Monday, Oct. 16, 2017

Don't Miss Today's Q&A with Chancellor Pembrook
Congratulate Bonnie Brueggemann Today for Receiving October Employee Recognition Award
State Employees Required to Take Annual Online Ethics Training, Open Through Nov. 7
Attend the Next Lifelong Learning Program, Oct. 18
Plan to attend SIUE’s Graduate School Open House, Oct. 18
National Trends in Special Education and School Psychology: Conversations with SIUE Professors
Come Celebrate Dave Heth, Oct. 23
Special EUE Funding Available for FY18, Application Deadline Oct. 23
Watch for Tobacco Cessation Course, Beginning Oct. 26

Don't Miss Today's Q&A with Chancellor Pembrook

11 a.m.
Morris University Center, Mississippi/Illinois rooms

As a reminder, these meetings are open to all faculty and staff. The Chancellor invites you to ask questions, have a dialogue and/or express ideas that you might have.

Please note the upcoming Q&As:

2 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 7
Multi-purpose Room, Building D
Easte St. Louis Center

2 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 14
Morris University Center, Hickory/Hackberry/Oak/Redbud rooms

10 a.m.
Monday, Dec. 11
Morris University Center, Meeting Room A 

Congratulate Bonnie Brueggemann Today for Receiving October Employee Recognition Award

Bonnie Brueggemann, benefits officer in the Office of Human Resources, is the recipient of the October Employee Recognition Award.

Please join us in congratulating Bonnie as the Employee of the Month:
10 a.m.
Rendleman Hall, Room 3210

“SIUE holds a special place in my heart," said Brueggemann. "My mom has worked at the University since I was six years old, and my dad retired from here. I have been a student, a student worker, a graduate assistant and now a full-time employee. This campus feels like my second home."

“Bonnie’s work is excellent in all aspects," said Summer Murphy, Office of Human Resources benefits manager. "She has great customer service, is efficient with time, and continues to find ways to improve her skills. She will go above and beyond to help employees she serves, ensuring each one is treated the same regardless of the employee’s status or classification.”

"Working in Benefits has been a positive learning experience both professionally and personally," added Brueggemann.

For more information, contact Jen Oates-Blair at or 650-2127.

State Employees Required to Take Annual Online Ethics Training, Open Through Nov. 7

SIUE Faculty and Staff:

It’s time to complete the annual online ethics training. You will receive a separate email with details about the process, including website and login information.

For more information, contact SIUE’s Ethics Training Administrator Jennifer Schaefer in the Department of Human Resources, 650-2190 or

Attend the Next Lifelong Learning Program, Oct. 18

SIUE Office of Educational Outreach invites you to attend the fall 2017 Lifelong Learning Speakers Series every Wednesday on the campus of SIUE.

Lifelong Learning Speakers Series presentations are Wednesday, Oct. 18 in the Morris University Center, Hickory-Hackberry Room: 

10:30 a.m. -11:45 a.m.
Martial Arts for Fitness and Self-Defense, presented by Jennifer Rehg, PhD, associate professor of anthropology

1:15-2:30 p.m.
Syrian Refugees in Germany: Lessons from the Guest Worker Past for Germany Future, presented by Jennifer Miller, PhD, associate professor of historical studies

The cost is FREE for alumni and students, with valid identification, $5 for the public and $2 for Lifelong Learning members

You don’t want to miss this exhilarating semester jam-packed with presentations that are sure to inform and educate!

To view the fall brochure or to become a Lifelong Learning member, please visit our website or contact coordinator, Eboni Thompson at 618.650.3233. 

Plan to attend SIUE’s Graduate School Open House, Oct. 18

11 a.m.-1 p.m. or 5-7 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 18
Morris University Center, Meridian Ballroom

Find out more about:

  • SIUE’s 100+ master’s programs, post-baccalaureate certificates, specialist degrees, doctoral degrees and cooperative doctoral programs
  • Graduate admission requirements
  • Financial support, including graduate assistantships and competitive graduate awards

Apply during the open house, and the $40 application fee will be waived!

Learn more and register for the Graduate School Open House.

National Trends in Special Education and School Psychology: Conversations with SIUE Professors

Wednesday, Oct. 18
7-8:30 p.m.
Edwardsville Public Library

Dr. Stacie Kirk, associate professor, Department of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Jeremy Jewell, professor, Department of Psychology

The nationwide shortages of special educators and school psychologists have far-reaching consequences. Join us for an evening of short presentations by SIUE professors and time to converse about academic programs and local services that aim to address the needs of children with disabilities.

More information is available in this SIUE News Story.

Come Celebrate Dave Heth, Oct. 23

Please join family and friends in wishing Dave Heth, director of Financial Affairs, best wishes as he retires after calling SIUE home for 24 years.

2-4 p.m.
2:30 p.m. special thanks to be given
Monday, Oct. 23
Morris University Center, Maple-Dogwood Rooms

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us as we celebrate Dave and all that he has done for SIUE!

Special EUE Funding Available for FY18, Application Deadline Oct. 23

Provost Denise Cobb has made available funding for Excellence in Undergraduate Education (EUE) program projects to be completed in by June 30, 2018.

The priorities for this special program will be to fund support projects that pilot or implement high-impact practices (or high-impact community engagement practices) in programs and broad disciplines in which such practices are not common nor well-developed. Further information about high-impact practices can be found at

The processes and guidelines for this special EUE funding opportunity will follow those already established for the EUE program (see The deadline to submit an online application is Friday, Oct. 13. Proposals will be reviewed and awards announced by Monday, Oct. 23. Proposals must include a timeline that assures full implementation and evaluation are completed by June 30, 2018.

Address any questions about potential projects and application procedures to Wayne Nelson, EUE coordinator, at

Watch for Tobacco Cessation Course, Beginning Oct. 26

SIUE Community:

Are you, or someone you love, still smoking? Are you interested in kicking the habit once and for all?

SIUE and the American Lung Association are offering a Tobacco Cessation course beginning Thursday, Oct. 26.

If you have any interest, join us at the information session:

11:45 a.m.
Thursday, Oct. 26
Morrris University Center, Board Room

Check out the HR benefits offered to SIUE employees regarding Smoking Cesssation Program

For more information, please contact Cathy Passananti at or Riane Greenwalt at