Week 9:
Ex. 13--Specialized Media
  1. Quiz 4, Ex. 10 Report due
  2. Talk about differential media, selective media, highly selective media, and selective & differential media (multitest media, in the lab manual), with examples of each.
  3. Explain what makes each medium we are using selective and/or differential, and what positive and negative tests look like and mean about the organism on each medium.
  4. Only one person in each group needs to swab their throat, or have a lab partner swab their throat, and inoculate a BAP.
  5. Be sure to remind them that they have to add Kovac's reagent to the SIM medium to read the indole test, preferably in the hood.
  6. It is ok to incubate the Serratia in the walk-in incubator for this exercise, since we would prefer that it not be red anyway.

Lab Orders for Week 9
Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis (or isolate a non-aureus colony on MSA ahead of time and use that), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis (on an agar plate that shows swarming--TSA? MH?), Serratia marcescens, Bacillus subtilis
Media (per group of four):
4 blood agar plates (one per person)
3 PEA plates
3 MSA plates
3 MAC plates
3 EMB plates
4 TSIA slants (poured so that they have both a slant and a butt)
4 tubes SIM medium
Sterile cotton swabs (1/group)
Kovac's reagent (in dark dropper bottles, refrigerated or in hood)