Monday, Oct. 9, 2017

Students and Guests Attend Preview SIUE Today
Kuali Research Workshops Offered Through the End of the Year
"Howl" Poetry Reading Celebration, Oct. 9
Security Enhanced at Soccer Fields on Stadium Drive
Farmer's Market on the Quad, Oct. 10
Don't Miss August Wilson's "Gem of the Ocean"
Immigrants in Our Midst: Here to Stay Conference, Oct. 13
Now Accepting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award Applications for Community Members
Special EUE Funding Available for FY18
Bonnie Brueggemann Receives October Employee Recognition Award
National Trends in Special Education and School Psychology: Conversations with SIUE Professors

Students and Guests Attend Preview SIUE Today

The Office of Admissions, in partnership with the SIUE community, will host Preview SIUE today

SIUE will welcome more than 800 guests, including more than 300 prospective students, to campus. Students and their guests will experience and explore the many opportunities at SIUE. 

Preview SIUE begins at 9:30 a.m. in the Morris University Center and continues throughout the day. Many guests will be on campus until 2:30 p.m. Please know that the MUC will be quite busy during the day, especially during lunch.

Please join the Office of Admissions in welcoming these guests. Let’s show them the excitement of the SIUE campus and help them see why SIUE can be their future home to achieve their educational goals.

Kuali Research Workshops Offered Through the End of the Year

The Office of Research and Projects is conducting workshops to assist staff in the use of Kuali Research, the new electronic management system for submitting external grants.

Listed below are the remaining workshop dates. Registration is required. All workshops will be held in Rendleman Hall, Room 0202.

Monday, Oct. 9: 9 a.m.-Noon 

Tuesday, Oct. 31: 10 a.m.1 p.m

Tuesday, Nov. 14: 1-4 p.m

Friday, Dec. 8: 9 a.m.-Noon 

Monday, Dec. 18: 1-4 p.m

To register and for more information, visit the Kuali Grant Proposals Workshop on the Outreach and Professional Development website. 

"Howl" Poetry Reading Celebration, Oct. 9

Eric Ruckh, PhD, associate professor of historical studies and director of the honor's program, and Jeffrey Skoblow, PhD, professor in the Department of English Language and Literature, will perform Allen Ginsberg's great poem, "Howl" at the 14th Annual Celebration of Ginsberg's original public reading of the poem, 62 years ago in October 1955. Also part of the celebration will be SIUE's Smooth Jazz Combo with Doug Meyer and Steve Brown.

One of SIUE's Grassy Knolls

As Monday is Columbus Day, Ruckh and Skoblow will perform a brief selection from Eduardo Galeano's "Mirrors: Stories of Almost Everyone," pertinent to the occasion.

For more information, contact Skoblow at

Security Enhanced at Soccer Fields on Stadium Drive

Video surveillance equipment is scheduled to be installed at the Glen-Ed Soccer Fields on Stadium Drive on the SIUE campus.

The new equipment will be used to reduce loss of equipment and damage to property. The cameras will enhance the overall safety and security on the soccer fields leased by the Glen-Ed Sports Association.

In accordance with Section II (F) of the University’s Video Surveillance Policy, Vice Chancellor for Administration Rich Walker has approved the installation of the additional security equipment.

For more information, visit

Farmer's Market on the Quad, Oct. 10

Curious to see a portion of what you may be missing each Saturday morning in downtown Edwardsville at the Goshen Market? Hungry for fresh fruit and vegetables? Looking for a unique gift?

Then come to the Edwardsville Farmer's Market:

4-6 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 10
On the Quad

The first 100 students will receive a reusable grocery bag with coupons to local businesses and market vendors.

Students, faculty, staff and community members are welcome to browse more than 20 vendors selling tie-dyed clothes, soaps, flowers, fresh cookies, cinnamon rolls, bread, eggs, meat, cupcakes, chocolate candies and more!

Come listen to live music, enjoy a relaxing yoga session on the green and be ready for an evening of sustainability focused fun.

See you at the market!

Don't Miss August Wilson's "Gem of the Ocean"

August Wilson’s "Gem of the Ocean," directed by Kathryn Bentley, associate professor of performance, will be on stage:

7:30 p.m.
Wednesday-Saturday, Oct. 11-14


2 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 15
Katherine Dunham Hall Theater

Tickets are general admission. SIUE students with a valid ID get in for FREE.
The cost to attend "Gem of the Ocean" is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, SIUE retirees, alumni, faculty and staff and non-SIUE students. 

Tickets can be purchased by calling the Theater and Dance Box Office at (618) 650-2774 or visiting the Box Office in Dunham Hall, Room 1042B. 

