
January 2021

Welcome to GradNews!
In the Know: What's Happening on Campus
Resource Spotlight
Research Corner
Beyond the Degree
Engage & Lead
Cougar Pride: Student & Alumni Highlights

Welcome to GradNews!

Welcome to the January 2021 edition of GradNews!  This monthly newsletter will include key information and resources to support your success as a graduate student at SIUE.  Each month we will bring you news about upcoming events, campus resources, research funding, professional development, campus engagement, and graduate student success stories.  Watch for GradNews coming to your email inbox each month!

In the Know: What's Happening on Campus

Present Your Research at the Spring 2021 Graduate School Research Symposium

Register soon to share the status of your current research with the SIUE campus community in a virtual format this spring! The Symposium will consist of two sessions on April 6th, 2021. The first session will be held from 1:00-2:30pm, and the second will be 3:00-4:30pm. 

All SIUE graduate & professional students are encouraged to participate to share their research or creative endeavors, even if your work is in the early stages!

For more information on the details of the event and to register by the March 10th deadline, visit the Symposium Student Presentations website

Mark Your Calendars for the GradCareers Workshop Series

Are you in the midst of a job search, or will you be looking for employment in the near or distant future?  Join the SIUE Career Development Center as they offer a virtual workshop series this spring designed specifically for graduate students. 

Mark your calendars for Feb 15th, March 15th, and April 19th at 4pm!  Details & Zoom links below:



Resource Spotlight

Attend an In-Person Graduate Student Writing Boot Camp!

Need to focus on writing your thesis, final project, or a large paper? 
Could you use some space to focus that is outside of your home?

February 6th, March 6th, and April 10th
9:00am – 4:00pm each day
Alumni Hall, Room 2401

Register for one, two, or all three sessions today!

*** Quiet space to write with peer guidance available during the session!

*** Develop writing goals and be accountable for your progress in a supportive environment.

*** Get out of your house and make progress in a quiet space with like-minded graduate students.

*** Large chunks of quiet writing time with built-in breaks.

***COVID safety guidelines will be in place, including masking required, socially distanced work stations, sanitized surfaces, and more.

Can't attend Boot Camp but looking for writing resources?  Check out the Graduate School's Writing Resources website!

Research Corner

Travel/Presentation Grants for Graduate Students

The Graduate School awards travel/presentation grants to graduate students who are presenting a paper at a significant professional conferences or participating in a juried exhibit or performance.  Students who meet all eligibility requirements may receive up to $600 of funding from the Graduate School. If you are presenting at a virtual conference and your only cost is registration fees, you are still eligible to apply! 

Watch this quick GradChats video to learn how to apply for travel/presentation grants, and check out the Travel Grant website for all of the details!

Beyond the Degree

Struggling with Balancing Work-School-Home Life during COVID?

Boundaries between our work, school, and home lives have been blurred during this global pandemic, and that can be especially true for graduate students.   Learn some tips to set clearer boundaries and find work-life balance when so much of your work is done at home!

Engage & Lead

Student Organizations & Leadership - Not Just for Undergrads Anymore

If you assume that student organizations and campus involvement are only designed for undergraduate students to participate in, you'd be mistaken.  As a graduate student, you have the opportunity to become involved with campus organizations that align with your passions, academic disciplines, or leisure interests.  Engage with SIUE beyond just your academic department, and watch your graduate student experience come alive!  Rise to leadership positions and help to shape the SIUE campus culture while you sharpen your own leadership skills!

Discover the hundreds of campus organizations on the Get Involved at SIUE website and find the ones that speak to you!

get involved logo

Cougar Pride: Student & Alumni Highlights

Meet Jose Seiba Moris, MS in Kinesiology-Exercise Physiology Graduate

Jose Seiba Moris  was awarded the 2020 Outstanding Thesis Award for his thesis, “Insights into the Male Athlete Triad (MAT) in Collegiate Athletics.” Seiba Moris graduated in May 2020 with a master’s in kinesiology-exercise physiology.

Jose’s thesis advisor was Brianne Guilford, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Applied Health in the School of Education, Health and Human Behavior. “Jose is undoubtedly the top graduate student I have mentored in my six years as a faculty member,” she said. “Jose’s academic performance and execution of his research project is representative of a doctoral student.”

Seiba Moris’ research results have been presented at two national conferences and were recently submitted for publication to a top tier journal in the field. “Jose’s thesis project included a large number of outcome measures and was extensive enough that it could have been divided among three master’s students,” Guilford said. “Impressively, Jose skillfully navigated all aspects of data collection and analysis for this study, and chose to include all physiological outcome measures in his thesis. Due to the large number of participants in this study, each of the five ELISAs (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) required a 12-hour work day. Jose energetically and happily put in the time.”

Jose's diligent work, even after he graduated, has resulted in a manuscript that will provide a significant contribution to the field.


Know a deserving student or alum that we should highlight in Cougar Pride?  Complete the Excellent Graduate Student Nomination Form to let us know!