Biology 250. Protein Catabolism

General reaction: An enzyme converts a substrate into a product.
Gelatin hydrolysis:
Enzyme: gelatinase
Substrate: gelative (a protein)
Product(s): amino acids
Test results: chilled gelatin gels (negative reaction); chilled amino acids don't (positive reaction)
Urea hydrolysis:
Enzyme: urease
Substrate: urea
Products: ammonia and carbon dioxide
Test results: urea + phenol red turns yellow (negative reaction); ammonia + phenol red turns hot pink (positive reaction)
Indole production from tryptophane (in tryptone broth):
Enzyme: tryptophanase
Substrate: tryptophane
Products: indole ring-containing chemical, pyruvic acid, ammonia
Test results: tryptophane + Kovac's reagent turns yellow (negative reaction); indole ring-containing chemical + Kovac's turns red (positive reaction)
Phenylalanine deamination:
Enzyme: phenylalanine deaminase
Substrate: phenylalanine
Products: phenylpyruvic acid + ammonia
Test results: phenylalanine + ferric chloride, slant surface remains uncolored; phenylpyruvic acid + ferric chloride, slant surface turns green
Hydrogen sulfide production (in motility sulfide medium):
Enzyme: cysteine desulfhydrase
Substrate: cysteine
Products: hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, pyruvic acid
Test results: cysteine + ferrous sulfate (in medium) remains uncolored; hydrogen sulfide + ferrous sulfate (in medium) produces black precipitate in the medium (ferrous sulfide)
Observation of motility (in motility sulfide medium):
Cloudiness (turbidity) throughout medium or moving away from the line made by the stab into the agar indicates that the organism is motile.
Growth only along the line of the stab indicates that the organism is nonmotile.

Inoculation Chart: