Evergreen Hall Newsletter

This Week in Evergreen Hall

Campus Resource Spotlight
University Housing Announcements
Important Housing Information
Campus Happenings
Safe Zone
Trans*cending Pink and Blue
Career Development Center
Volunteers Needed - Spring Career Fair
Athletic Events This Week
Student Success
This Week at Campus Rec!
Health and Safety Tips

Campus Resource Spotlight

Counceling Services Now Offers Online Self-Help!

What is Therapy Assisted Online (TAO) Self Help?

  • TAO is an interactive, dynamic, easy-to-access online program that provides self-guided support and skill-building for anxiety, depression and other common concerns. 
  • TAO is based on well researched and highly effective strategies for helping the above concerns.
  • You can choose to view short & helpful videos, take part in brief exercises, use logs to track moods and progress, and have access to a Mindfulness Library.

Who is eligible for TAO Self Help?

  • All SIUE students are eligible for TAO Self-Help. You just need an SIUE email address.

Benefits of TAO Self Help:

  • You will have access to highly effective therapeutic modules 24/7.
  • You can sign up any time of day or night, and without having to travel to Counseling and and Health Services).
  • Immediate access to helpful information.

Highlights of the modules:

  • Anxiety: relaxation strategies, analyzing thoughts, mindfulness, facing fears, lifestyle factors
  • Depression: traps, problem solving, focusing on thoughts, mindfulness, values, relationships, lifestyle
  • Substance Abuse: making decisions, cravings, social support, lapse and relapses, finances, time management
  • Relationships and Communication: anger, communication styles, problem solving

How do I sign up?

Signing up for TAO Self Help is easy!

  1. Follow this enrollment link: thepath.taoconnect.org
  2. Click “Sign Up in TAO Self-Help” and create an account (using your SIUE email address)

Now, you have the freedom to explore the TAO modules at your leisure and when you have time in your schedule.

For further questions about TAO Self Help, you may contact TAO at support@taoconnect.org.

Counseling Services

Phone: (618) 650-2842
Fax: (618) 650-5839


Room 0220 of the Student Success Center, Lower Level

University Housing Announcements

Interested in Being a Desk Manager?  

The 2018-2019 Desk Manager Application is now open and available online at http://www.siue.edu/housing/about/employment.  If you’re interested in learning more about the DM position, an Information Session will be held on Wednesday, January 24 at 2pm in SSC 1203.  Questions?  Contact Sarah Kirkpatrick at skirkpa@siue.edu.

Choose Live-On.

Reserve your space in University Housing for Fall 2018 and Spring 2019!

Current students can reserve their space on-campus for summer 2018, fall 2018 - spring 2019 during the housing reservation process beginning in January. The online application for space will be available online from January 16 - February 2, 2018. Current residents will have to complete the online application for space and pay the $200 advance payment by February 2, 2018. Current residents should not complete a new student application.

If you have any questions please contact the Central Housing Office at (618) 650‑3931 or housing@siue.edu.


A professor who volunteers to pair up with a residential community. 


The goal is for students to have access to faculty in a more casual environment. These folks can provide valuable perspective on the challenges and opportunities you are experiencing in school and in life.  


Faculty Fellows visit your community when invited by your RA.  You can also reach out to them!


  1. Talk to them when they visit your community.
  2. Invite them to a meal. (Email vdean@siue.edu to cover the costs of their meal!)
  3. Ask them with questions about coursework, graduate school, campus dynamics, etc.
  4. Schedule a coffee chat about serious or personal life situations for safe advice.
  5. Visit their office hours.

Here are the Faculty Fellows for your community:

Chad Huddleston (Anthropology) chhuddl@siue.edu

Eric Ruckh (Honors) eruckh@siue.edu

Jon Klingensmith (Engineering) jokling@siue.edu

Faustina Blankson (Applied Health) fblanks@siue.edu

Food for Thought

Did you know University Housing will pay for you professor’s meal?  Our goal is for you to connect with professors beyond the classroom.  Getting to know your teachers can benefit you in several ways, including

  1. Deeper understanding of course material
  2. Recommendation letters for jobs and graduate school
  3. Opportunities for employment now and in the future

To participate in this option, simply schedule a date and time with your faculty member.  Email Vicky Dean at vdean@siue.edu with your date/time and professor’s name (at least 2 business days in advance).  Vicky will provide a card for you to pick up!  Contact Vicky Dean with any questions you have or to schedule now!

Important Housing Information

Policies – YOU NEED TO KNOW!

As a resident of Evergreen Hall, you are responsible for knowing the information, policies, procedures, and deadlines that are contained in the University Housing Living Guide.  To access the living guide, go to:  http://www.siue.edu/housing/movein/living-guide.shtml

Facilities Issue?  Put in a workorder!

