Monday 11-28-22 to Sunday 12-4-22

Check out all the places to be at the "e"

Cougar Karaoke
Blood Drive
Book Talk and Signing
Christmas Karaoke
Christmas Mixer
MUC Text Club
Want more info?
Submit an Announcement

Cougar Karaoke

Cougar Karaoke
Tuesday, November 29
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Goshen Lounge, MUC

At Cougar Karaoke, everyone is a star! Sign up to sing for everyone in the Goshen Lounge of the MUC from 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm on November 29th.

Sponsored by Campus Activities Board

Blood Drive

Red Cross Blood Drive
Wednesday, November 30
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Mississippi, Illinois Room in MUC
Sign up here!

Blood donations help save lives and are a great way for young adults to give back to the community. Click here for General Guidelines for blood donation.

Sponsored by the Community Engagement Team at Kimmel Student Involvement Center

Book Talk and Signing

Book Talk and Signing By Dr. Angel Jones
Tuesday, November 29
4:00 PM
Missouri Room, MUC

Join the Inclusive Excellence, Education and Development Hub as we host Dr. Angel Jones, Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning as she speaks with attendees about her recently published book, Street Scholar and signs copies for attendees. Bring your own copies or purchase books at the event. Dr. Angel Jones is an educator, activist, and critical race scholar. Her research focuses on the impact of racism on the mental health of Black students at historically White institutions. Her areas of expertise include racial microaggressions, Racial Battle Fatigue, and gendered-racism. This event is approved for the SIU System ADEI Leadership Certificate.

Sponsored by Inclusive Excellence, Education and Development Hub

Christmas Karaoke

Christmas Karaoke
Thursday, December 1
6:00 PM
Goshen Lounge

Come one, come all! Show your Christmas spirit and sing festive songs with the gospel choir and BSU! See you there!

Hosted by SIUE Gospel Choir

Christmas Mixer

Christmas Mixer
Saturday, December 3
Woodland MFR
12:00 PM

Calling all nursing majors! Want to mix and mingle with SON faculty/staff all while eating Christmas cookies? Then you don’t want miss this event!

Hosted by Student Nurse Achievement Program

MUC Text Club

Text “SIUEstudent,” “SIUEstaff,” “SIUEalumni,” or “MUC” to 618-228-4980 to receive :
Reminders and announcements on MUC events and happenings
Updates on sales and promotions at The Cougar Store
Dining Services specials

Want more info?

For these events and so many more, check out Get Involved page and SIUE Calendar of Events.
To learn about and/or join organizations, check here!
If you're looking for volunteer and service opportunities, check out Community Engagement here!

Submit an Announcement

If you would like to submit an event to be listed in Places to be at the E, please use this form.  Announcements must be submitted two weeks in advance!  If you have any questions, please email Cathy Tu.