Woodland Hall Newsletter

This Week in Woodland Hall

Attend Study Tables! Win Prizes!
Follow @SIUEHousingCommunities on Instagram!
University Housing Announcements
The 2021-2022 Desk Manager application is now open!
Canada Geese Nesting Season
COVID Self-Reporting Reminder
COVID-19 Expectations and Guidelines
Important Housing Information
Laundry Tips and Tricks!
Join Brother-2-Brother!
Around the "e"
Apply to be a CAB Homecoming Chair!
Join Gamma Phi Omega!
Join the SIUE Student Section for all of the Cougar Basketball home games!
Tutoring Resource Center
Career Development Center
Health and Safety Tips

Attend Study Tables! Win Prizes!

Study Table Flyer

Follow @SIUEHousingCommunities on Instagram!

University Housing Announcements

Apply for 2021-2022 Housing!

University Housing offers a variety of housing options so you can select the best option for your individual preferences and needs. Returning residents have three living options for fall 2021: Evergreen Hall, Cougar Village Apartments, and the upper-class wing in a residence hall.

All current residents who want to live on campus next year must complete the online Application for Space (siue.edu/housing/apply) and pay the $200 advance payment by February 19, 2021.

Living on-campus is convenient and safe. On-campus residents have the convenience of being close to campus activities, classes, Student Fitness Center, Morris University Center, and access to the Madison County Transit. In addition, on-campus housing is one bill on your student account – no separate utilities and other bills. Cougar Village and Evergreen Hall both have fitness areas, access to full kitchens, and are near the running and biking trails. Make life easy by living on campus.

Take a tour of Cougar Village or Evergreen Hall. Students must register in advance for housing tours. Visit siue.edu/reservemyspace for more information.

Join Area Council! 

Area Council is the representative and programmatic board of your community.  If you’re interested in joining or would like more information, complete the “Area Council Application” in Roompact.

The 2021-2022 Desk Manager application is now open!

The 2021-2022 Desk Manager application is now open!

The DM application can be found online. If you have questions, please contact Domonique Crosby at docrosb@siue.edu or (618) 650‑4627.  

 Desk Manager (DM) Job Functions

  • Provide safety and security for residents
  • Provide excellent quality service to residents and guests
  • Build rapport with residents
  • Educate residents and enforce University Housing policy
  • Serve as a resource for the community
  • Manage administrative tasks: checking in/out guests; issuing and logging parking permits, packages, and keys; maintaining and updating other forms and records


  • Must submit a completed application by the appropriate deadline: Friday, February 19.
  • Must be able to be a DM for the entire 2021-2022 academic year.
  • Must have at least a 2.3 cumulative GPA (DMs are required to maintain a 2.3 GPA).
  • Cannot be graduating before May 2022.
  • Cannot be enrolled in the School of Pharmacy program during the 2021-2022 academic year if a new applicant.
  • Must have lived in University Housing for at least one full semester by the time you would begin as a DM. (summer is counted as a semester)
  • Must be in good financial, academic, and behavioral conduct standing with the University.
  • Submit a completed application by the appropriate deadline: Saturday, February 15.

Canada Geese Nesting Season

It’s Canadian Geese Nesting Season!

Some things to know about the Canadian Goose… 

  • Resident Canadian geese are well-adapted to human dominated landscapes.
  • They nest in a variety of locales – some in very close proximity to people.
  • Goose nests occur near:
    • Sidewalks
    • Entryways of homes and buildings
    • Adjacent to paths and roadways
    • Balconies, porches and rooftops
    • Nesting season occurs as early as late February through mid-may
    • Both birds of the pair attend to the nest
      • A single goose that appears to be “patrolling” an area may indicate that a nest is in the vicinity

The behavior of nesting geese to humans varies tremendously.  Some nesting geese readily flee when approached by humans whereas other geese will stand their ground to defend the nest.  Some geese will actually attack approaching humans by running or flying at them.

Goose behavior during nest defense consists of geese standing erect and/or spreading their wings to make themselves appear larger while loudly hissing.  The defense behavior can be daunting.  Attacking geese will often try to strike their perceived nest predator with their wings and/or will bite.