University Housing Facilities Management (UHFM) is the unit assigned to the development and maintenance of University Housing facilities and grounds. UHFM is responsible for repairing housing units, care of the grounds surrounding housing facilities, performs snow removal, maintains the cleanliness of common areas and offices in University Housing buildings, oversees pest control and much more.

In the event of any building or grounds related issues, Students need to initiate the repair by submitting a Maintenance Request to University Housing Facilities Management (UHFM). UHFM responds to student initiated repair requests as a first priority.  To complete a work order, click HERE!!!

Get protected!  Insure yourself and your belongings!

University Housing does not insure the personal property of residents. Residents are strongly encouraged to insure their personal belongings while living in University Housing. Students can look into renter’s insurance or their parent/guardian homeowners’ policy for potential coverage options.

SIUE is Smoke Free, Tobacco Free, Nicotine Free

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville has implemented the Illinois law that prohibits smoking and all tobacco related products into its policies and procedures.

“The Smoke Free Campus Act means that there can be no smoking or tobacco products of any kind on any State-owned University property,” said Vice Chancellor for Administration Kenneth Neher.

To view SIUE’s Smoke Free Campus Policy, click here.

Visit these sites for more information, Smoking Cessation ProgramAmerican Cancer Society and Centers for Disease Control. The Illinois Department of Central Management (CMS) may also offer smoking cessation reimbursement for those that complete an eligible program. Contact CMS at (800) 442-1300 for more details.

Campus Happenings

SIUE Counseling Services

Spring Semester

Mindfulness & Meditation Series

Time:  12:00 - 12:50 p.m.

Where:  International Room (2nd Floor - MUC)

Dates:  Thursdays, 2/8, 2/22, 3/15, 3/29, 4/12, 4/26

Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend one or several sessions.  No RSVP is necessary.  For additional information contact Lisa Thompson-Gibson at 280-2842 or lithomp@siue.edu

Enterprise Car Share coming to SIUE!

No Car, No Problem!  Enterprise Car Share gives you 24-7 access to vehicles parked directly on campus.  Rates include fuel and physical damage/liability protection.  You must be 18 or older to rent.  For more information or to sign up, go to www.enterprisecarshare.com/siue

Safe Zone

SIUE Safe Zone Logo

What is Safe Zone?

Safe Zone is a community of people who:

  • Will be understanding, supportive, and trustworthy if LGBTQIA people need help, advice, or just someone to talk to.
  • Will not tolerate homophobic, heterosexist, cisgenderism comments and actions but will address them in an educational and informative manner.
  • Have attended Safe Zone training and have information on campus and community resources.

Mission and Goals of Safe Zone:

Safe Zone's mission at SIUE is to develop a campus community of allies and provide support to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and ally (LGBTQIA) students, faculty, and staff with the ultimate goal of developing SIUE as a safe and welcoming place for LGBTQIA people.

If you have any questions please contact Dr. Shelley Price-Williams at shewill@siue.edu.

Trans*cending Pink and Blue

Career Development Center

Career Development Center

Please stop by and check out the Career Development Center located in the basement of the Student Success Center, room 0281.  We can help you with your resume, cover letters, job search, LinkedIn accounts, graduate school personal statements/application, mock interviews, and much more.

Upcoming Spring 2018 Events:

Mock Networking**

February 6th
5:30 - 7:00 pm
MUC 2nd Floor Conference Center

OPTIONAL: LinkedIn Photos (before the event) 4-5 pm

Pre-Career Fair Crash Course**

February 22nd

2:30 - 3:30 pm
SSC 1201

Education Career Fair

March 20th

3:00 - 6:00 pm
MUC 2nd Floor Conference Center
** Student Volunteers are needed for this event.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the CDC at 618-650-3708.

Spring Career Fair

February 28th - CAS & Business & All Non-Teaching majors
March 1st - Engineering

BOTH DAYS   10 am to 2 pm
MUC Meridian Ballroom
** Student Volunteers are needed for this event.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the CDC at 618-650-3708.

Mock Interview Prep Workshop**

April 4th

3:00 - 4:00 pm
Career Development Center

Mock Interview Day**

April 10th

9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Career Development Center

**Please call to register for these events!
SIUE Career Development Center
Phone: 618-650-3708
Email: careerdevelopment@siue.edu

Volunteers Needed - Spring Career Fair

Would you like a chance to network with employers before or after the career fair?

We have a great volunteer opportunity for students to help at the career fair.  This gives students a chance to network with employers before the career fair. Students get a chance to make that first impression with employers.  Students will be helping employers with a variety of tasks like helping employers in from the parking lot, walking employers to their career fair table, and showing them where everything in located.  Students may also help at the registration tables for employers and/or students.

We still need students for the below time:
Education Career Fair
March 20, 2018

1:15 to 3:15 p.m.


5:15 to 6:15 p.m.

If you are interested in volunteering please contact Carrie Smolar at csmolar@siue.edu.  If you have any questions, please call the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708.

