Evergreen Hall Newsletter

This Week in Evergreen Hall

University Housing Announcements
The Family Resource Center is now Hiring for the 2018-2019 School Year!
Goose Safety!
Important Housing Information
Campus Happenings
Safe Zone
Trans*cending Pink and Blue
Career Development Center
Student Success
Indoor Ironman! March 12-April 13
2018 Splash Dash Aquathon - April 21!
Health and Safety Tips

University Housing Announcements

Join the Housing Move In Crew!

Help freshmen move into their space on August 16, 2018. Each volunteer will receive a meal card, a free t-shirt and an opportunity for volunteer hours and SLDP credit. Register online at www.siue.edu/housing/moveincrew.

Vote Now for FIC Resident of the Year

FIC residents will be given a chance to nominate someone from their own FIC that they thought was outstanding this year. The winners from each FIC will be recognized at a celebration on April 25th at 5:30 in the Woodland MFR. 

Those who nominate someone from their FIC will be entered into a drawing for an AMC gift card. 

Evergreen residents can submit a nomination at the front desk, where there will be a box to collect the forms. Voting opens April 1st and closes April 15th!

Come participate with EHAC in a host our building wide Scavenger Hunt, on April 2nd from 5pm-7pm!

We are looking for participants to register in teams of 2, but no more than 4 residents. Don’t have a team, or anyone to sign up with? Well, don’t worry, because EHAC will help you find a team! Registration forms are located at the front desk, and should be turned in no later than Friday, March 30 by 5:00pm! If you have any questions, contact any of your EHAC members! There will be prizes for the winning team!

Join us for Study Tables and Win and Amazon Gift Card!

You asked.  We answered!  Based on your feedback, we are providing study tables.  RAs will staff a quiet place for you to focus on your homework and reading assignments.  Log your attendance each time to earn drawing entries for Amazon gift cards!

Study Tables will be held in the Evergreen Classroom (Room 283) every Monday and Tuesday from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.

The Family Resource Center is now Hiring for the 2018-2019 School Year!

The Family Resource Center is Hiring!

Job ID: 3794

The Family Resource Center (FRC) Staff Member is an autonomous and creative position that is responsible for assisting the Assistant Community Director (ACD) for Family Housing and the FRC Student Manager with management and safety of the FRC children. Responsibilities include general supervision of the children, assisting the children with homework, participating in activities with the children, disciplining the children, creating engaging afterschool programing, and supporting and planning the housing programs facilitated by the FRC.

Qualifications:            Knowledge Required for the Position:

Awareness of the SIUE Housing mission statement. Must be trainable in the areas of communication and teamwork. Must be capable of working with other students. Must have experience working with children and general knowledge of appropriate developmental ranges of children 5-12 years of age. The Family Resource Center Staff Member should be knowledgeable in the use of the internet and e-mail.

Be available for FRC shifts Monday through Friday
(7:00-9:00am & 3:00-6:00pm)

Due to this position's work with children, new hires will need to take a drug test.

Application Instructions: Applications are being accepted until 4:30pm on April 20th. Email a cover letter and resume to Ashley Stegall at astegal@siue.edu.

For more information and the full job posting go to the student employee website below and search “Family Resource Center Staff Member”, “On Campus”, or search by the Job ID “3794”.http://www.siue.edu/studentemployment/

Goose Safety!

It’s Canadian Geese Nesting Season!

Some things to know about the Canada Goose…


  • Resident Canada geese are well-adapted to human dominated landscapes
  • They nest in a variety of locales – some in very close proximity to people
  • Goose nests occur near:
    • Sidewalks
    • Entryways of homes and buildings
    • Adjacent to paths and roadways
    • Balconies, porches and rooftops
    • Nesting season occurs as early as late February through mid-may
    • Both birds of the pair attend to the nest
      • A single goose that appears to be “patrolling” an area may indicate that a nest is in the vicinity

The behavior of nesting geese to humans varies tremendously.  Some nesting geese readily flee when approached by humans whereas other geese will stand their ground to defend the nest.  Some geese will actually attack approaching humans by running or flying at them.

Goose behavior during nest defense consists of geese standing erect and/or spreading their wings to make themselves appear larger while loudly hissing.  The defense behavior can be daunting.  Attacking geese will often try to strike their perceived nest predator with their wings and/or will bite.

