ECE 426 Syllabus

ECE 426 High Frequency Design

SIUE Syllabus

Basic course information

High frequency circuit design with elements of RF engineering. Amplifiers, oscillators, modulators, impedance matching, switching, signal integrity and tuning.

ECE 326 (Electronic Circuits I)

Dr. Andy Lozowski
Engineering Building, Room 3055
Phone: 618-650-2800

Schedule of Topics:

The course material is a combination of analog and digital electronics fundamentals and more contemporary topics with the focus on electronic component performance at high frequency.
Week Topic Assignment
1. Diode capacitance and reverse recovery Antenna switch
2. AM modulation and passive detectors Diode AM detector
3. AM demodulation Synchronous AM detector
4. Harmonic oscillators Colpitts oscillator with varactor diodes
5. FM modulation Diode-based frequency discriminator
6. Voltage-control oscillators and PLL RC-relaxation VCO circuit
7. Impedance matching in amplifiers Conjugate-match BJT amplifier
8. Narrow-band amplifiers BJT neutralization
9. Broad-band amplifiers MOSFET gate driver circuit
10. Filtration at high power Grid filter for AC/AC converter
11. Active selective filter Fundamental frequency zero-crossing
12. Linear power amplifiers Class AB power stage
13. Filter stage amplifiers Class E power stage
14. Special topic I Case study I
15. Special topic II Case study II
The emphasis in this course is on design and development of practical skills essential for electronic circuits in high frequency range. Students are assumed to have sufficient background in electronics and computer literacy provided by a typical junior-level undergraduate degree program in electrical engineering.
During the semester, a number of circuits will be designed by each student individually. Each of the circuits will be graded as pass/fail based on the Pspice simulation performed by the student. The overall number of successful passing circuits will determine the grade of the student in the course in the following manner:
  A: at least 7/8 of all circuits pass
  B: at least 3/4 of all circuits pass
  C: at least 5/8 of all circuits pass
  D: at least 1/2 of all circuits pass
  F: less than half of circuits pass
The simulations have to be turned in electronically by uploading convincing documentation before the cutoff day and time. Late submissions will not be accepted. Timely submission is therefore part of the grade, and there will be no exceptions to this rule. There is no particular textbook assigned to this course. However, part data-sheets, application notes, and user manuals of software and hardware will be considered necessary readings for this course. Students decide what they select to read, the goal is to get the circuits to work. For example - if you are designing an EMI filter for a power supply, you need to be aware of electromagnetic compatibility standards, as well as the definitions of spectrum analyzer front-end to be able to determine design criteria for the filter.

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