Monday 09-12-22 to Sunday 09-18-22

Check out all the places to be at the "e"

Blood Drive
Service Saturdays
Sponsor A Shelf
Career Fair Crash Course
MUC Text Club
Want more info?
Submit an Announcement

Blood Drive

Red Cross Blood Drive
Wednesday, September 14 and Thursday, September 15
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Mississippi, Illinois Room in MUC
Sign up here! 

Blood donations help save lives and are a great way for young adults to give back to the community. Click here for General Guidelines for blood donation. 

Sponsored by the Community Engagement Team at Kimmel Student Involvement Center

Service Saturdays

Service Saturdays
Saturday, September 17
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Willoughby Farms(meet in Lot B at 8:30am)

No experience is necessary; staff at the farm will provide you with all the information and guidance you need. Participants need to wear suitable clothing and sturdy shoes. Attendance is free, however advanced registration is required. To see more info and RSVP, click here!

Sponsored by Community Engagement Team at Kimmel Studnet Involvement Center

Sponsor A Shelf

Sponsor A Shelf in Cugar Cupboard
Now and ongoing

The Cougar Cupboard is seeking help from you and your organization to keep the shelves stocked this semester.  By sponsoring a shelf, your organization name will be listed in the cupboard for the whole semester along with a QR code to your website, social media, or any special link you would like to share!  The minimum contribution is either a $250 donation/semester (you can split this payment up) or host at least one food drive and donate 100+ pounds of that sponsored item.  To sponsor a shelf, please reach out to

Hosted by the Community Engagement Team at Kimmel Student Involvement Center

Career Fair Crash Course

Virtual Career Fair Crash Course
Thursday, September 15
3:00 PM -4:00PM

Does the career fair seem overwhelming to you? Attend this live virtual workshop to make the most of the upcoming career fair. Hear tips on what to do before, during, and after the career fair. Reserve your spot today through your Cougar Jobline by clicking on Events - Virtual Career Fair Crash Course - +. Register or you can call the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708. Spots are limited!

Hosted by Career Development Center

MUC Text Club

Text “SIUEstudent,” “SIUEstaff,” “SIUEalumni,” or “MUC” to 618-228-4980 to receive :
Updates on sales at the cougar store
Weekly trivia contests with prizes, Dining updates
Reminders and announcements of events happening on campus
“Fast Pass” opportunities for give-always in the MUC


Want more info?

For these events and so many more, check out Get Involved page and SIUE Calendar of Events.
To learn about and/or join organizations, check here!
If you're looking for volunteer and service opportunities, check out Community Engagement here!

Submit an Announcement

If you would like to submit an event to be listed in Places to be at the E, please use this form.  Announcements must be submitted two weeks in advance!  If you have any questions, please email Cathy Tu.