SIUE Threat Assessment Policy - 2C12 & 3C13
Policy Statement
The University (SIUE) is committed to the health and safety of its students, faculty, staff, program participants, and visitors.
The University will take prompt and reasonable actions to provide an environment free from acts or threats of violence and other dangerous or threatening behavior. All faculty, staff, students, program participants, visitors, and other third parties have a stake in keeping the University safe and as such, share the responsibility for reporting threats or acts of violence and other dangerous or threatening behavior experienced or witnessed.
Pursuant to the Illinois Campus Security Enhancement Act (110 ILCS 12/1 et. seq.) (“the Act”), the University has developed a Threat Assessment Team, referred to as the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT). The BIT and its members are required to adhere to all University, local, State and Federal statutes, including the Illinois Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act (740 ILCS 110/1 et. seq.), FERPA, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), among other State and Federal laws. Pursuant to the Act, the University has also developed a Campus Violence Prevention Plan (CVPP) and a Campus Violence Prevention Committee, to aid in ongoing violence prevention measures. The current CVPP may be found here.
The BIT provides a proactive systematic response to identified members of our University community whose behavior is of concern, in order to support success and assist in protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the students and members of the University community.
The charge of the BIT is to coordinate the resources of the University to address the needs of individuals in the University community who are displaying disruptive or concerning behaviors in order to recommend collaborative and purposeful interventions aimed at helping individuals achieve the most successful outcomes possible. When necessary, this includes assessing and addressing behaviors for which there are concerns of potential threats of violence or other harm.
The BIT process is also designed to provide members of the University community, who have concerns regarding a person’s behavior, with a centralized, easily accessible avenue to report these concerns. Following a referral or information submission, BIT will, when appropriate, identify referral recommendation options to the individual, with the ultimate goals being health, safety, success, and retention.
The SIUE Threat Assessment Policy applies to all Southern Illinois University Edwardsville premises, University-sponsored functions, and in online and hybrid courses connected to SIUE, including off-campus and the internet, to protect the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
To implement this Policy within the defined scope, the University has established a multi-disciplinary threat assessment team, referred to as the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT). The BIT is co-chaired by the Chief of Police (or their designee) and the Dean of Students (or their designee). The BIT includes trained personnel representing Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, SIUE Police Department, Office of Equal Opportunity, Access and Title IX Coordination, Office of General Counsel, Office of Human Resources, Counseling Services, University Housing, and representatives from the Edwardsville campus, the SIU School of Dental Medicine in Alton, and the SIUE East St. Louis Center. BIT members may also consult with other appropriate parties as needed. The BIT and its subdivisions are responsible for conducting threat assessments and addressing concerning, dangerous, or threatening behavior that could impact the University.
All members of the University community are required to cooperate with requests from the BIT relative to successfully monitoring any potentially dangerous or threatening behavior and responding to acts or threats of violence on University premises.
When an active threat is identified, the BIT has the authority to impose interim administrative measures intended to ensure the safety of the University community. When the potential for a threat is identified, the BIT will work in collaboration with University partners to recommend appropriate sanctions or corrective actions. This includes interim administrative measures that may limit access to educational, living, or work environments, where necessary, to protect the University from potential injury or harm. Such decisions are made in full consideration of a formal threat assessment process. The BIT may make referrals to the appropriate processes and parties for long-term outcomes, including but not limited to, removal from the premises, exclusion from the premises, criminal prosecution, corrective and/or disciplinary action, suspension and/or expulsion, and/or employee discipline up to and including separation, in accordance with relevant University policies and procedures.
The BIT is responsible for reporting imminent threats and clear and present dangers as required under State and Federal law.
BIT members will have access to information reported to, or gathered by, the University. Other individuals may also have access to this information to the extent that it is necessary for the University to fulfill its violence prevention and response obligations and promote the University community's safety. Confidentiality and privacy interests will be protected as required by law.
What to Report
The following guidance is intended to help members of the University community identify observable behaviors or circumstances that indicate someone needs assistance, is at risk of disrupting the educational environment, or may pose a risk of violence. It is not always possible to know the significance of any single behavior taken out of context. The BIT relies upon the active participation of our community in recognizing and reporting concerning and threatening behaviors or other indicators that show an individual may be on a pathway to violence.
- Violent behaviors that create a reasonable fear of physical harm, including aggressive acts and/or violent preoccupation (e.g., violent fantasies, writings, etc. that are inconsistent within a given context or classroom assignment)
- Physical attack
- Domestic/relationship violence
- Sexual assault
- Intimidation
- Property damage, particularly if driven by anger or heightened emotions
- Threats
- Unwanted pursuit or contact (stalking)/harassment
- Fixation (increasing unhealthy preoccupation) on a person or cause, particularly if accompanied by heightened angry emotions
- Presence of protective orders (“no contact” directives or “restraining orders”)
- Troubling preoccupation with weapons; and/or presence of a weapon on campus
- Suicidal/homicidal thoughts, plans, or intent
- Paranoia or other psychological distress, particularly if accompanied by agitation or impulsivity
- Inappropriate outbursts or belligerence
- Substance abuse, particularly if accompanied by violence or other misconduct
These examples are not all-inclusive, and this information is not intended to be used as a checklist. Individuals who are concerned that another person may pose a risk of violence should contact the BIT even if they cannot identify specific risk factors. The BIT will use information it receives in fact-based processes to evaluate reported behaviors and in development of specific response action plans.
Reporting Procedures
Any individual who observes behavior that they believe may pose an imminent threat to safety, security, or health should call 911 immediately.
If the conduct does not pose an imminent threat to safety, security, or health, the individual should report the concern(s) to the BIT utilizing the Care and Concern Referral Form.
Related University Policies:
Policies & Procedures - Student Rights and Conduct - Student Code of Conduct - 3C1 (siue.edu)
Policies & Procedures - Miscellaneous - Workplace Violence Policies and Procedures - 2C6 (siue.edu)
Policies & Procedures - Miscellaneous - Firearms Policy - 2C10 (siue.edu)
Policies & Procedures - Miscellaneous - Clear and Present Danger Reporting Policy - 2C11 (siue.edu)
Approved by Chancellor effective 11/4/24.
This policy was issued on November 12, 2024, replacing the June 27, 2014 version.
Document References: 2C12 & 3C13
Origin: OC 4/30/14; OC 11/4/24