Monday 10-4-21 to Sunday 10-10-21

Check out all the places to be at the "e"

Voter Education Week
Allyship: A Title Bestowed
Edwardsville Book Festival
Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month
Food Recovery Network
Safe Zone Student Ally Training
Edwardsville Halloween Parade
Want more info?
Submit an Announcement

Voter Education Week

Monday, October 4
10:00 AM - 12:00 noon
MUC, Goshen Lounge
(Cookies and buttons available)

Wednesday, October 6
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
MUC, Goshen Lounge
(Candy, popcorn, t-shirts available)

Friday, October 8
10:00 AM - 12:00 noon
Cougar Statue, outside MUC

Join the Community Engagement Team this week to learn more about voting and celebrate the 26th Amendment!  Let's talk about voting more than once every four years!  We are here to answer your questions and get you connected to resources so that when the time comes, you're prepared to vote confidently on the issues and candidates that matter to you!

Allyship: A Title Bestowed

Tuesday, October 5
IMPACT Academy Workshop - "Allyship: A Title Bestowed"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Zoom (confirmed registrants will be emailed a Zoom link to attend)

Being an ally is not a distinction one claims, but is a title bestowed by the individuals of disadvantaged groups. In this 90-minute workshop, co-facilitators Timothy Lewis and Liz Stygar will unpack true allyship and why allied actions are important in creating an inclusive campus. This is a Training Session, not a webinar; participation is capped at 40, and attendees are expected to be fully engaged with cameras on. Register here!


Leadership Logo

Wednesday, October 6
Patch Adams and Leadership
6:30 PM
MUC, Willow Room

Discuss leadership and mental health through video clips from the classic Robin Williams movie, Patch Adams. No RSVP required.

Co-sponsored by the Student Leadership Council, Student Nurse Association, and Pre-Health Hub.

LEAD Program
Enrollment is rolling, so you can sign up at any time!  LEAD is a personalized, self-paced experience designed to challenge students on 9 competencies of leadership through hands-on learning, meaningful reflection, and relationship building. Students who complete the program in its entirety will walk away with a portfolio they can send to future employers and a medallion to wear at commencement.
Enroll here!

Follow us on Instagram: @SIUELead
Have more questions about Leadership at SIUE? Email

Edwardsville Book Festival

Saturday, October 9
Edwardsville Book Festival
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
City Park, Edwardsville

A day of book-related fun at the City Park in Edwardsville! There will be crafts, activities for kids, food and beverages, and local authors and book sales.

(Rescheduled from Sept. 4)

Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month

Esperanza: A Celebration of Hispanic Heritage and Hope

Join the Inclusive Excellence, Education and Development Hub (The Hub) and their partners for a variety of programming for Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month.  Programming is offered in a variety of formats, including in-person, virtual, and hybrid events.   Click here for a full listing of events!

Contact The Hub with any questions about these programs at 618-650-3180 or  

Food Recovery Network

Food Recovery Network at SIUE is a campus partner through The Food Recovery Network, a national organization with a goal to cultivate leaders to develop a national network of local solutions to the problem of hunger in our country.  Food Recovery Network at SIUE will recover food from cafeterias, grocery stores, and restaurants, and engage students as volunteers who prepare and deliver meals to the community.

Throughout the semester, the Food Recovery Network will have two (2) available shifts on Tuesdays.  

  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Visit GetInvolved to learn more info and fill out a volunteer application, or email!  

Safe Zone Student Ally Training

Wednesday, October 20
Safe Zone Student Ally Training
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Evergreen Multi-Function Room

The SIUE Safe Zone committee is hosting an ally training exclusively for students. Learn more about how to be a better advocate and ally for the LGBTQIA+ community at SIUE. Registration is limited to 40, so sign up today using this link.

Edwardsville Halloween Parade

Parade info with QR registration code

Sunday, October 31
Edwardsville Halloween Parade
6:30 PM
Downtown Edwardsville

SIUE Student Government is encouraging student organizations to consider entering to participate in the annual Edwardsville Halloween Parade! Organizations can create a float, drive a convertible or truck, or just walk and hand out candy to the thousands that come each year! We hope you consider joining us for this fun tradition. Scan the QR code to register! Registration must be postmarked by Tuesday, October 12. There is an entry fee for this event.

Want more info?

Check out these events and so many more on the calendar here!

To learn about and/or join organizations, check the GetInvolved page here!

Submit an Announcement

If you would like to submit an event to be listed in Places to be at the E, please use this form.  Announcements must be submitted two weeks in advance!  If you have any questions, please email Adana Robinson.