
October 2020

Welcome to GradNews!
In the Know: What's Happening on Campus
Resource Spotlight
Research Corner
Beyond the Degree
Engage & Lead
Cougar Pride: Student & Alumni Highlights

Welcome to GradNews!

Welcome to the October 2020 edition of GradNews!  This monthly newsletter will include key information and resources to support your success as a graduate student at SIUE.  Each month we will bring you news about upcoming events, campus resources, research funding, professional development, campus engagement, and graduate student success stories.  Watch for GradNews coming to your email inbox each month!

In the Know: What's Happening on Campus

Writing Boot Camps: On Campus & In Person!

Working on your final project/paper this semester and searching for some quiet space away from home to focus? Mark your calendars for the Graduate School Writing Boot Camps happening on Saturday, November 7th and Saturday, December 5th from 9am-4pm on campus in a socially distanced classroom space.  Watch your email later this month for more details on how to snag one of the 20 spots available for each session!

Virtual Career Fairs

Searching for an internship or full-time position in your field? Visit the SIUE Career Development Center event website to learn about the virtual Career Fairs happening in the month of October!


Resource Spotlight

Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT)

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville has a process in place for students, faculty and staff to report an incident of bias. The Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) protocol is an organized response to bias incidents that occur within the SIUE community involving students, faculty and staff. The BIRT policy can be found here.

What is a Bias Incident?  A bias incident is defined as: an act – either verbal, written, physical, non-verbal or psychological – that threatens or harms a person or group on the basis of actual or perceived race, religion, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, atypical heredity, or military service/veteran status.

How to Submit a Report?  If someone believes they are the victim of or a witness to an alleged bias incident, that person may report the incident by submitting a Bias Incident Report .

What Happens After a Report is Submitted?  The focus of the team is to ensure that all parties with the community who are impacted by the incident are heard and cared for in an appropriate manner. After a report is submitted, a member of the Bias Incident Response Team will respond to the party or parties who reported the incident within 24 hours. A team member will seek additional information regarding the incident, provide support and resources, and schedule a time to speak with the respondent(s). The BIRT team will review the incident and then determine the next steps, including whether a communication to campus is necessary.

Research Corner

Research Grants for Graduate Students (RGGS)

Are you a master's level student seeking funding to support your research endeavors?  The fall application period for RGGS is NOW OPEN as of October 1st, and the deadline to submit a proposal is November 1st at 4:30pm.  Students may request up to $500 in funding, and must meet all eligibility and proposal requirements.  Read all of the details and watch a brief "how to apply" video on the RGGS website

Thesis Deadlines for Fall 2020 Graduation

Graduating in December and working on your thesis/doctoral project?  Be sure you're aware of the fall 2020 deadlines and respond quickly to any revision requirements you receive from your thesis reviewer or committee members.  The first draft must be fully submitted in ProQuest by 12/7/20, but earlier submissions are strongly encouraged to facilitate timely completion of all revisions by the final submission deadline of 1/11/21.  

Beyond the Degree

14 Day Writing Challenge

SIUE is an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD), and graduate students can benefit from that membership by taking part in various events and workshops. One of the programs regularly offered by the NCFDD is a 14-Day Writing Challenge, where participants are challenged to write at least 30 minutes each day for two weeks with the support of an online community.

The next Challenge begins on October 19th, and registration closes on October 14th!

To activate your NCFDD membership, follow the below steps:
   1) Go to
   2) Choose "Southern Illinois University Edwardsville" from the drop-down menu.
   3) Select “Activate my Membership”
   4) Complete the registration form using your SIUE email address
   5) Go to your institution email to find a confirmation/welcome email. Click “Activate Account” in the email.

Engage & Lead

Grad Student Opinions Wanted

A group of undergraduate PR students are conducting research pertaining to the Center for Spirituality and Sustainability on campus, and are seeking graduate student respondents. Please take a few minutes to complete their online survey to assist in their research efforts!

Cougar Pride: Student & Alumni Highlights

Meet Sophie Bandurski, MS student in Biological Sciences

Sophie Bandurski engaged in extensive biological research and internship experiences as an undergraduate student at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, before beginning her journey as a master's student in Biological Sciences at SIUE. Her passion for scientific exploration continues at SIUE, as she and her partner, Daniel Sarafconn, recently were named a finalist in the "Growing Beyond Earth" maker competition hosted by NASA.  They were recognized for their submission of an aeroponic growth machine designed to be sent to the International Space Station to grow crops for long missions, a concept also applicable to future colonization of other planets. 

While at SIUE, Sophie conducts research in Dr. Darron Luesse's lab which focuses on understanding the gravitropic responses of 18 Arabidospsis thaliana mutants, which were selected based off of their transcriptomic and proteomic significance following the BRIC20 Mission to the International Space Station.  In her current research she hopes to utilize these gravitropic responses to determine the novel functionality of these unknown mutants.  Her career goals include continued work in the industry as a researcher and eventually becoming a Senior Scientist.  Sophie is looking forward to attending the Women in Space Conference in 2021. 

Outside of the research lab, Sophie has been working on launching a new student organization at SIUE called "End the Stigma" specifically for graduate students who have physical or mental disabilities.  She hopes the organization will provide an advocacy and support network for graduate students facing these challenges in their daily lives. 

SBandurski Photo

Know a deserving student or alum that we should highlight in Cougar Pride?  Contact us at to let us know!