Here are some helpful tips regarding geese:

  • DO NOT THROW ITEMS AT THEM – they my see this as a threat and attack.
  • Do not be afraid of them.
  • Continue to face them.
  • Never turn your back on them or run away from them.

What to do if you come across aggressive geese:

  • Call UHFM (University Housing Facilities Management) Office at 618-650-2070 to report it.
  • Be specific with date/time/location of incident..
  • If an issue appears to be an emergency and/or someone is injured, call 911 or contact the SIUE Police non-emergency number 618-650-3324.


University Housing will work closely with Facilities Management regarding aggressive geese around housing facilities.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact University Housing Facilities Management at 618-650-2070.

COVID Self-Reporting Reminder

COVID Self-Reporting Form

You should complete this form if you are aware that you:  

Have been tested for COVID-19, with or without symptoms  
Have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been given a diagnosis of presumed positive by a health professional  
Have symptoms, but not yet tested positive 
Have had a CLOSE contact with an individual who has been tested and diagnosed with COVID-19
In alignment with the Centers for Disease Control's definition of CLOSE contact, reporting is necessary if you are someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.

Your identity will not be disclosed to anyone other than SIUE employees responsible for maintaining your health and safety, or Health Department officials as required. You may voluntarily share your information with whomever you choose.

COVID-19 Expectations and Guidelines

  • When you are inside, always wear a face-covering that covers your mouth and nose, except while you are in your own living unit.
  • When you are outside, wear a face-covering anytime you can’t maintain a 6-foot distance between yourself and other people.
  • If you have been around someone who has tested positive or think you have COVID-19 symptoms, please fill out the COVID Self-Reporting Form (https://www.siue.edu/about/announcements/coronavirus/reporting-confirmed-cases/index.shtml).
  • If you are awaiting COVID-19 test results, please quarantine at home or in your living unit until you get the results back and are cleared by Health Services and University Housing.
  • You are strongly encouraged to make any guests that enter your room or apartment wear a face covering at all times and maintain a physical distance of 6 feet when possible.
  • Please wash/sanitize your hands on a regular basis and sanitize any frequently touched surfaces in your living unit and bathroom.
  • Residents are expected to comply with posted occupancy limits for shared common spaces.  A maximum of four persons may occupy a room at any time.  
  • Violations of COVID-19 expectations and guidelines may result in your removal from University Housing.

Important Housing Information

Policies – YOU NEED TO KNOW!

As a resident of the Cougar Village, you are responsible for knowing the information, policies, procedures, and deadlines that are contained in the University Housing Living Guide.  To access the living guide, go to:  http://www.siue.edu/housing/pdf/SIUE-Housing-Guide-Final.pdf

Facilities Issue?  Put in a workorder!

University Housing Facilities Management (UHFM) is the unit assigned to the development and maintenance of University Housing facilities and grounds. UHFM is responsible for repairing housing units, care of the grounds surrounding housing facilities, performs snow removal, maintains the cleanliness of common areas and offices in University Housing buildings, oversees pest control and much more.

In the event of any building or grounds related issues, Students need to initiate the repair by submitting a Maintenance Request to University Housing Facilities Management (UHFM). UHFM responds to student-initiated repair requests as a first priority.  To complete a work order, click HERE!!!

Get protected!  Insure yourself and your belongings!

University Housing does not insure the personal property of residents. Residents are strongly encouraged to insure their personal belongings while living in University Housing. Students can look into renter’s insurance or their parent/guardian homeowners’ policy for potential coverage options.

SIUE is Smoke-Free, Tobacco Free, Nicotine Free

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville has implemented the Illinois law that prohibits smoking and all tobacco related products into its policies and procedures. The Smoke Free Campus Act means that there can be no smoking or tobacco products of any kind on any State-owned University property.

To view SIUE’s Smoke-Free Campus Policy, click here.

Visit these sites for more information, Smoking Cessation ProgramAmerican Cancer Society and Centers for Disease Control

Laundry Tips and Tricks!

Join Brother-2-Brother!

Around the "e"

Club Sports are Back Practicing!  Join a Team Today!

Interested in Club Sports? A number of CREC Club Sports teams have begun practicing again, and there may an opportunity for you! Visit https://www.siue.edu/campus-recreation/sports/club/index.shtml for more information and what teams are currently playing.

