
May 2023

Welcome to GradNews!
In the Know: What's Happening on Campus
Resource Spotlight
Research Corner
Beyond the Degree
Engage & Lead
Cougar Pride: Student & Alumni Highlights

Welcome to GradNews!

Welcome to the final edition of GradNews for the 2022-2023 academic year!  This monthly newsletter will include key information and resources to support your success as a graduate student at SIUE.  Each month we will bring you news about upcoming events, campus resources, research funding, professional development, campus engagement, and graduate student success stories.  Watch for GradNews coming to your email inbox each month!

Have feedback for the Graduate School? Fill out the Feedback Form to let us know!

In the Know: What's Happening on Campus

Congratulations, Graduates!

You've made it, May 2022 grads!  In just a few days you can take a deep breath and enjoy your well deserved graduate degree. We are honored that you chose to learn with us and appreciate all the contributions you have made to our community.  We hope that you have enjoyed your experiences at SIUE and look forward to hearing about your future endeavors.  

For the latest information on the commencement celebrations taking place, please visit the SIUE Commencement website.

You are now officially a part of the SIUE Alumni Association!  Register to attend the "Always a Cougar" Graduation Celebration on Thursday, May 5th, from 5-7pm in the MUC Meridian Ballroom. To learn more about your alumni benefits, visit their website.

Plans for Summer?

Seats are still available for summer courses. Many courses meet for five weeks or less. The first classes begin May 9! 

Find more information:

  • 618-650-2080
  • Service Center in room 1309, Rendleman Hall

Resource Spotlight

Career Development Center

Ever wish you could have an expert review your resume or LinkedIn profile to be sure it's the best it can be?  Hoping to connect with employers looking to hire upcoming SIUE graduates?  Overwhelmed by the thought of searching for a job as graduation approaches and wishing someone could help demystify the job search process for you? 

The SIUE Career Development Center offers all of the above services.  They are here to assist all students, including current graduate students, in their career development.  Contact them today to arrange an appointment at 618-650-3708 or at

Research Corner

Research Grants for Graduate Students (RGRDS) Application NOW OPEN!

The purpose of RGRDS is to support research initiated and conducted by SIUE doctoral students to enhance their academic progress.  The grants are awarded on a competitive basis, and applicants may request up to $1000!

SIUE doctoral students enrolled in the EdD, DNP, or any of the co-op PhD programs may submit a proposal if they meet the below eligibility requirements:

  • Good academic standing of 3.0 or higher
  • At least 6 hours completed in doctoral program prior to application period
  • Enrollment as a degree-seeking doctoral student during the academic term for which funding is sought 

Application deadline is Thursday, July 1st

For full details about eligibility requirements, award stipulations, and how to apply, please visit the RGRDS website.

Beyond the Degree

Now Hiring: Leadership & Management Skills

It is well documented that leadership is one of the key skills that employers seek in college graduates at every level.  During your SIUE graduate career, seize opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom to further develop your leadership and management skills.  Make it a priority to engage with opportunities that allow you to:

  • Gain self-awareness about your own strengths, personality, and working style
  • Make critical decisions that impact others
  • Promote diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism
  • Leverage the strengths of group members and delegate appropriately to complete a project
  • Learn about leadership theories and develop your own leadership philosophy
  • Negotiate and resolve conflicts
  • Coach and motivate others to support their success

These experiences will not only enhance your continuous career development, but they will also be key experiences to articulate on your resume and in job interviews.  Ready to dive deeper on developing your management skills?  Check out Harvard Business School's 7 Ways to Become a Better Manager.

Engage & Lead

Academic & Professional Organizations at SIUE

Opportunities abound for you to engage in your discipline beyond your coursework at SIUE.  From Anthropology to Engineering, organizations centered around academic programs and career interests span across just about every discipline you can imagine. 

Speak with your faculty about which organizations exist in your particular area of interest and check out the Get Involved at SIUE website!  Join an organization that aligns with your field, take on a leadership role, gain experience, learn from others, and build your resume!

Cougar Pride: Student & Alumni Highlights

Madalynn McKenzie

Meet Madalynn McKenzie, MA in Industrial-Organizational Psychology student

As a first-generation college student, Madalynn McKenzie was determined to pursue a college education and persist to completion. After transferring to SIUE as an undergraduate from Lewis & Clark Community College, she had a conversation with a Psychology professor after class one day that changed her career trajectory. She changed her major from Biological Sciences to Psychology, and after graduation began pursuing her master's degree in SIUE's Industrial-Organizational Psychology program.

Madalynn has been deeply involved in student organizations, student government, and university committees during both her undergraduate and graduate years, with a focus on efforts that enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus. She has received praise for her contributions as a Graduate Assistant to The Hub (formerly Center for Student Diversity & Inclusion), where she assists with planning and assessment efforts that advocate for historically marginalized student populations. Outside of her GA position, Madalynn has served as a student representative on many university committees, including the Anti-Racism Task Force, the Bias Incident Response Team, the University Diversity Council, and on search committees for both SIUE and SIU System diversity officers.

After completing her MA in I-O Psychology this May, Madalynn plans to pursue a career in assessment or the field of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Her ultimate goal is to use her expertise, education, and experiences to be a champion of diversity.

Know a deserving student or alum that we should highlight in Cougar Pride
Complete the Excellent Graduate Student Nomination Form to let us know!