For more information, send a meage to

Wilson's work is part of SIUE's Black Playwright Festival. Other events include:

"Sitting at the Feet of an Elder," Professor Emeritus Johnetta Haley shares her life story
1:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 11
Lovejoy Library, Friends’ Corner

Immediately following the Oct. 13 performance there will be a post-show discussion, “African American History and the Long Sojourn for Freedom,” which will involve the show’s director and cast. Dr. Jessica Harris, associate professor in the Department of Historical Studies and director of Black Studies at SIUE, will moderate the disscusion.

Enjoy a screening of “The Ground on Which I Stand,” a look at August Wilson, followed by a panel discussion.
The screening:
3 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 14
Katherine Dunham Hall Theater

All Festival activities are FREE.

Immigrants in Our Midst: Here to Stay Conference, Oct. 13

Plan to attend: "Immigrants In Our Midst: Here To Stay Conference"

10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 13
Morris University Center, Conference Center

Panels and breakout sessions include:

  • Changing Demographics
  • Updates to DACA, Legislative Fixes, and Legal Hot Topics
  • Community Policing and Community Organizing
  • Access to Health
  • Career Development
  • Frequently Faced Roadblocks

The cost is $15 in advance or $20 the day of the event. 

There is free parking, and a light lunch will be provided.

Now Accepting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award Applications for Community Members

SIUE is pleased to announce the solicitation of nominations for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award. This annual award recognizes an outstanding community member who exemplifies the philosophy of nonviolent social change as espoused by King.

The winner will be recognized at the 31st annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration Luncheon at SIUE on Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2018.

Organizations, businesses, agencies or individuals may nominate a person who is an Illinois resident and at least 21 years old. The person must embrace the humanitarian principles and ideals of King and have initiated, developed, or participated in programs, services or activities which have inspired tolerance, understanding and sensitivity with regard to diversity issues and/or persons of underrepresented groups.

The deadline for nominations is Friday, Oct. 13. Please submit all completed nominations to the SIUE Office of Educational Outreach, Campus Box 1084, Edwardsville, IL 62026.

For more information, visit the Kimmel Student Involvement Center website at kimmel/awards/mlk and click on Awards and Forms to print additional copies. You may also contact Eboni Thompson at (618) 650-3233 with additional questions.

Special EUE Funding Available for FY18

Provost Denise Cobb has made available funding for Excellence in Undergraduate Education (EUE) program projects to be completed in by June 30, 2018.

The priorities for this special program will be to fund support projects that pilot or implement high-impact practices (or high-impact community engagement practices) in programs and broad disciplines in which such practices are not common nor well-developed. Further information about high-impact practices can be found at

The processes and guidelines for this special EUE funding opportunity will follow those already established for the EUE program (see The deadline to submit an online application is Friday, Oct. 13. Proposals will be reviewed and awards announced by Monday, Oct. 23. Proposals must include a timeline that assures full implementation and evaluation are completed by June 30, 2018.

Address any questions about potential projects and application procedures to Wayne Nelson, EUE coordinator, at

Bonnie Brueggemann Receives October Employee Recognition Award

Bonnie Brueggemann, benefits officer in the Office of Human Resources, is the recipient of the October Employee Recognition Award.

Please join us in congratulating Bonnie as the Employee of the Month:
10 a.m.
Monday, Oct. 16
Rendleman Hall, Room 3210

“SIUE holds a special place in my heart," said Brueggemann. "My mom has worked at the University since I was six years old, and my dad retired from here. I have been a student, a student worker, a graduate assistant and now a full-time employee. This campus feels like my second home."

“Bonnie’s work is excellent in all aspects," said Summer Murphy, Office of Human Resources benefits manager. "She has great customer service, is efficient with time, and continues to find ways to improve her skills. She will go above and beyond to help employees she serves, ensuring each one is treated the same regardless of the employee’s status or classification.”

"Working in Benefits has been a positive learning experience both professionally and personally," added Brueggemann.

For more information, contact Jen Oates-Blair at or 650-2127.

National Trends in Special Education and School Psychology: Conversations with SIUE Professors

Wednesday, Oct. 18
7-8:30 p.m.
Edwardsville Public Library

Dr. Stacie Kirk, associate professor, Department of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Jeremy Jewell, professor, Department of Psychology

The nationwide shortages of special educators and school psychologists have far-reaching consequences. Join us for an evening of short presentations by SIUE professors and time to converse about academic programs and local services that aim to address the needs of children with disabilities.

More information is available in this SIUE News Story.