Apply to be a Cougar Guide!  

Cougar Guides are student leaders who help guide, support, and mentor new students throughout the SIUE Experience. Additionally, they assist with the implementation of activities and sessions that take place during the SIUE program. This position provides the opportunity to interact with SIUE faculty, staff, and students in a leadership role that provides transferable skills that will be valuable no matter where their career path takes them.

To learn more about being a Cougar Guide, attend the virtual information session Wednesday, February 17th at 4 pm. Students should register to attend. This session will be recorded for anyone who cannot make it to the live event. If you’re ready to apply, complete the Cougar Guide Application by March 12th, 2021

If you have any questions, please contact us at studentsfirst@siue.edu 

Little Library Book Drive!

SIUE Legacy, a student leadership group, is asking for book donations from now through February 26th. We are installing a “Little Library” in the children’s area at the SIUE Gardens this spring. We are accepting any appropriate books but are especially looking for children’s books through young adults, local authors, and books including representation.

Drop-Off Locations with Boxes

Kimmel Student Involvement Center- Outside main door

COVID-19 Testing Site- SSC 0200

1st Floor of Rendleman Hall- By the Registrar’s office

Apply to be a CAB Homecoming Chair!

Apply to be a Homecoming Chair!

Do you have school spirit and love to plan events? Then consider applying for the Campus Activities Board Homecoming Chair position. Not only will you gain leadership experience, but you will have the opportunity to meet some amazing people. Complete the application below by March 4th.


Join Gamma Phi Omega!

Join Gamma Phi Omega!

Do you want to get involved, enhance your leadership skills, and make lasting friendships? Consider becoming a swan and joining Gamma Phi Omega, SIUE’s Latina-oriented sorority. Attend a virtual informational meeting on Thursday, February 18 at 2:30 pm or Monday, February 22 at 4:30 pm. https://siue.zoom.us/j/95432504280

Contact Mayra Ocampo, mocampo@siue.edu, with questions or for more information.

Join the SIUE Student Section for all of the Cougar Basketball home games!

Join the SIUE Student Section for all of the Cougar Basketball home games!

Send an email to jefbail@siue.edu for your confidential link to be a part of the action!

The Student Section will open thirty minutes before game time. 

All members are expected to wear SIUE fan gear and are subject to the same rules and regulations as live game attendance.  Privileges can be revoked by the moderator at any time.  By entering the meeting you give your consent to being on camera.

Tutoring Resource Center

Tutoring Resource Center

For Tutoring Schedules, or to sign up for individual tutoring, please go to www.siue.edu/lss/tutoring-resource-center/

Career Development Center

Career Development Center

The Career Development Center is open for virtual or in-person appointments. You can make your appointment through your Cougar Jobline account or call our office at 618-650-3708. The Career Development Center can help you with your resume, cover letters, job search, LinkedIn accounts, graduate school personal statements/application, mock interviews, and much more. Our office is located on the lower level of the Student Success Center in room 0281. 

Upcoming Spring 2021 Events: 

Virtual Career Fair Crash Course 

Wednesday, February 24 

2:30 – 3:30 p.m. 

Zoom Link on Cougar Jobline  

Does the virtual career fair seem overwhelming to you? Attend this live virtual workshop to make the most of the upcoming virtual career fair. Hear tips on what to do before, during, and after the virtual career fair.  Reserve your spot today through your Cougar Jobline by clicking on Events - Virtual Career Fair Crash Course - +Register, or you can call the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708.  Spots are limited!  

Virtual I.T. Career Fair 

Tuesday, March 2 

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 

All technical majors from both the Schools of Business and Engineering 

Hosted on Premier Virtual Career Fair Platform 

RSVP on Cougar Jobline by clicking Events – the virtual career fair(s) you want to attend - +Register in the top right corner, or you can call the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708.  You will need to upload your resume to Premier Virtual BEFORE the event starts. A list of the attending employers can be viewed under the event by clicking Employers. 

Virtual Spring Career Fair 

Wednesday, March 3 

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 

College of Arts and Science, School of Business, and all non-teaching majors 

Hosted on Premier Virtual Career Fair Platform 

RSVP on Cougar Jobline by clicking Events – the virtual career fair(s) you want to attend - +Register in the top right corner, or you can call the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708.  You will need to upload your resume to Premier Virtual BEFORE the event starts. A list of the attending employers can be viewed under the event by clicking Employers. 

