Kelly Gable, Pharm.D., BCPP, FAAPP
Professor, Pharmacy Practice
Director of Well-being and Resilience
E-mail: kgable@siue.edu
Appointment: https://calendly.com/kgable
Dr. Kelly Gable is professor in the department of pharmacy practice and director of well-being and resilience at SIUE School of Pharmacy. She joined SIUE from the University of Maryland, School of Pharmacy in 2007. Dr. Gable is a graduate of the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, and subsequently completed a specialty residency in psychiatric pharmacy practice at the University of Southern California. Her clinical areas of focus include expanding mental health care access within low-income communities and enhancing harm reduction, trauma-informed care, Motivational Interviewing, and suicide prevention strategies within healthcare. She is committed to promoting well-being within pharmacy education and challenging future pharmacists to embrace patient-centered care, as an integral part of the healthcare team.
2019: Mental Health First Aid Certified Trainer
2019: St. Louis Arcus Awards Finalist for iCARE Suicide Prevention Program
2017: SIUE Friends of Student Affairs Award
2016: Member of Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT)
2014: Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award
2014: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) Teaching Excellence Award
2013: Outstanding Teacher Award, SLU School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
2013: Preceptor of the Year, SIUE School of Pharmacy
2011: Humanitarian Award, SIUE Department of Social Work
2009: Service Person of the Year, Community Alternatives, St. Louis, MO
2007: New Preceptor of the Year, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
2006: Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist (BCPP)
2005: Psychiatric Pharmacy Practice Residency, University of Southern California School of Pharmacy
2004: Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy
2002: Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy
Clinical Experience
- Family Care Health Centers, St. Louis, MO- Psychiatric Care Provider: 2016 – present
- Places for People, St. Louis, MO- ACT Psychiatric Care Provider: 2011 – 2016
- Community Alternatives, St. Louis, MO- ACT Psychiatric Clinical Pharmacist: 2007 – 2011
- Spring Grove Hospital Center, Catonsville, MD- Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator: 2005 – 2007
Dr. Gable’s current clinical appointment is with a federally qualified health center in St. Louis, where she works collaboratively as part of a behavioral health team, focused on the integration of primary and behavioral health care. Dr. Gable is the first psychiatric clinical pharmacist to be recognized as a provider by the Missouri Department of Mental Health. After spending years working as a psychiatric care provider on Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams at Places for People, she now serves as an ACT team consultant, focused on psychiatric medication management for individuals with serious mental illnesses. She also serves as a consultant for the Missouri State Opioid Response (SOR) project and for Sparlin Mental Health, where she trains clinicians in Motivational Interviewing throughout the St. Louis region.
Representative Publications and Presentations
ProCE: Opioid Stewardship® A Certificate Program for Healthcare Professionals, Motivational Interviewing (ACPE UAN: 0221-9999-20-176-H08-P, 3.0 contact hours, Released- April 2020.
Gable KN. McKee J. Mental Health First Aid for the Pharmacy. APhA 4-hour training program. Advisory board member and author. Released- January 2020.
“The Intersection of Pain, Mental Health, and Substance Use: Best Practices in Collaborative Care.” Gable KN, Herndon C. APhA/BCACP Recertification Program, Released- December 2019.
“Opioid Use Disorder: Treatment and Recovery Options.” A ProCE Opioid Stewardship Education Module. Center for Specialty Pharmacy Education. Released- November 2019.
“From Prevention to Crisis: Addressing Student Mental Health Every Step of the Way.” Anksorus H., Gable K, Frick A, Harris S, Wernoski C. AACP 2019 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 14, 2019.
Gable KN. Starting the conversation about depression and suicide prevention. Pharmacy Today. Feb 2019.
“Community Wellness through Depression Recovery,” APhA 2019 Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, March 24, 2019.
Role of the Pharmacist in the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder.” Missouri Coalition for Community Behavioral Healthcare. Live Webinar, December 3, 2019.
Advanced Practice Pharmacist Certificate in Comprehensive Medication Management Program: Motivational Interviewing. University of Southern California School of Pharmacy, January 21, 2018.
Gable, K., Tiemeier,A., Gattas N, Green L, Wood C, Duello A., Sethi R., and Winograd R. The Opioid Crisis in Missouri: What We Should Know and Do about Addiction Treatment and the Prevention of Fatal Overdose. Missouri Pharmacist. Jan/March 2018, Vol 92.
Dopheide JA, Bostwick J, Goldstone L, Thomas K, Nemire R, Gable KN, Cates M, Caballero J, Smith T, and Bainbridge J. Curriculum in Psychiatry and Neurology for Pharmacy Programs. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (AJPE). Vol 81, Iss. 7 (2017).
D’Arrigo T. (article written about Gable). Challenging Stigma in Mental Health Care: The Power of Compassion in Your Community. Pharmacy Today. June 2017.
“Missouri Community Pharmacy: Opioid Overdose Reversal Training. Missouri Board of Pharmacy, Released- September 2017.
“Suicide Prevention for the Pharmacist.” Keynote Presentation: IPhA-MPA Annual Meeting. St. Louis, Missouri. September 9, 2017.
Gable, KN. Personality Disorders and Eating Disorders. In: Haight RJ, et al. CPNP Psychiatric Pharmacotherapy Review Course. 2016-2017 ed. Lincoln (NE): College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists; 2016.
“The How-Tos of Developing Collaborations to Improve Care, Access, and Reimbursement: Leveraging and Securing Provider Status.” CPNP Pre-Meeting Workshop. Colorado Springs, CO. April 18, 2016.
Gable, KN. Opioids – Addiction, Overdose Prevention, and Patient Education. Power-Pak C.E. Postgraduate Healthcare Education, LLC, published June 6, 2016.
Patient Communication for Pharmacy Professionals: A Case-Study Approach Focusing on Theory and Practice. Chapter 4: Motivational Interviewing. Jones, Bartlett Learning, Massachusetts. December 2015.
“Interprofessional Collaboration and Education in Community Mental Health,” American Psychiatric Association (APA), Institute on Psychiatric Services Annual Meeting. San Francisco, November 1, 2014.
“Motivational Interviewing for the Psychiatric Pharmacist,” College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (CPNP) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. April 27, 2014.
Hunt, K., Gable, KN. Prevalence of Depression and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Traits among Pharmacy Students. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. Sept 2013.
Gable KN, Muhlstadt K, Celio MA, A Mental Health Elective to Improve Pharmacy Students’ Perspectives on Mental Illness. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. Vol 75, Issue 2, March 2011.
Gable KN, Stunson MJ. Clinical Pharmacist Interventions on an Assertive Community Treatment Team. Community Mental Health Journal. October 2009.