Monday 02-20-23 to Sunday 02-26-23

Check out all the places to be at the "e"

Goshen Showcase Auditions
Leadership Seminar
Cougar Kids Saturday
Tandem Board Game Gathering
Black Heritage Month
Fresh Check Day
MAVRC Book Club
Frankie Muse Freeman: A Play
Want more info?
Submit an Announcement

Goshen Showcase Auditions

Goshen Showcase Auditions
Wednesday, February 22
11:00 AM - 1:00PM
Willow Room in MUC

Open auditions. For more information, click here.

Sponsored by Campus Activities Board

Leadership Seminar

Leadership Seminar-Leading as an Introvert
Wednesday, February 22
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Magnolia Room in MUC

Leadership Seminars are focuse based seminars that provide leaders of different backgrounds with tips and tricks that help develop the student experience. Our first seminar of the semester is Leading as an Introvert. With this first seminar, we hope to engage and challenge the ways of thinking on how we view leadership and offer tips to those who identify as introvert in their Leadership development. Register here!

Sponsored by Leadership Program in Kimmel Student Involvement Center

Cougar Kids Saturday

Cougar Kids Saturday - Ice cream science
Saturday, February 25
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Goshen Lounge

All ages will enjoy an afternoon of ice cream! Learn how to make an ice cream craft, plan an ice cream Sunday, follow a recipe, and make ice cream at home! Non-dairy milks will be offered. Reserve here! 

Hosted by Campus Activities Board

Tandem Board Game Gathering

Tandem Board Game Gathering
Tuesday, February 21
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Foreign Language Department Collaborative Space (Peck Hall 2nd floor)

Practice your conversational foreign language skills while playing games! No second language is required to join.

Sponsered by Tandem Conversation/ Foreign Language Dept

Black Heritage Month

Walls of Respect Documentary Screening
Tuesday, February 21
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
MUC Ballroom

African Banquet
Saturday, February 25
5:00 PM
MUC Ballroom

The Black Print: Fashion Show
Saturday, February 25
6:00 PM
MUC Ballroom

Sponsored by the Hub, Campus Activities Board, African student Association and SIUE Black Girls Rock

Fresh Check Day

Fresh Check Day
Wednesday, February 22
10:00 AM - 2:00PM
Goshen Lounge

This event is a fun mental health awareness program where attendees stop at booths to learn about multiple topics related to well-being and mental health. Start at the registration table and visit at least 10 booths to be eligible for prizes through random drawing. No cost to attend.

Sponsored by Counseling Services and other departments and student organizations

MAVRC Book Club

MAVRC Book Club February Meeting
Thursday, February 23
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Virtual via Zoom
Register Here!

This year during the spring and fall semester, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) will be honoring the 75th anniversary of military integration through the passage of the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act of 1948 and President Harry S. Truman signing of Executive Order 9981, one of the first official orders to initiate racial desegregation in the United States Armed Forces. To learn about this history, the month of February, Military and Veteran Service’s MAVRC Book Club will be reading The Double V: How Wars, Protest, and Harry Truman Desegregated America’s Military by Rawn James, Jr. (Bloomsbury Press, 2013). 

Sponsored by Military and Veteran Services

Frankie Muse Freeman: A Play

Frankie Muse Freeman: A Play
Thrusday, February 23
1:00 PM
Lovejoy Library, Abbott Auditorium

Frankie Muse Freeman is a play celebrating the work and life of pioneering Civil Rights attorney Frankie Muse Freeman told through the perspective of her daughter. Freeman is described as one of the greatest women of our time by Stanford University. The play will be presented by the St. Louis Black Rep. The St. Louis Black Rep is one of the largest non-profit, professional African-American theater companies in the nation. Please join us in the library to learn about Freeman as we celebrate Black History Month.

Sponsored by Lovejoy Library/Library and Information Services

Want more info?

For these events and so many more, check out Get Involved page and SIUE Calendar of Events.
To learn about and/or join organizations, check here!
If you're looking for volunteer and service opportunities, check out Community Engagement here!

Submit an Announcement

If you would like to submit an event to be listed in Places to be at the E, please use this form.  Announcements must be submitted two weeks in advance!  If you have any questions, please email Cathy Tu.