Here are some helpful tips regarding geese:

  • DO NOT THROW ITEMS AT THEM – they my see this as a threat and attack
  • Do not be afraid of them
  • Continue to face them
  • Never turn your back on them or run away from them

What to do if you come across aggressive geese:

  • Call UHFM (University Housing Facilities Management) Office at 618-650-2070 to report it
  • Be specific with date/time/location of incident
  • If an issue appears to be an emergency and/or someone is injured, call 911 or contact the SIUE Police non-emergency number 618-650-3324

University Housing will work closely with Facilities Management regarding aggressive geese around housing facilities.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact University Housing Facilities Management at 618-650-2070.

Important Housing Information

Policies – YOU NEED TO KNOW!

As a resident of Evergreen Hall, you are responsible for knowing the information, policies, procedures, and deadlines that are contained in the University Housing Living Guide.  To access the living guide, go to:  http://www.siue.edu/housing/movein/living-guide.shtml

Facilities Issue?  Put in a workorder!

University Housing Facilities Management (UHFM) is the unit assigned to the development and maintenance of University Housing facilities and grounds. UHFM is responsible for repairing housing units, care of the grounds surrounding housing facilities, performs snow removal, maintains the cleanliness of common areas and offices in University Housing buildings, oversees pest control and much more.

In the event of any building or grounds related issues, Students need to initiate the repair by submitting a Maintenance Request to University Housing Facilities Management (UHFM). UHFM responds to student initiated repair requests as a first priority.  To complete a work order, click HERE!!!

Get protected!  Insure yourself and your belongings!

University Housing does not insure the personal property of residents. Residents are strongly encouraged to insure their personal belongings while living in University Housing. Students can look into renter’s insurance or their parent/guardian homeowners’ policy for potential coverage options.

SIUE is Smoke Free, Tobacco Free, Nicotine Free

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville has implemented the Illinois law that prohibits smoking and all tobacco related products into its policies and procedures.

“The Smoke Free Campus Act means that there can be no smoking or tobacco products of any kind on any State-owned University property,” said Vice Chancellor for Administration Kenneth Neher.

To view SIUE’s Smoke Free Campus Policy, click here.

Visit these sites for more information, Smoking Cessation ProgramAmerican Cancer Society and Centers for Disease Control. The Illinois Department of Central Management (CMS) may also offer smoking cessation reimbursement for those that complete an eligible program. Contact CMS at (800) 442-1300 for more details.

Campus Happenings

The De-Stress Lock-In, hosted by the Honors Student Association

 April 20th, 10:30 pm - 2:30 am, at the Student Fitness Center.  There will be Inflatables, Tournaments, Breakfast Food, Video Games, Sports, Crafts, a Photo Booth, Karaoke, and more  It's free and open to all students, as an opportunity to de-stress and have a good time before finals week!

Register Now for Summer Session!

Registration opens March 26 for summer classes. Take advantage of nearly 1,000 summer courses, including more online classes than ever before. Study on campus, or take an online course while working at home.

Summer session is a great way to complete an extra course—saving money by staying on track to graduate. Many summer classes meet for five weeks or less. Benefit from small class sizes, and lighten your fall class load.

If you choose to study on campus, SIUE provides discounted housing rates. Choose from comfortable apartment-style options for the entire summer semester, a five-week session, or May term. 

Register Now!


(618) 650-2080


Service Center on the first floor of Rendleman Hall 

SIUE Counseling Services

Spring Semester

Mindfulness & Meditation Series

Time:  12:00 - 12:50 p.m.

Where:  International Room (2nd Floor - MUC)

Dates:  Thursdays 4/12, 4/26

Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend one or several sessions.  No RSVP is necessary.  For additional information contact Lisa Thompson-Gibson at 280-2842 or lithomp@siue.edu

Safe Zone

SIUE Safe Zone Logo

Spring 2018 Safe Zone Ally Training Session

Safe Zone will be offering Ally Training for students on Friday, April 13th from 1:00-3:00 PM in the Woodland Hall Multi-Function Room. The goal of training is to provide attendees skills and understanding for supporting the LGBTQIA community.  You must pre-register to attend this training.  Space is limited, so sign up now! 

