Bluff Hall Newsletter

This Week in Bluff Hall!

Bluff Announcements
Cleaning & Safety Inspections
University Housing Announcements
Important Housing Information
Sustainable Second
Around the "e"
Engineering Resume Blitz!
Student Academic Success Sessions
Career Development Center
Volunteers Needed for Career Fairs
Health and Safety Tips

Bluff Announcements

Take Your Policy Quiz

Turn in the Policy Quiz on pg. 51 of your Living Guide to the Front Desk by September 29th! You'll be entered into a raffle to win prizes!

Bluff Hall Study Tables

Bluff  Hall Study Tables will be Tuesdays 3:00pm to 5:00pm and Wednesdays 5:00pm to 7:00pm. 

Cleaning & Safety Inspections




Monday, September 23rd

1:00 – 2:00PM

3 South

Wednesday, September 25th

1:00 – 2:00PM

3 North

Wednesday, September 25th

2:00 – 3:00PM

2 West

Wednesday, September 25th

3:00 – 4:00PM

3 West

Thursday, September 26th

2:00 – 3:00PM

1 West

Thursday, September 26th

3:00 – 4:00PM

1 East

Monday, September 30th

1:30 – 2:30 PM

2 South

Monday, September 30th

3:00 – 4:00PM

3 East

Wednesday, October 2nd

1:00 – 2:00PM

1 South

Thursday, October 3rd

2:00 – 3:00PM

2 North

Thursday, October 3rd

3:00 – 4:00PM

2 East

Members of the Residence Life staff will be entering your living unit between Monday, September 23, 2019 and Friday, October 4, 2019 to perform a regular cleaning and safety inspection.  The purpose of these inspections is to check the conditions relative to standards required by University Housing. For further information please reference the University Housing Living Guide found at

Please note that if you are not home during your allotted time, both an RA and a Professional Staff member (Community Director or Assistant Community Director) will key into your room to do the inspection.  If you have failed the inspection, a note will be left and indicate the reason and you will be responsible for rectifying the situation within 48 hours.  Your RA will be doing a follow-up with each of you.  Each resident is responsible for cleaning the living unit, so please discuss this with your roommates/suitemates.  

What are we looking for?

An RA and Community Director or Assistant Community Director will be looking for:

Policy Violations: Candles w/wicks, space heaters, extension cords, fire/safety violations, pets other than fish or approved support animals,  etc.

Clean Bathrooms – including:

  • Clean shower
  • Clean toilet (inside and outside)
  • Clean floors
  • Clean sink, counter, mirror
  • Empty trash (not overflowing)

Clean Bedrooms – including:

  • Clothes in closets and not all over the floor
  • Desks and other furniture presentable
  • Empty trash (not overflowing)
  • No open food containers
  • Clean floors

General Housekeeping:

  • All trash should be removed from the living unit
  • Electrical outlets are fire hazards if left overloaded
  • Surge protectors or speaker wires should not be placed across traffic areas or under rugs
  • There should be no decorations hanging from the ceiling, such as nets or paper
  • Dressers, desk, and bed ends (except to bunk beds) may not be stacked in any way due to safety considerations

University Housing Announcements

Homecoming Laser Tag and Game Truck! 

RHA is sponsoring Laser  Tag and a Game Truck on Tuesday, September 24 from 7-10pm in the MUC Ballroom!  Students can play individually or with a team of friends. 

Show your Homecoming Spirit! 

All during Homecoming Week, September 23-27, you can stop by the front office between 8am-4:30pm for a sweet treat if you’re wearing your SIUE gear!  It’s a great day to be a Cougar!

Close your Windows!

Please keep windows closed while the air conditioning is on.

Open windows increases the humidity level in a space which may result in excessive condensation dripping out of vents or from the ceiling.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Toilet Clogging?

To reduce the occurrence of your toilet clogging, University Housing Facilities Management recommends to only flush toilet paper.  Even though wipes, toilet cleaning wands, and personal item packaging states flushable, it is causing clogging issues. Paper towels should NEVER be flushed down the toilet.  

Important Housing Information

Policies – YOU NEED TO KNOW!

As a resident of the Cougar Village, you are responsible for knowing the information, policies, procedures, and deadlines that are contained in the University Housing Living Guide.  To access the living guide, go to:

Facilities Issue?  Put in a workorder!

University Housing Facilities Management (UHFM) is the unit assigned to the development and maintenance of University Housing facilities and grounds. UHFM is responsible for repairing housing units, care of the grounds surrounding housing facilities, performs snow removal, maintains the cleanliness of common areas and offices in University Housing buildings, oversees pest control and much more.

In the event of any building or grounds related issues, Students need to initiate the repair by submitting a Maintenance Request to University Housing Facilities Management (UHFM). UHFM responds to student initiated repair requests as a first priority.  To complete a work order, click HERE!!!

SIUE is Smoke Free, Tobacco Free, Nicotine Free

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville has implemented the Illinois law that prohibits smoking and all tobacco related products into its policies and procedures.

To view SIUE’s Smoke Free Campus Policy, click here.

