Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2019

International Hospitality Program’s Spring Semester Collection
Nominations for SIUE Student Leader of the Month, Deadline Jan. 10
Save the Date: Esports Arena Grand Opening and Open House, Jan. 16
Center for Faculty Development and Innovation Open House, Jan. 16
Check Out these SIUE News Articles

International Hospitality Program’s Spring Semester Collection

The International Hospitality Program (IHP) at SIUE is collecting used household items for the spring semester.

As the new year approaches, it’s time to clean out your closets and reorganize! Please consider donating your used household items and furniture to new international students at SIUE. The need for these items is great, and we appreciate your checking with friends and relatives, as well as cleaning out your own closets.

Bring donations to the IHP Welcome Reception:
4-5 p.m. 
Wednesday, Jan. 8
Morris University Center, Meridian Ballroom

Household items needed:
Vacuum cleaners
Towels/wash cloths
Rice cookers and blenders
Kitchen utensils
Pots and pans

IHP will pick up the following items. To arrange for pickup, please contact Susan Jernigan at sjernigan@charter.net.
Small desks
Reading tables
Small book shelves
Beds/mattresses (twin and full size only)
Small sofas/futons
Upholstered chairs
Kitchen tables and chairs

For more information, contact Kate Watts at katebwatts@gmail.com.

Nominations for SIUE Student Leader of the Month, Deadline Jan. 10

The Kimmel Student Involvement Center, in partnership with the Edwardsville Rotary, is pleased to accept nominations for the SIUE Student Leader of the Month.

Individuals selected for this award will be recognized at an upcoming Rotary meeting, and at the annual Kimmel Leadership Awards Ceremony during the spring semester.

SIUE students can be nominated by students, faculty or staff. No self-nominations will be considered. Applications are accepted on an on-going basis, and should be received by the 10th of the month to be considered for that month's award. Any nominees not selected for one month, will be considered for the following months. Awards will be given for September through April each academic year.

Candidates will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • High academic standards
  • Campus involvement and activities
  • Service to others on and off campus
  • Leadership within their academic area or within an organization
  • Demonstrated ability to promote spirit and pride at SIUE

To submit an application, visit SIUE Rotary Student Leader of the Month on Get Involved.

For more information, please contact the Kimmel Student Involvement Center at 618-650-2686.

Save the Date: Esports Arena Grand Opening and Open House, Jan. 16

All SIUE students, faculty, staff and alumni are invited to the Grand Opening and Open House of the Esports Arena, hosted by Housing and Campus Recreation.

Tour the space and have the opportunity to play various Esports games. Giveaways, snacks and light refreshments will be provided.

Esports Arena Grand Opening and Open House
2-4 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 16
Bluff Hall

For more information, contact Natalie Hawkins, assistant director of Recreational Programs, at 618-650-3242 or nrosale@siue.edu.

Center for Faculty Development and Innovation Open House, Jan. 16

The Center for Faculty Development and Innovation will host its Open House:

4 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 16
The Center for Faculty Development and Innovocation, room 2030 and 2040
Lovejoy Library, second floor

The open house is an opportunity  to view the space and learn about faculty development activities.  It is also a chance for us to thank everyone who helped make the space a reality.

Check Out these SIUE News Articles

Here is the latest news and information at SIUE.

For more news and information, visit SIUE News.