Power Electronics: Syllabus

ECE 492-001 Power Electronics

SIUE, Electrical and Computer Engineering Syllabus

Course definition

492 POWER ELECTRONICS. Basics of DC/DC conversion, inductors, transformers, switching characteristics of semiconductor devices, elements of electromagnetic compatibility (counts as 3 credit hours).
Instructor: Dr. Andy Lozowski (http://www.siue.edu/~alozows)
Textbook: P. T. Krein, Elements of Power Electronics, Oxford University Press, 2 ed. 2015

Class policy:

It is understood that students enrolling in this power electronics course know the large-signal operation of the standard semiconductor devices such as diodes, bipolar, and MOS transistors.
The tests and the final exam will be open-book. Understanding of concepts and ability to solve problems will be tested, not memorization skills. Example-copying on the tests will not be helpful. The final course grade will be determined based on partial scores H, T1, T2, T3, and E according to the following percentages:
H (Homework): PH =20%
T1 (Test 1): PT1=20%
T2 (Test 2): PT2=20%
T3 (Test 3): PT3=20%
E (Final exam): PE =20%
The partial scores will be evaluated as percentages of the maximum score achieved. For example, if on a test worth 25 points the maximum scored by one of the students is 20 points, then 10 points received by another student is worth 50%.
The above percentages and partial scores H, T1, T2, T3, and E will be used to calculate the course score G:
G = PH H + PT1 T1 + PT2 T2 + PT3 T3 + PE E

PH + PT1 + PT2 + PT3 + PE
The final letter grade will be an A, B, C, D, or F based on your course score G relative to maximum attainable Gmax calculated as the average of 100% and the course score of the best student. The thresholds for the letter grades are: A > (7/8)Gmax, B > (3/4)Gmax, C > (5/8)Gmax, D > (1/2)Gmax, and F < (1/2)Gmax. Note that at any time it is possible to determine your course grade "to date" if the percentages for unassigned grades are set to zero.
According to the Catalog, the following grading symbols are used by SIUE: A-Excellent, B-Good, C-Satisfactory, D-Poor, and F-Failure (see Academic Policies and Requirements). The letter grades will strictly comply with these definitions.
Grades will be based on written evidence in the submitted work. Always show your work. Answers without sufficient supporting work will be awarded zero score. If you provide multiple answers to a problem that has a unique solution, only one of your solutions will be picked for grading: top-most or left-most, not necessarily the correct one. Make sure to read the problems carefully. There will be no credit for solutions to misread problems. If extra pages of work need to be attached to the test, number them and print your name on each sheet. Measurement units are considered an important part of the answer. Answers given with incorrect units or unit prefixes may be considered wrong even if the numeric part is right. Grades assigned are not negotiable. However, if adjustment of grade is needed because of erroneous totaling of points, address the disputes no later than a week after the assignment has been returned.
If you are a student with a disability that requires curricular or co-curricular accommodations, please go to Disability Support Services for coordination of these accommodations. All accommodations are individualized and require documentation of the functional impacts of the disability and severity. DSS is located in the Student Success Center, Room 1270; you may contact them to make an appointment by calling (618) 650-3726 or sending an email to disabilitysupport@siue.edu. Please visit the DSS website located online at http://www.siue.edu/dss for more information.

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