Visit these sites for more information, Smoking Cessation ProgramAmerican Cancer Society and Centers for Disease Control. The Illinois Department of Central Management (CMS) may also offer smoking cessation reimbursement for those that complete an eligible program. Contact CMS at (800) 442-1300 for more details.

Sustainable Second

Find Out Your Ecological Footprint

After the quiz put your results here!

Around the "e"

Come to the Tutoring Resource Centerfor help with your math, science, and business questions!

Regular Tutoring Resouce Center Hours are:

Monday through Thursday         8am – 7pm

Friday                                      8am – 3pm

Saturday                                  9am – 12 noon

Sunday                                     4pm – 7pm

Alternative Spring Break Information Session – SHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR ALL TRIPS!

Date and Time : Tues., Sept. 24th -- Project Jamaica at 1:30pm & Domestic Trips at 2:30pm

Location: International Room

Date and Time: Thurs., Sept. 26th – Domestic Trips at 3pm & Project Jamaica at 4pm

Location: SSC 0200

Application Link:


Engineering Resume Blitz!

Student Academic Success Sessions

Career Development Center

Please stop by and check out the Career Development Center located in the basement of the Student Success Center, room 0281.  We can help you with your resume, cover letters, job search, LinkedIn accounts, graduate school personal statements/application, mock interviews, and much more.

Upcoming Fall Events

Pre-Career Fair Crash Course**

Thursday, September 19

2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

SSC 1201

Does the career fair seem overwhelming to you?  Then you need to attend this workshop to make the most of the upcoming career fair.  Hear tips on what to do before, during, and after the career fair.  Please call the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708 to reserve your spot today!

October Career Fair

October 2    College of Arts and Science, School of Business and ALL non-teaching majors

October 3    School of Engineering

BOTH DAYS located in Meridian Ballroom from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

**Optional: LinkedIn Headshots 12:30-1:30 p.m.**

Professional attire required and bring copies of your resume!

A list of attending employers can be found on the CDC website:

IT Career Fair

Thursday, October 3

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

MUC 2nd Floor Conference Center

**Optional: LinkedIn Headshots 12:30-1:30 p.m.**

Professional attire required and bring copies of your resume!

A list of attending employers can be found on the CDC website:

Mock Interview Prep Workshop**

Thursday, October 17

3:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Career Development Center

Prepare for you Mock Interview with this workshop.  You will get helpful tips on interviewing attire, resumes, and more!  Don't wait, RSVP for this event today by calling the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708.

Mock Interview Day**

Tuesday, October 22

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Career Development Center

Are you ready for your next interview? You can find out by attending a Mock Interview with real recruiters and get instant feedback on your interviewing skills.  The mock interview is 45 minutes with 30 minutes of interviewing and 15 minutes of feedback.  This is a very popular event and you will need to RSVP for your time slot!  Gain confidence in your interviewing skills and call today!

Volunteers Needed for Career Fairs

Volunteer Needs:
Would you like a chance to network with employers before or after the career fair?

We have a great volunteer opportunity for students to help at the career fair.  This gives students a chance to network with employers before and after the career fair. Students get a chance to make that first impression or leave that lasting impression with employers.  Students will be helping employers with a variety of tasks like helping employers in from the parking lot, walking employers to their career fair table, showing them where everything in located, and helping them pack everything up at the end of the career fair.  Students may also help at the registration tables for employers and/or students.

We need students for the below dates and times:

October Career Fair/I.T. Career Fair

October 2 and/or 3 - You can volunteer for one or both days

8:15 to 10:30 a.m. 

10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

12:30 to 2:30 p.m.

MUC Meridian Ballroom

If you are interested in volunteering please contact Carrie Smolar at Please put in the body of your email the date(s) and time(s) that you would like to volunteer.  If you have any questions, please call the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708.

Health and Safety Tips

Sign up for e-Lert today!

What is e-Lert? SIUE's e-Lert is a text messaging service that will be used to quickly notify faculty, staff and student cell phones when an urgent situation, such as a bomb threat, severe weather, hostile intruder, or when the University closes due to inclement weather. There is no cost to register for the alerts; however, standard rates may apply if your cell phone plan does not include text messaging.

Rave Guardian

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) now offers the Rave Guardian app for its students and their families. Rave Guardian is one of the best ways to not only improve personal safety, but also protect your friends by building a private safety network. This app provides instant communication with friends, family, campus safety, and even 9-1-1.

SIUE encourages all students throughout campus to utilize the app to network with friends and help increase overall safety and security of the entire student body. An important part of the Guardian app is that students can use it not only to keep themselves safe, but to help protect others. Even students who may not feel as if they need others to help keep them safe can utilize the app to be a guardian and help protect their friends.

Download Rave Guardian and Become a Guardian on Your Campus

Download Rave Guardian for Free The app is available for free on the Apple or Google app store.

Use Rave Guardian to Protect Yourself and Others

Set a Safety Time – Notify people you trust to check in on you if are alone or in an unfamiliar place.

Manage and Message Your Guardians – Invite family, friends or others to be your Guardian, and communicate with them within the app as needed.

Easy Emergency Communication – Call safety officials directly for help if you are in trouble and send text tips – including photos – if you see something suspicious.

Rave Guardian is a proven personal safety solution used on campuses across the country. To learn more, visit