Things I Like




Pearls Pearls are gems. They may not sparkle like a diamond, but to me they sparkle in their own way. I like pearls because each and everyone holds such a past and is unique. They are not prefectly round giving them their own uniqueness. Pearls go with anything and add class to any outfit. Nothing completes an outfit like a strand of pearls.


Vintage Dishes

Vintage  Pyrex
I don't know where my initial obcession with vintage dishes came from. I do know they have a special look and value that I cannot get enough of. I do not have a kitchen of my own, however, one day I will and it will be filled with many dishes to be used.



Yard Sales

Yard Sale

Yard sales are one of my favorite things. I love being able to look through what others might find as trash and claim them as my new treasures. Going to yard sales is like an adventure, you never know what you are going to find and what great deal might be around the next corner. It is a bit saddening when winter comes around and the weather is no longer appropriate to have yard sales. I keep an eye out for vintage items, items to be recreated as artwork and other odds and ends.



SewingI have four sewing machines in my craft room. All but one of them are in working condition. I think my fondness of sweing and sweing machines links my liking to vintage items. Sewing to me is an art. I am not a master by all means, but I strive to better my skills. I look forward to completing school so I can have more time to deadicate to this hobby.




Running/ Fitness



I really enjoy staying active through running and working out. I am an early morning riser and get to the gym before starting my day. I started to run when I joined the cross counrty and track team in high school. When the weather is nice and the sun is out earlier, I enjoy running in the great outdoors. Nothing makes me feel better than workingout!




I have a great family. I love having so many cousins. The picture only has one side of my family and might even be missing a few members. It is great to be able to have so many cousins and other relatives to hang out with and celebrate events throughout the year. My siblings are also great and I love that I am one of four and not an only child. Being part of a big family always keeps thinigs interesting and eventful!





There are times where curling up on the couch with a bowl of kettle popcorn and a blanket to watch a movie is the best plan for the night. These are the times where one can wind down and enjoy the value of someone else's work. I enjoy many different types of movies from comedy to musical. I must say one of my favorite movies is a musical, "Newsies".