Athletic Events This Week

Student Success

This Week at Campus Rec!

Health and Safety Tips

Suicide Prevention

"Suicide" is classified as the act of taking one's own life. "Suicidal behavior" is any action that could cause a person to die, while "parasuicidal behavior" is self-harm that does not result in death.


  • Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide
  • Approximately, 1 million people die each year from suicide
  • Each year, over 185,000 people are impacted by the suicide of some they care about

Warning Signs

  • Talking about killing or harming oneself
    • "I wish I had never been born."
    • "Nobody would care if I died; I would be better off dead."
    • "If I ever see you again..."
  • Talking or writing a lot about death and dying
    • Poems/photos/narratives about self-mutilation or suicide on social media or in a private diary
    • Writing suicide letters
  • Seeking out lethal means
    • Immediate access to guns, medication, knives, or other weapons could be used in suicide attempts
  • Hopelessness
    • **Strong predictor of suicide
    • Belief that things will never get better or change
    • "I have nothing to look forward to..."
    • "I will never feel better..."
  • Saying goodbye
    • Unusual or unexpected visits or phone calls to family and friends
    • Saying goodbye to pepole as if you will never see them again
    • Making out a will and/or giving away prized possessions
  • Withdrawing from others
    • Increased social isolation
    • Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, shame, and self-hatred--like a burden to others
  • Self-destructive behavior
    • Increased alcohol or drug use, reckless driving, unprotected sex
    • Self-mutilation--cutting, burning, hitting, punching oneself
  • Sudden sense of calm and peace
    • Typically mistaken for a positive outcome
    • Person may have made decision to commit suicide

What can I do to help a loved one who is contemplating suicide?

Prevention Tip #1: Speak Up

The best way to find out if someone is suicidal is to ASK.

Giving the individual who may be suicidal the opportunity to express his/her feelings can:

  • Provide relief from loneliness
  • Give the idea that someone cases
  • AND may prevent a suicide attempt

What do I ask?

  • "I have been concerned about you lately..."
  • "Recently, I have noticed some differences in you and wondered how you are doing..."
  • "I just wanted to briefly check in with you because you haven't seemed like yourself lately. Is there something going on that you would like to talk to me about?"

If he/she is contemplating suicide,

  • "When did you begin feeling this way?"
  • "Did something happen that made you feel this way?"
  • "How can I best support you right now/"
  • "Have you thought about seeking help?"
  • "You are not alone in this. I am here for you."
  • "I may not understand how you feel, but I care about you and want to help you."

What Not To Do

  • Argue with someone who is contemplating suicide
    • "You have so much to live for. Stop it."
  • Act shocked, lecture on the value of life, OR tell the person your view on suicide
  • Promise confidentiality
  • Give advice
  • Blame yourself

Prevention Tip #2: Respond Quickly

Evaluate the immediate danger of suicide

Those at highest risk of suicide:

  • Have a specific suicide PLAN
  • Have the MEANS of carrying out the plan
  • Have a TIME FRAME of committing suicide
  • Have an INTENTION of following through with the plan

What do I ask?

  • "Do you have a plan to harm yourself?"
  • "Do you have what you need to carry about your plan?" (e.g. rope, gun, medication, etc.)
  • "Do you have an idea of when you are planning to carry about your plan?"
  • "Do you intend to die?"


Prevention Tip #3: Offer Help

The best way to help is to offer an empathic, listening ear.

  • Help he/she seek professional care
    • Crisis hotlines
    • Locate a treatment facility
    • Identify a psychologist/psychiatrist
  • Follow-up Treatment
    • Medication
    • Therapy
  • Be Proactive
    • Don't wait for the person to call you or return your calls
    • Invite the person out
    • Offer assistance with household chores, taking care of the children or pets, etc.
  • Encourage positive lifestyle changes
    • Exercise
    • Balanced eating and sleeping patterns
    • Relaxation
  • Make a safety plan
    • Identify triggers (e.g. death, divorce, alcohol, stress, etc.)
    • Keep contact numbers in a secure place (e.g. therapist, 911, friend)
    • Remove potential lethal means (e.g. guns, medication, rope)
  • Provide continued support
    • Periodically check in with the individual


In crisis situations, please refer to our Emergency information.

SIUE Police Department

Emergencies- 911

Non-Emergencies- 618-650-3324


Suicide Hotline

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Graduate Student Help Line

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Understanding & Helping A Suicidal Person

Teen Suicide

National Council for Suicide Prevention

The Jed Foundation

Suicide Prevention in College

Need help at the touch of a button? 

Download SIUE Safe, the free Rave Guardian personal safety app that allows you to notify guardians you select if you need assistance.  Guardians can include University Police, your parents or your friends.  For more information, call 618-650-3324

or to download the app, visit raveguardian.com

The SIUE Police Department

(618) 650-3324 (non-emergencies)