
October 2022

Welcome to GradNews!
In the Know: What's Happening on Campus
Resource Spotlight
Research Corner
Beyond the Degree
Engage & Lead
Cougar Pride: Student & Alumni Highlights

Welcome to GradNews!

Welcome to the October 2022 edition of GradNews for the 2022-2023 academic year!  This monthly newsletter will include key information and resources to support your success as a graduate student at SIUE.  Each month we will bring you news about upcoming events, campus resources, research funding, professional development, campus engagement, and graduate student success stories.  Watch for GradNews coming to your email inbox each month!

Have feedback for the Graduate School? Fill out the Feedback Form to let us know!

In the Know: What's Happening on Campus

Virtual Career Fairs & Job Search Preparation

Searching for an internship or full-time position in your field? Visit the SIUE Career Development Center event website to learn about the virtual Career Fairs, LinkedIn Photo Day, and Mock Interview Days happening in the month of October!

Diversity Day: October 11th

Diversity Day is a University-wide experience that provides a platform for students, faculty, staff, alumni, retirees and the broader community to celebrate diversity, build relationships and learn more about initiatives supportive of inclusive excellence. This year's fifth annual Diversity Day program will return to an in-person event. Get involved through presenting, attending, or volunteering today!

Graduating This Year?

If you are graduating this fall or next spring, be sure you take a moment to review the Graduate Student Completion Checklist to be sure you are on track to complete all needed tasks to graduate!

Resource Spotlight

Travel & Presentation Funding for Grad Students

Are you presenting a paper at a peer-reviewed conference?  Whether the conference is happening virtually or in-person, the Graduate School provides funding to support graduate students' costs associated with conference presentations. 

For information on eligibility, application procedures, and deadlines, visit the Travel/Presentation Grants for Graduate Students website.

Mentoring Up | Resources for Success in Research Integrity

Free Virtual Conference | October 26 – 27, 2022

Supportive mentoring is critical in ensuring a positive climate that fosters diversity, integrity, and robust research. Detrimental and questionable research practices often emerge from poor mentoring relationships. This free two-day virtual conference will provide insights into the root causes of adverse research practices and address beneficial mentoring to support the needs of mentors, mentees, and research institutions.

Register for the conference by October 21, 2022, using the online form available here. Registration is free but space is limited.

Research Corner

Research Grants for Graduate Students (RGGS)

Are you a master's level student seeking funding to support your research endeavors?  The fall application period for RGGS is NOW OPEN as of October 1st, and the deadline to submit a proposal is November 1st at 4:30pm.  Students may request up to $500 in funding, and must meet all eligibility and proposal requirements.  Read all of the details and watch a brief "how to apply" video on the RGGS website

Thesis Deadlines for Fall 2022 Graduation

Graduating in December and working on your thesis/doctoral project?  Be sure you're aware of the fall 2022 deadlines and respond quickly to any revision requirements you receive from your thesis reviewer or committee members.  The first draft must be fully submitted in ProQuest by 12/1/22, but earlier submissions are strongly encouraged to facilitate timely completion of all revisions by the final approved submission deadline of 1/6/23.  

Beyond the Degree

14 Day Writing Challenge

SIUE is an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD), and graduate students can benefit from that membership by taking part in various events and workshops. One of the programs regularly offered by the NCFDD is a 14-Day Writing Challenge, where participants are challenged to write at least 30 minutes each day for two weeks with the support of an online community.

The next Challenge begins on October 17th, and registration closes on October 12th!

To activate your NCFDD membership, follow the below steps:
   1) Go to
   2) Choose "Southern Illinois University Edwardsville" from the drop-down menu.
   3) Select “Activate my Membership”
   4) Complete the registration form using your SIUE email address
   5) Go to your institution email to find a confirmation/welcome email. Click “Activate Account” in the email.

Engage & Lead

Cultural Organizations at SIUE

There are a myriad of opportunities to connect to cultural-based organizations at SIUE.  A sampling of the cultural organizations on campus include the Black Graduate Student Association, Asian American Association, Gay-Straight Alliance, Global Ambassador Program, Hispanic Student Union, International Student Council, NAACP SIUE Chapter, Muslim Student Association, New Horizons, and Students for Global Outreach.  

Expand your horizons. Check out the cultural organizations on the Get Involved at SIUE website and connect!

Cougar Pride: Student & Alumni Highlights

Meet Jessica Quast, MA in Industrial Organizational Psychology student

SIUE's culture, beautiful campus, and its impressive Industrial Organizational (I/O) Psychology graduate program are what led Jessica Quast to choose SIUE to pursue her graduate education.  As she began the I/O Psychology program following completion of her BS degree in Psychology from Illinois State University, she knew she would not be disappointed. "I cannot say enough about how much I have enjoyed my time here," Jessica reflected.

During her time in the I/O Psychology program, Jessica has had diverse high impact experiences through her teaching assistant positions, her scholarly research, and her practicum placements. She currently services as a Teaching Assistant for a psychology statistics course as well as a management course, and has been praised by her faculty supervisor for her dedication to continuous improvement, student learning, and engagement with the class. Jessica's own research interests involve mentoring in organizations, leadership, and establishing work/life balance. She plans to integrate her interests, professional experiences, and educational background to find a position where she can make a positive impact on organizations and work environments following her graduation next May.


Know a deserving student or alum that we should highlight in Cougar Pride
Complete the Excellent Graduate Student Nomination Form to let us know!