Lecture Notes, Biology 203, Human Sexuality and Reproduction
Sexual Knowledge Survey (paper handout, T or F questions)
- A woman can become pregnant without the man having an orgasm. (T)
- Hormonal abnormalities are the most frequent cause of homosexuality. (F)
- Women can become aroused when breast-feeding an infant. (T)
- A woman's chances of becoming pregnant are much greater if she has orgasm during intercourse. (F)
- Direct contact between the penis and the clitoris is necessary to produce female orgasm during sexual intercourse. (F)
- There are no physiological differences in orgasms attained through sexual intercourse, masturbation, or any other technique. (T)
- Males do not develop the capacity to attain an erection and are incapable of orgasm until they reach puberty. (F)
- Women are biologically more capable of multiple orgasms than men. (T)
- A hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) reduces a woman's sex drive. (F)
- The area most sensitive to sexual stimulation in most women is the clitoris. (T)
- In our culture, some homosexual behavior is often a normal part of growing up. (T)
- Erection of the nipples is often a sign of sexual arousal in men. (T)
- A majority of the sexual crimes committed against children are by heterosexual adults who are friends or relatives of the victim. (T)
- The rhythm method is just as effective as the birth control pill in preventing conception. (F)
- Masturbation by a married person is usually related to marital problems. (F)
- A tall, broad-shouldered man will have a larger penis and will be more sexually competent than a short, compactly built man. (F)
- For a short period of time following orgasm, men are usually not able to respond to further sexual stimulation. (T)
- Frequent masturbation is one of the most common causes of premature ejaculation in men. (F)
- During lovemaking, it usually takes the woman less time to become sexually aroused and to reach orgasm than it does the man. (F)
- A torn hymen is a reliable sign that a woman is not a virgin. (F)
- Nocturnal emissions or "wet dreams" are indicative of sexual problems. (F)
- Castration of an adult male results in a loss of his sex drive and reversal of other secondary sexual characteristics. (F)
- Almost all homosexuals can be identified by their physical characteristics. (F)
- Certain foods have been shown to be aphrodisiacs (sexual stimulants). (F)
- The most important factor in being able to maintain sexual activity during old age is a history of regular sexual activity. (T)
- Possession of large breasts by a woman or a large penis in a man suggests that the person is sexually enthusiastic and skilled. (F)
- The response to sexual stimulation, including orgasm, is the same in men and women, as well as in heterosexuals and homosexuals. (T)
- For both men and women, sexual intercourse (penis in vagina) is the only effective means of reaching orgasm. (F)