Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017

Disability Support Services Director Candidate Interviews Continue
Attend Today's Lifelong Learning Speakers Series
Plan to Attend this Week's Conversations @ STEM, Nov. 16
Congratulate November Employee of the Month Denyse Anderson, Reception Nov. 16
Please Donate to the 2017 Angel Tree, Deadline Nov. 17
Celebrate Ron Klaustermeier at his Retirement, Nov. 29
Visiting Scholars Present Lessons Learned, Dec. 1
Semi-Annual Rainbow Graduation Celebration, Dec. 6
Voice Over Talent Needed

Disability Support Services Director Candidate Interviews Continue

The Disability Support Services Director Search Committee has invited four candidates to particpate in campus interviews. Please note the remaining dates and times:

Susan Lausier
11 a.m.
Morris University Center, Illinois Room

Dominic Dorsey
1 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 17
Lovejoy Library Conference Room (3021)

Copies of each candidate's resumes will be available for review at the open forums. Please visit this Qualtrics link to provide feedback on each candidate.

For more information, please contact search committee chair Rebecca Dabbs MacLean at or ext. 2556.

Attend Today's Lifelong Learning Speakers Series

The SIUE Office of Educational Outreach invites you to attend the fall 2017 Lifelong Learning Speakers Series every Wednesday on the campus of SIUE.

Please note the following Lifelong Learning Speakers presentations:

Morris University Center, Hickory-Hackberry Room

10:30-11:45 a.m. Safe Handling for Holiday Cooking, presented by Molly Peters, sanitarian, Madison County Government

1:15-2:30 p.m. Environmental Resource Training Center: Disinfection Process of Drinking Water, presented by Curtis Hoelscher, program director of Water Supply Operations at the Environmental Resources Training Center (ERTC) and Kurt Neuhaus, assistant coordinator of Water Quality Control at ERTC.

Plan to Attend this Week's Conversations @ STEM, Nov. 16

The STEM Center is hosting another session of Conversations @ STEM, focused on the topic of ethics in STEM fields. This is a topic that doesn't always get the attention it deserves.

Come share your ideas and opinions with us and email Colin Wilson at for optional background articles on the subject matter.

Noon-1 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 16
STEM Center, 1304 Vadalabene Center

Next Topic: How do we define STEM?
Noon-1 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 30

Congratulate November Employee of the Month Denyse Anderson, Reception Nov. 16

Office Support Specialist Denyse Anderson is the recipient of the November Employee Recognition Award.

Please join us in congratulating Denyse as the Employee of the Month:

3:30 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 16
University Park Building 220, Student Learning Center

You can also send Denyse a congratulatory email at

“I am honored to receive this award. I was blessed three years ago to be given the opportunity to work at the School of Pharmacy," said Denyse Anderson. "I am surrounded by a great team of hard-working people. It is a pleasure to work with many of you throughout the University who are dedicated to providing excellent service to our students. You teach me new things every day!"

“Denyse serves as the face of the School of Pharmacy to our perspective and current students," said School of Pharmacy Dean Gireesh Gupchup. "She goes out of the way to help students and makes sure that the School of Pharmacy and the University are seen as an excellent place to further one’s career.”

For more information, contact Jen Oates-Blair at or 650-2127.

Please Donate to the 2017 Angel Tree, Deadline Nov. 17

We still have 200 local children that need to be adopted! This week is the LAST week to adopt angels.

Any organization, student, faculty or staff can sponsor a child or multiple children this holiday season. To sign up to sponsor a child, please stop by the Student Government Office front desk located in the Student Success Center (SSC), Room 1280.

Important dates:
Now: Start of Angel sign up and pick up
Friday, Nov. 17: Deadline to sponsor a child and last day to pick-up Angels by 4 p.m.
Monday-Thursday, Nov. 27-Dec. 1: Drop off labeled presents to Student Government Office in SSC 1280

Children's Holiday Celebration and Gift Pick-up
9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 2
Morris University Center, Conference Center and Mississippi/Illinois Room

We encourage our student organizations to participate in the event on Dec. 2. The organization that accumulates the most "angel points" by adopting the most angels, donating wrapping paper, providing the most volunteers, and participating in our “ugly” Holiday sweater contest, will receive a $150 credit on their organization account!

There will be treats, games, crafts, pictures with Santa, and opportunities to interact with the children you are sponsoring.

For more information, contact External Affairs Officer Ethan Massey, at or stop by the Student Government Office.

Celebrate Ron Klaustermeier at his Retirement, Nov. 29

Visiting Scholars Present Lessons Learned, Dec. 1

You are invited to attend the upcoming lectures offered by the visiting scholars from Northwest Normal University and Sichuan University of Science and Technology, China.

The scholars are participating in the School of Education, Health and Human Behavior’s International Training Program in Pedagogy.

Scholars and their disciplines include: Yumei Chen, information engineering; Guanglin Liu, education and psychology; Xiaohua Shao, clothing culture; Jing Wang, information engineering; Xiang Feng Zeng, management; Lixia Feng, computer science; Hongzhi Long, preschool bilingual education; Lyuhua Niu, legal anthropology; Zhiyan Teng, international comparative education; and Fei Xu, social work.

10:45-11:45 a.m.
Friday, Dec. 1
Peck Hall, Room 0413
The scholars will discuss lessons learned in the U.S. and how American style pedagogy and English will be used to enhance teaching in China.

For more information, contact:
Dr. Yuliang Liu, professor, educational leadership at
Dr. Huaibo Xin, associate professor, public health at
Dr. Tom Lavallee, associate professor, foreign languages and literature at
Gretchen Fricke, director, student services, School of Education, Health and Human Behavior at
Dr. Mary Weishaar, executive director, International Affairs at

Semi-Annual Rainbow Graduation Celebration, Dec. 6

SIUE Safe Zone, the Kimmel Student Involvement Center, and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs will hold SIUE’s 3rd Semi-Annual Rainbow Graduation Celebration:

4-5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 6
Morris University Center, Maple/Dogwood Rooms 

The 2017 Rainbow Graduation Celebration is free and open to all LGBTQIA and Ally SIUE undergraduate and graduate students who have earned their degree in fall 2017.

If a student you know will be graduating and would like to participate or to learn more, please share this link with them, Rainbow Graduation Celebration.

Please click this link to register

Registration should be completed by Friday, Dec. 1 to be included in the event.

Voice Over Talent Needed

Do you know any students with a great voice?

Instructional Design & Learning Technologies is working with multiple departments on campus to develop eLearning modules. These modules each have scripted information that require voice over talent.

If you know of any students that would be willing to audition and gain experience for their resume, we have an audition form where the students can provide their availability and submit an audio sample.