Review Sheet for Exam 3, Biology 203
Sample multiple choice questions:
- 1. Placenta previa, spontaneous abortion, and ectopic pregnancy are all examples of ___________ disorders of pregnancy.
- A. hemorraghic b. hypertensive c. infectious d. other
- 2. The symptoms of ____________ include high blood pressure, protein in the urine, sudden weight gain, and edema (swelling).
- a. Rh disease B. preeclampsia c. miscarriage d. rubella
- 3. Research mentioned in class has associated sexual intercourse during the last four weeks before delivery with
- a. fetal deformities c. abnormal sexual development
- b. premature delivery D. amniotic fluid infections and stillbirths
- 4. Rubella can cause infants exposed to the virus in the 5th through 10th week of pregnancy to be born with congenital rubella syndrome, which includes risks of all of the following except
- a. blindness B. intestinal abnormalities c. deafness d. heart defects
- 5. By decreasing the oxygen available to the fetus and possibly by other mechanisms, smoking during pregnancy does all of the following except
- a. promotes learning disabilities c.decreases birth weight
- B.causes oversensitivity to stimuli d. limits fetal growth
- 6. Infectious diseases which may be harmful to the fetus or newborn infant include all of the following except
- a. toxoplasmosis b. syphilis C. eclampsia d. rubella
- 7. Into the World: In a vaginal delivery, labor contractions expell the placenta _________ the baby is delivered.
- A. after b. before
- 8. Into the World: During the later part of pregnancy, a placental hormone counters the action of ________________ to prevent the strong, regular contractions of labor from beginning.
- a. progesterone b. estrogen c. oxytocin D. relaxin
- 9. Into the World: With the newborn's first breath, there are changes in the baby's heart that make it able to
- a. circulate blood to the peripheral parts of the body (legs, arms)
- b. excrete waste materials as urine
- C. divert blood flow to the lungs
- d. function as one pump instead of two
Contraception, Sterilization, Abortion
- 1. Methods of contraception designed to help the woman determine when she will ovulate include all of the following except
- a. calendar method b. basal body temperature measurement c. cervical mucus observation D. combined oral contraceptives
- 2. According to your contraceptives handout, a continuing pregnancy is ________ safe than using oral contraceptives (birth control pills).
- A. less b. more
- 3. The best of the following choices of contraceptives for a woman who is 42 years old, smokes, and has four children (and wants to be sure she has no more) is
- a. combined birth control pills c. natural fertility awareness
- B. intrauterine device d. contraceptive foam
- 4. On your contraceptives handout, the major source of the differences between the lowest expected failure rate and the failure rate in typical users for the various contraceptive methods is
- a. attitude toward sexual behaviour C. patient compliance
- b. frequency of sexual intercourse d. age of users
- 5. Norplant implants work by slowly releasing ____________ over a period of years, which effectively prevents conception.
- A. progesterone c. a combination of both a and b
- b. estrogen d. a combination of other hormones
- 6. Using two methods of birth control together may increase their effectiveness over that of either method alone.
- A. true b. false
- 7. In Table D on your contraceptives handout, the risk of death associated with smoking and using oral contraceptives most nearly approaches that for pregnancy and childbirth in women between the ages of 40 and 44.
- A. true b. false
- 8. A combined birth control pill prevents pregnancy because the hormones in it do all of the following except
- a. inhibit ovulation c. make cervical mucus hostile to sperm
- B. are spermicidal d. inhibit capacitation of sperm
- 9. A woman whose cervical mucus is abundant, clear, elastic, and has the consistency of egg white _________ avoid intercourse if she does not want to become pregnant.
- A. should b. doesn’t need to
- 10. According to your contraceptives handouts, the chance of death in a year (U.S.) from using combined oral contraceptives (nonsmoker), intrauterine devices, or barrier contraceptives is less than the chance of death from a continuing pregnancy.
- A. true b. false
- 11. A not-very-successful attempt at contraception in which sperm must be washed away from the cervix before they enter the uterus is
- a. withdrawal b. contraceptive sponge c. contraceptive foam D. douching
- 12. Possible causes of condom failure include all of the following except
- a. stored at too high a temperature c. removed after penis is flaccid
- B. used too near time of ovulation d. used without adequate lubrication
- 13. On your contraceptives handout, the type of contraception with the smallest difference between the failure rate in perfect users and the failure rate in typical users for the various contraceptive methods below is
- a. male condom b. diaphragm C. Norplant implants d. combined birth control pills
- 14. Of the progestin-containing methods of contraception, _______ is/are least effective in preventing ovulation.
- a. Depo-Provera B. progestin-only pills c. Norplant d. combined oral contraceptives
- 15. Based on a table on your contraceptives handouts, the risk of death for smokers age 20-24 who use oral contraceptives is _____ the risk of pregnancy and childbirth.
- a. greater than B. less than
- 16. A/an _____________ prevents pregnancy because, among other possible effects, it inhibits implantation (but not necessarily fertilization).
- a. diaphragm b. condom c. contraceptive sponge D. IUD without progestin
- 17. All of the following except ______ prevents pregnancy primarily because it prevents sperm from reaching the egg.
- a. condom b. diaphragm c. contraceptive sponge D. intrauterine device
- 18. A combined birth control pill prevents pregnancy because the hormones in it do all of the following except
- a. inhibit ovulation C. prevent contact between egg and sperm
- b. change secretions in Fallopian tube d. make cervical mucus thick and hostile to sperm
- 19. Side effects or complications of combined oral contraceptives may include all of the following except
- A. uterine and ovarian cancer b. breast tenderness c. increased heart attack/stroke risk d. nausea
- 20. According to your contraceptives handouts, barrier methods of contraception are both more effective and safer than methods that use hormones.
- a. true B. false
- 21. Tubal ligations are riskier than vasectomies because tubal ligations may require all of the following except
- a. local anesthetic B. entry into the abdominal cavity c. laparoscope d. outpatient stay in hospital
- 22. As long as it is possible to reconnect the tubes successfully after a sterilization operation, a man or woman will be able to achieve a desired pregnancy.
- a. true B. false
- 23. All of the following are true of a man who has had a vasectomy except
- a. he is likely to develop anti-sperm antibodies
- b. he should have a sperm count after 10 ejaculations
- C. he will be sterile immediately after the operation
- d. he should avoid heavy lifting for 48 hours after the surgery
- 24. A common surgical method of inducing an abortion that can be used in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy is
- a. RU 486 (mifepristone) b. prostaglandins C. vacuum curettage d. laminaria
- 25. A drug that causes contractions leading to the loss of the uterine lining and that can be used up to seven weeks after conception to induce abortion in over 95% of women is
- a. prostaglandins b. hypertonic saline c. oxytocin D. RU 486 (mifepristone)
- 26. Abortions are safest in the first trimester of pregnancy because
- a. most miscarriages happen then C. the methods of abortion used then are safer
- b. blood pressure is lower then d. only medical methods are used then
- 27. About _______ of induced abortions are done in the first trimester.
- a. 49% b. 69% c. 79% D. 89%
- 28. Cervical dilation in preparation for an induced abortion can be accomplished with metal dilators or absorbent tampon-like __________ made of seaweed.
- a. cuvettes b. evacuators C. laminaria d. suppositories
- 29. The most common method of inducing an abortion between the 13th and 16th weeks of pregnancy is
- a. vacuum curettage b. mifepristone (RU 486) C. dilation and extraction d. laminaria