Students register at: Spring 2018 Student Safe Zone Training  

Rainbow Graduation Celebration

Wednesday, April 25, 2018, 4:00PM, Location; TBD

St. Louis PrideFest 2018 - Friday, June 23rd and Saturday, June 24th

Safe Zone will once again have a booth and march in the parade. More information, including volunteer opportunities, will be shared later this semester!

If you have any questions please contact Dr. Shelley Price-Williams at shewill@siue.edu.

Trans*cending Pink and Blue

Career Development Center

Career Development Center

Please stop by and check out the Career Development Center located in the basement of the Student Success Center, room 0281.  We can help you with your resume, cover letters, job search, LinkedIn accounts, graduate school personal statements/application, mock interviews, and much more.

Upcoming Spring 2018 Events:

Mock Interview Day**

April 10th

9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Career Development Center

**Please call to register for these events!
SIUE Career Development Center
Phone: 618-650-3708
Email: careerdevelopment@siue.edu

Student Success

Indoor Ironman! March 12-April 13

2018 Splash Dash Aquathon - April 21!

Health and Safety Tips

It’s time to talk about consent

What is consent?

Consent means granting permission for something to happen or agreeing to do something. Consent is more than a yes or a no. It is an ongoing dialogue about desires, needs, and level of comfort with different sexual interactions. Consent is not a blanket statement. It is specific each time, and all sexual activities require consent. Healthy sexual interactions are rooted in consent and respect.

When sex is consensual, it means everyone involved has agreed to what they are doing and has given their permission. Nonconsensual sex, or sex without someone’s agreement or permission, is sexual assault. Some important things to know about consent:

  • Yes means yes. Consent is not the absence of a no. It is the presence of a clear, affirmative, expression of interest, desire, and wants. The exchange of consent involves all parties. Each person sets their boundaries or shares their desires. Consent is respectful, mutual decision-making.
  • Drugs and alcohol impact decision-making and blur consent. When drugs and alcohol are involved, clear consent cannot be obtained.  An intoxicated person cannot give consent.
  • Consent needs to be clear. Consent is more than not hearing the word “no.” A partner saying nothing is not the same as a partner saying “yes.” Don’t rely on body language, past sexual interactions, or any other nonverbal cues. Never assume you have consent. Always be sure you have consent by asking.
  • Consent can be fun. Consent does not have to be something that “ruins the mood.” In fact, clear and enthusiastic consent can enhance sexual interactions. Not only does it allow one to know that their partner is comfortable with the interaction, it also lets both partners clearly express what they want.
  • Consent is specific. Just because someone consents to one set of actions and activities does not mean consent has been given for other sexual acts. Similarly, if a partner has given consent to sexual activity in the past, this does not apply to current or future interactions. Consent can initially be given and later be withdrawn.

Establishing consent

Remember that sex without consent is sexual assault. When establishing consent, be aware of the following:

  • Ask for consent. Don’t assume a partner is OK with what you want to do. Always ask them. Be direct. If you are unsure that you have their consent, ask again.
  • Communicate. Don’t be afraid to talk about sex and communicate your boundaries, wants, and needs. Encourage your partner to do the same.
  • Make it fun. Consent does not have to be something that interrupts sex; it can be a part of sex. Checking in with your partner throughout sexual experiences can be a great way to build intimacy and understand your partner’s needs. It can help partners create a healthy and satisfying sex life.
  • Drugs and/or alcohol increase risk. Intoxication impairs decision-making and can make it impossible to gain someone’s legal consent. Mixing drugs and/or alcohol with sex also can lead to risky behavior, such as unprotected sex.



Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States. (2004). Life behaviors of a sexually healthy adult. Retrieved from http://faculty.plts.edu/gpence/PS2010/html/LifeBehaviorsofaSexuallyHealthyAdult.pdf.

Need help at the touch of a button? 

Download SIUE Safe, the free Rave Guardian personal safety app that allows you to notify guardians you select if you need assistance.  Guardians can include University Police, your parents or your friends.  For more information, call 618-650-3324

or to download the app, visit raveguardian.com

The SIUE Police Department

(618) 650-3324 (non-emergencies)