ECE 492-001 | Power Electronics |
SIUE, Electrical and Computer Engineering | Syllabus |
Instructor: Dr. Andy Lozowski ( Textbook: P. T. Krein, Elements of Power Electronics, Oxford University Press, 2 ed. 2015492 POWER ELECTRONICS. Basics of DC/DC conversion, inductors, transformers, switching characteristics of semiconductor devices, elements of electromagnetic compatibility (counts as 3 credit hours).
The partial scores will be evaluated as percentages of the maximum score achieved. For example, if on a test worth 25 points the maximum scored by one of the students is 20 points, then 10 points received by another student is worth 50%. The above percentages and partial scores H, T1, T2, T3, and E will be used to calculate the course score G:
H (Homework): PH =20% T1 (Test 1): PT1=20% T2 (Test 2): PT2=20% T3 (Test 3): PT3=20% E (Final exam): PE =20%