Welcome to the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs!
The Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs serves as the Chief Academic Officer of the University and is primarily responsible for promoting the academic and scholarly environment of the campus, while supporting its faculty, staff and students.
Working in collaboration with the academic deans, faculty, and staff as well as the Southern Illinois University President's Office, Board of Trustees and the Illinois Board of Higher Education, the Provost is responsible for strategic academic program and budget planning, policy development and review, program assessment, faculty and student development.
The Office of the Provost provides easy access to relevant academic affairs information, accreditation, policies and procedures as well as current academic programs of particular interest. I sincerely hope that upon review, you will gain an appreciation of the substantive commitment of our faculty to each of our students in the pursuit of academic excellence. This commitment is a defining characteristic of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.