Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017

Stop by the Phi Kappa Phi Book Exchange Today
Attend Today's Lifelong Learning Presentations
Today is the Last Day to Participate in the 2017 EcoChallenge
SIUE Police and School of Pharmacy Host Pharmaceutical Take Back Day
Consider Taking the Tobacco Cessation Course, Oct. 26
Chinese Visiting Scholars Discuss Research Interests, Oct. 27
Don't Miss Counseling Services Brown Bag Series, Oct. 27
CANCELED: New Employee Training
Next Open Figure Drawing Session, Oct. 27
Annual Celebration of World Faiths Sat., Oct. 28
Watch for Upcoming Health Careers Fair
Help Out with Annual "Give Thanks Give Food" Through Nov. 14

Stop by the Phi Kappa Phi Book Exchange Today

The SIUE Chapter 203 of the Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society is hosting a book exchange:

11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Peck Hall, First Floor Lobby

Members of the SIUE community are invited to bring a book, and then take one from the inventory available. Book purchases can also be made for a nominal cost.

Phi Kappa Phi was founded in 1897, and is one of the nation’s oldest and most selective honor societies for all academic disciplines. Chapter 203 was established at SIUE in 1978.

For more information, visit or contact Chapter President Cindy Scarsdale at

Attend Today's Lifelong Learning Presentations

The SIUE Office of Educational Outreach invites you to attend the fall 2017 Lifelong Learning Speakers Series every Wednesday on the SIUE campus.

Here is the next Lifelong Learning Speakers Series presentation:
Today in the Morris University Center, Hickory-Hackberry Room:

10:30-11:45 a.m. "My Experience As An Asian Diplomat," presented by James Waller, retired foreign service officer with the U.S. Department of State

1:15- 2:30 p.m. "Batman: The History of the Dark Knight," presented by Stephyn Phillips, coordinator and lecturer, SIUE Speech Center

The cost is FREE for alumni and students, with valid identification, $5 for the public and $2 for Lifelong Learning members

You don’t want to miss this exhilarating semester jam-packed with presentations that are sure to inform and educate!

To view the fall brochure or to become a Lifelong Learning member, please visit our website or contact coordinator, Eboni Thompson at 618.650.3233.

Today is the Last Day to Participate in the 2017 EcoChallenge

The Student Organization for Sustainability is building a #SIUEGreenTeam as part of the Northwest Earth Institute's 2017 EcoChallenge.

SIUE is competing with SIUC to see which campus is the #GreenerSIU. Points are earned when team members check in daily at to update their progress.

The competition runs through today.

Students, staff and faculty are welcome to join at any point during the EcoChallenge.

The EcoChallenge is a great way to develop new behaviors that benefit both the environment and one’s self. It's also a terrific way to connect with other changemakers in the community.

Go to EcoChallenge to sign up. When you're prompted to join a team, search for the #SIUEGreenTeam.

SIUE Police and School of Pharmacy Host Pharmaceutical Take Back Day

The SIUE Police Department and the SIUE School of Pharmacy are partnering for a pharmaceutical take back initiative. This will provide a safe alternative to dispose approved medications, thereby keeping the medications out of children’s hands, landfills and water supplies.

10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 26 

Drop off locations will be at each campus:

Edwardsville – Morris University Center Goshen Lounge

Alton School of Dental Medicine – Roller Hall Conference Room

East St. Louis Center – Building D 1st Floor Lobby Area

Consider Taking the Tobacco Cessation Course, Oct. 26

Are you, or someone you love, still smoking? Are you interested in kicking the habit once and for all?

SIUE and the American Lung Association are offering a Tobacco Cessation course.

If you have any interest, join us at the information session:

11:45 a.m.
Thursday, Oct. 26
Morris University Center, Board Room

Check out the HR benefits offered to SIUE employees regarding the Smoking CessationProgram

For more information, please contact Cathy Passananti at or Riane Greenwalt at

Chinese Visiting Scholars Discuss Research Interests, Oct. 27

The Chinese visiting scholars, who are participating in the International Training Program in Pedagogy, will informally discuss their research interests:

10:45-11:45 a.m.
Friday, Oct. 27
Founders Hall, Room 0308

Feel free to come and go as your schedule allows.