Virtual Engineering Career Fair 

Thursday, March 4 

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 

All Engineering majors 

Hosted on Premier Virtual Career Fair Platform 

RSVP on Cougar Jobline by clicking Events – the virtual career fair(s) you want to attend - +Register in the top right corner, or you can call the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708.  You will need to upload your resume to Premier Virtual BEFORE the event starts. A list of the attending employers can be viewed under the event by clicking Employers. 

Virtual Nursing Career Fair 

Monday, March 15 

11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 

Hosted on Premier Virtual Career Fair Platform 

RSVP on Cougar Jobline by clicking Events – the virtual career fair(s) you want to attend - +Register in the top right corner, or you can call the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708.  You will need to upload your resume to Premier Virtual BEFORE the event starts. A list of the attending employers can be viewed under the event by clicking Employers. 

Virtual Education Career Fair 

Tuesday, March 16 

3:00 – 5:30 p.m. 

Hosted on Premier Virtual Career Fair Platform 

RSVP on Cougar Jobline by clicking Events – the virtual career fair(s) you want to attend - +Register in the top right corner, or you can call the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708.  You will need to upload your resume to Premier Virtual BEFORE the event starts. A list of the attending employers can be viewed under the event by clicking Employers. 

Virtual Mock Interview Prep Workshop 

Wednesday, March 24 

3:00 – 4:00 p.m. 

Zoom Link on Cougar Jobline 

Prepare for your Virtual Mock Interview with this workshop. You will get helpful tips on virtual interviewing, attire, resumes, and more!  Reserve your spot today through your Cougar Jobline by clicking on Events - Virtual Mock Interview Prep Workshop - +Register, or you can call the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708.  Spots are limited! 

Virtual Mock Interview Day 

Tuesday, March 30 

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

Are you ready for your next interview? You can find out by attending a Mock Interview with real recruiters and get instant feedback on your interviewing skills.  The mock interview is 45 minutes, with 30 minutes of interviewing and 15 minutes of feedback.  This is a very popular event, and you will need to RSVP for your time slot!  Gain confidence in your interviewing skills, and call today! RSVP through your Cougar Jobline or call the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708. 


Resume Workshops throughout the semester – Check our website for a full schedule of the workshops.  


RSVP to attend these events through your Cougar Jobline or call our office.  


Career Development Center 


Email: careerdevelopment@siue.edu 

Website: siue.edu/cdc 

Student Cougar Jobline Link: https://siue.12Twenty.com/ 

Health and Safety Tips

Sign up for e-Lert today!

What is e-Lert? SIUE's e-Lert is a text messaging service that will be used to quickly notify faculty, staff and student cell phones when an urgent situation, such as a bomb threat, severe weather, hostile intruder, or when the University closes due to inclement weather. There is no cost to register for the alerts; however, standard rates may apply if your cell phone plan does not include text messaging.

Rave Guardian

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) now offers the Rave Guardian app for its students and their families. Rave Guardian is one of the best ways to not only improve personal safety, but also protect your friends by building a private safety network. This app provides instant communication with friends, family, campus safety, and even 9-1-1.

SIUE encourages all students throughout campus to utilize the app to network with friends and help increase overall safety and security of the entire student body. An important part of the Guardian app is that students can use it not only to keep themselves safe, but to help protect others. Even students who may not feel as if they need others to help keep them safe can utilize the app to be a guardian and help protect their friends.

Download Rave Guardian and Become a Guardian on Your Campus

Download Rave Guardian for Free The app is available for free on the Apple or Google app store.

Use Rave Guardian to Protect Yourself and Others

Set a Safety Time – Notify people you trust to check in on you if are alone or in an unfamiliar place.

Manage and Message Your Guardians – Invite family, friends or others to be your Guardian, and communicate with them within the app as needed.

Easy Emergency Communication – Call safety officials directly for help if you are in trouble and send text tips – including photos – if you see something suspicious.

Rave Guardian is a proven personal safety solution used on campuses across the country. To learn more, visit siue.edu/emergency.