Monday, Dec. 11, 2017

Don't Miss Today's Q&A with Chancellor Pembrook
Dr. Steve Singer of the Department of Energy at UC Berkeley will Speak Today on Campus
SIUE Student Ryan Maassen a Contestant on Man V. Food Television Series
Relieve Stress Relief During Finals Weeks, Dec. 12 and 13
Congratulate Jim O'Donnell on 26 Years of Service, Dec. 13
Don't Miss Good Buy Bookshop Holiday Sale, Dec. 13 and 14
Celebrate with Lora Miles on her More than 30 Years of Service, Dec. 15
Last Kuali Research Workshop of the Year Set for Dec. 18
Excellence in Undergraduate Education (EUE) Proposals Due Jan. 29, 2018
The SIUE Meridian Society Requests Proposals, Deadline Feb. 1, 2018

Don't Miss Today's Q&A with Chancellor Pembrook

10 a.m.
Morris University Center, Meeting Room A

As a reminder, these meetings are open to all faculty and staff.

The Chancellor invites you to ask questions, have a dialogue and/or express ideas that you might have.

Dr. Steve Singer of the Department of Energy at UC Berkeley will Speak Today on Campus

Dr. Steve Singer, in the Department of Energy at the University of California-Berkeley, will present "The Joint BioEnergy Institute: Advanced Biofuels from Biomass"

3-4 p.m.
Engineering Building, Room 1150

In an effort to build the bioeconomy in our region and create the Agriculture Coast of Midwest, NCERC is collaborating with Dr. Steve Singer, a senior scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and director of the Microbial and Enzyme Discovery Group at the Joint BioEnergy Institute.

Singer received his PhD in organic chemistry at University of Wisconsin-Madison and performed postdoctoral research in microbial biochemistry at UC-Berkeley. His group applies the study of microbial communities, soil bacteria and filamentous fungi to improving the conversion of plant biomass and waste gases to biofuels and bioproducts.

SIUE Student Ryan Maassen a Contestant on Man V. Food Television Series

Ryan Maassen, a senior in the Department of Computer Management and Information Systems, will be a contestant on today’s episode of Man v. Food.

8:30 p.m.
Travel Channel

Massen's episode is also expected to be re-broadcast:
2 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 25
Travel Channel

Relieve Stress Relief During Finals Weeks, Dec. 12 and 13

Congratulate Jim O'Donnell on 26 Years of Service, Dec. 13

Please join the Morris University Center in recognizing Jim O’Donnell for 26 years of service to SIUE at his retirement reception:

2-5 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 13
Morris University Center, Mississippi/Illinois Room

Don't Miss Good Buy Bookshop Holiday Sale, Dec. 13 and 14

In addition to the great book bargains at the Friends of Lovejoy Library Good Buy Bookshop, there are also an eclectic mix of gifts that are priced 60-75 percent below retail price.

Harbour Lights, Lilliput Lane, The Danbury Mint, Hawthorne Village and Anchor Bay are just a few of the brand names of collectibles available.

The Bookshop will have its entire stock of gift items displayed in the light well of Lovejoy Library for your shopping pleasure.
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Wednesday-Thursday, Dec. 13-14 

Proceeds from sales will fund materials for SIUE students and patrons.

Please stop by and support the Friends of Lovejoy Library and the Good Buy Bookshop!

For more information, please contact the Library administration at 650-2711.

Celebrate with Lora Miles on her More than 30 Years of Service, Dec. 15

Last Kuali Research Workshop of the Year Set for Dec. 18

The Office of Research and Projects is conducting workshops to assist staff in the use of Kuali Research, the new electronic management system for submitting external grants.

The last workshop will be held:
1-4 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 18
Rendleman Hall, Room 0202

Registration is required. For more information, visit the Kuali Grant Proposals Workshop on the Outreach and Professional Development website.

Excellence in Undergraduate Education (EUE) Proposals Due Jan. 29, 2018

The Faculty Development Council of the Faculty Senate and the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, has announced Excellence in Undergraduate Education (EUE) Call for Proposals for FY2019.

Faculty, staff or students may submit proposals by Jan. 29, 2018.

The purpose of the EUE program is to fund innovative projects that will have broad and sustaining impact on undergraduate education.

For more information about the program, current guidelines for funding priorities, application forms and budget guidelines, visit the EUE website.

The SIUE Meridian Society Requests Proposals, Deadline Feb. 1, 2018

The SIUE Meridian Society is looking to fund projects (up to $5,000) that demonstrate a collaborative effort between an SIUE unit and a community organization.

SIUE colleges, schools, major units, departments and organizations (including student organizations) with an SIUE account are invited to apply for the 2018 Meridian Awards.

The Meridian Award Application/Proposal must be submitted and received by 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 1, 2018.

Electronic submissions are preferred to  

Mail submissions to:
Meridian Awards
c/o Meridian Society at SIUE Foundation
Campus Box 1082
Edwardsville, IL 62026-1082

Please note Meridian application requirements

For more information, contact Julie Babington at 650-2378 or