Examples of research interests include control engineering, occupational health psychology, clothing culture, engineering applications of microwave technology, regional economic development, legal anthropology, international comparative education, family welfare services and database application technology.

For more information, contact:
Dr. Yuliang Liu, professor, educational leadership at 
Dr. Huaibo Xin, associate professor, public health at 
Dr. Tom Lavallee, associate professor, foreign languages and literature at 
Gretchen Fricke, director, student services, School of Education, Health and Human Behavior at 
Dr. Mary Weishaar, executive director, International Affairs at

Don't Miss Counseling Services Brown Bag Series, Oct. 27

Counseling Services will present its  Brown Bag Series: 

"Cultural Competence for Faculty and Staff," presented by Courtney Boddie, director of Counseling Services
Noon-1:30 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 27
Morris University Center, Student Success Center room 1203

Bring your lunch and join in discussing strategies for cultural competence as a faculty or staff member. How are your skills in meeting the needs of our diverse student population? In what areas do you excel? Take time for reflection and consideration of how to move forward in your journey of competence.

For more information, please contact Counseling Services at 650-2842.

CANCELED: New Employee Training

SIUE 101: New Employee Training scheduled for Friday, Oct. 27 is canceled.

The next session is scheduled for:
Friday, Dec. 1
Morris University Center, Maple/Dogwood Rooms

For more information, contact Human Resources at 650-2190. A registration reminder will be sent to new employees in early November. 

Next Open Figure Drawing Session, Oct. 27

Annual Celebration of World Faiths Sat., Oct. 28

The Center for Spirituality and Sustainability presents the 2017 Annual Celebration of World Faiths featuring best-selling author Frances Worthington, at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 28 at the Fuller Dome on the campus of SIUE.

Worthington will speak on “Abraham: His Life and Legacy.” While chairing the Interfaith Forum in Greenville, S.C. for many years, Worthington became interested in the number of people from diverse faiths who had a common interest in the history of the biblical patriarch Abraham. Her book, “Abraham: One God, Three Wives, Five Religions,” is the basis of her presentation, and is the result of years spent researching the ways in which Abraham and his descendants have influenced the shape of the major monotheistic religions of the western world.

After Worthington’s presentation and question and answer session, refreshments and fellowship will be shared.

The event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Contact: Jeanne Aguirre at (618) 623-8252 or

Watch for Upcoming Health Careers Fair

Don't miss SIUE's Health Careers Fair:

3-5 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 13
Morris University Center, Second Floor Conference Center

The fair will include residency programs. Some employers will conduct interviews at the career fair and the next day. Professional attire required and bring copies of your resume.

For a list of employers attending the fair, visit Career Development Center Events.

For more information, contact the Center at 650-3708, or visit Career Development Center.

Help Out with Annual "Give Thanks Give Food" Through Nov. 14

Campus Kitchen at SIUE is once again hosting a food drive for “Give Thanks Give Food.”

This themed food drive will collect nonperishable and canned food donations that will be used to make Thanksgiving meal grocery bags for Community Hope Center clients in Cottage Hills.

Donations can be purchased at through Wednesday, Nov. 1 for free delivery to Campus Kitchen at SIUE

Additionally, donation boxes will be located in various campus locations in the Student Fitness Center, Kimmel Student Involvement Center, Lovejoy Library (Info Desk), Peck Hall and Rendleman Hall through Tuesday, Nov. 14.

Items requested for "Give Thanks Give Food" include:
Canned vegetables
Canned yams and potatoes
Instant mashed potatoes
Macaroni and cheese
Canned fruit
Gift cards to grocery stores are also appreciated.

For more information, contact Melissa Bandy at

Your support and generosity are much appreciated!