Week 13:
Exercise 23 (modified)--Identification and Quantitation of Microbial Numbers in a Water Sample

  1. Quiz 6
  2. Continue unknowns, if necessary.
  3. Explain background for water quality testing.
  4. Explain difference between coliforms and non coliforms and how to differentiate between E. coli and E. aerogenes (IMVIC tests) and why it would be important.
  5. Why are we using EMB medium?
  6. Explain how to calculate concentration of bacteria in original water sample based on number of colonies in filtrate.

Lab Orders for Week 13
Membrane filter, 1 per group
Vacuum apparatus (TA's will find this)
Sterile graduated cylinders (not glass), 50 ml and/or 100 ml, as many as possible (minimum 2 per section)
Forceps in alcohol in glass beakers, 1 per group
1 10 ml pipette per group
Cultures for students (1/group):
Simulated water sample
1 small EMB plate per group
3 1 liter flasks of 500 ml sterile water for TA's on Sunday before lab (to make simulated water sample)