Review Sheet for Exam 4, Biology 203

Sample multiple choice questions:

Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Reproductive System Cancer

1. HIV is likely to enter the body through any of the following except
a. the lining of the vagina c. the lining of the rectum
b. small openings in the skin D. the lining of the stomach
2. Within six years after infection with HIV, less than half of the infected people will have developed the symptoms of full-blown AIDS.
A. true b. false
3. Of the following body fluids, which does not transfer HIV from one person to another in quantities sufficient to cause AIDS?
a. blood b. semen C. urine d. breast milk e. vaginal fluids
4. Which of the following is more likely to lead to serious PID with lasting scarring?
a. gonorrhea B. chlamydia c. syphilis d. herpes
5. Which of the following is more likely to have milder symptoms including painful urination and discharge?
a. gonorrhea B. chlamydia c. syphilis d. herpes
6. Which of the following is more likely to be associated with increase in risk of cervical cancer?
a. gonorrhea b. chlamydia c. syphilis D. herpes
7. Which of the following is more likely to be associated with risk of major organ damage or death after treatment with antibiotics is no longer helpful?
a. gonorrhea b. chlamydia C. syphilis d. herpes
8. Which of the following is more likely to be associated with increase in risk of cervical cancer?
a. Trichomonas b. Gardnerella c. Candida D. genital warts
9. Which of the following is more likely to be caused by bacteria, carried by male from one female to another?
a. Trichomonas B. Gardnerella c. Candida d. genital warts
10. Which of the following is more likely to be caused by protozoan, and may be caught by contact with contaminated surfaces as well as by sexual contact?
A. Trichomonas b. Gardnerella c. Candida d. genital warts
11. Which of the following is more likely to be caused by a fungus, and might result from overgrowth of normal flora?
a. Trichomonas b. Gardnerella C. Candida d. genital warts
12. The chance a woman has of getting breast cancer at some time in her life is closest to
A. 1/8 b. 1/16 c. 1/50 d. 1/100
13. Of the two we discussed in class and that are on your online handout, which kind of cancer is more likely to be found in younger men?
a. prostate B. testicular c. liver d. stomach
14. Treatments for reproductive system cancer include all of the following except
a. radiation b. chemotherapy c. hormones D. enzymes

Sexual Coercion, Sexual Orientation, etc.

1. Rape can be
a. an act of anger through which a person can vent rage
b. an act of power whereby the rapist may compensate for feelings of inadequacy
c. an act of sadism in which the aggressive, violent act is eroticized
D. all of the above e. a and b
2. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Most women are raped late at night when walking down dimly lit city streets.
b. It is safe for boys to hitchhike, but not for girls.
C. One half of rapes occur in private residences.
d. a, b, and c are all true. e. b and c are true; a is false.
3. The chance of being sexually abused or raped in one's lifetime is
A. 1 in 4 in female; 1 in 10 if male b. 1 in 6 if female; 1 in 20 if male
c. 1 in 10 if female; 1 in 50 if male d. 1 in 12 if female; 1 in 100 if male
4. About _____% of teenage rape victims are acquainted with their rapists.
a. 29 b. 42 c. 76 D. 92
5. Being homosexual is a conscious choice for most gay men.
a. true B. false
6. Psychiatric treatment can be used effectively to cause a person who is a 6 on the Kinsey scale to reverse his/her sexual orientation.
a. true B. false
7. Men who dress in women's clothing are usually heterosexual.
A. true b. false