Maithili Deshpande, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Pharmacy
Phone: 217-545-4429 or 618-650-5178
Dr. Maithili Deshpande is an assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice, with a focus on outcomes research. She received her Ph.D. in social and administrative sciences in pharmacy from University of Wisconsin-Madison. She holds an M.S. degree from the University of Toledo (pharmacy administration), and B.S. (pharmacy) from the University of Pune, India. Before joining SIUE, she was a clinical analyst at Dean Health System in Madison, Wis. Her research interests include health outcomes and disparities research focused on minority, rural and late-midlife populations. She also is interested in assessing patient perception of pharmacist-offered services and patient satisfaction with care providers. Her practice site is in Springfield, Ill., where she works closely with faculty and staff at SIU School of Medicine, Center for Clinical Research. She holds an adjunct appointment with the Department of Internal Medicine at SIU School of Medicine.
Peer-reviewed publications
Deshpande M, Chewning BA, Mott DA, Thorpe JM, Young HN. Asthma medication use among U.S. adults 18 and older. Res Social Adm Pharm. March 1 2014: In press.
Deshpande M, Schauer J, Mott DA, Young HN, Cory P. Parents’ perceptions of pharmacists as providers of influenza vaccine to children. J Am Pharm Assoc, 2013;53:488-495.
Thorpe CT, Fahey LE, Johnson H, Deshpande M, Thorpe JM, Fisher EB. Facilitating healthy coping in patients with diabetes: A systematic review. The Diabetes Educator, 2013; 39(1): 35-54.
Vyawahare NS, Nikam AP, Sharma RG, Deshpande MM, Tarnalli AD, Bodhankar SL. Effects of Clitoria ternatea extract on radial arm maze task performance and central cholinergic activity in rats. Journal of cell and tissue research, 2007; 7(1), 949-952.
Professional Presentations
Podium presentations
Parents’ attitudes about pharmacists providing flu shot services to children. Midwest-Social and Administrative Sciences Conference, 2012, Madison, Wisc.
Disparities in access to asthma medications in U.S. Adults aged 50-64 compared to adults 65 and older. APHA Annual Conference 2010, Denver, Colo,
Poster presentations
Parents’ attitudes about pharmacists providing flu shot services to children. American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, 2013, Los Angeles, Calif. (Encore).
Rural-Urban disparities in use of asthma medications in U.S. Adults aged 50-64. APHA Annual Conference 2012, San Francisco, Calif.
Medication utilization and adherence patterns among Toledo/ LucasCounty CareNet patients. OPA Annual Conference 2009, Columbus, Ohio.
Physician gender and prescribing patterns. APhA Annual Conference 2009, San Antonio, Texas.
Gender differences in physician prescribing behavior. Midwest Conference 2008, Chicago, Ill.
Racial differences in asthma-related emergency department visits: a path analysis approach. Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, 2015, Minneapolis, MN
Asthma medication use among rural U.S. adults 18 and older. American Public Health Association Annual Conference, 2014, New Orleans, LA.