Walter Siganga, PhD
Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Director of Continuing Education
Phone: 618-650-5135
Fax: 618-650-5145
E-mail: wsigang@siue.edu
Pharmacy Administration
B.S. Pharmacy, 1984, Howard University
M.S. Pharmaceutical Administration, 1986, Ohio State University
Ph.D. Pharmacy Administration, 1991, University of Maryland Baltimore
Research: Pharmacy Administration
As a pharmacy practitioner, I realized that there were many problems unrelated to the medication product that affected patient outcomes. This appreciation led me to begin focusing my attention on investigating aspects of health delivery that dealt with the social, economic and functional aspects of pharmacy. In my academic career, my research focus has been in the areas of patient communication, health disparities, disease state management, pharmacoeconomics and outcomes, and health education.
My interest in disease state management research is focused on asthma, diabetes and osteoporosis and relates to physician and patient behavior in terms of compliance with treatment regimens. The research has focused on patients who are poorly controlled and has also investigated the efforts of physicians who serve these patients.
Another area of research has been in health communications with patients in underserved area. This falls into the area of outcomes research since the principle purpose of the research is to recommend strategies that would improve these outcomes. This research is an extension of my dissertation which looked specifically at pharmacists' intentions to provide medication counseling.
Representative Publications
Pinto S, Lively BT, Siganga W, Holiday-Goodman M, Kamm G. Using the Health Belief Model to test factors affecting patient retention in diabetes-related pharmaceutical care services. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2006; 2: 38-58.
Hicks C, Siganga W, Shah B. Enhancing Pharmacy Student Business Management Skills by Collaborating With Pharmacy Managers to Implement Pharmaceutical Care Services. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2004; 68 (4): Article 94.
Siganga W, Dastani HB. An Overview of Four Non-Pharmacological Alternative Medicine Modalities. Journal of Pharmacy Technology. 2002; 18(4): 171-177.
Siganga W, Huynh TC. Barriers to the Use of Pharmacy Services: The Case of Ethnic Populations. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. 1997; NS37(3): 335-40.