- Be sure to remind them that they have to add Kovac's reagent to the SIM medium to read the indole test, preferably in the hood.
- It is ok to incubate the Serratia in the walk-in incubator for this exercise, since we would prefer that it not be red anyway.
Lab Orders for Week 9
- Cultures:
- Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis (or isolate a non-aureus colony on MSA ahead of time and use that), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Proteus mirabilis (on an agar plate that shows swarming--TSA? MH?), Serratia marcescens, Bacillus subtilis
- Media (per group of four):
- 4 blood agar plates (one per person)
- 3 PEA plates
- 3 MSA plates
- 3 MAC plates
- 3 EMB plates
- 4 TSIA slants (poured so that they have both a slant and a butt)
- 4 tubes SIM medium
- Equipment:
- Sterile cotton swabs (1/group)
- Reagents:
- Kovac's reagent (in dark dropper bottles, refrigerated or in hood)