Monday, Sept. 18, 2017

Dr. Sophia Wilson to Speak Today at Constitution Day Program
Facilities Management Director Candidate Review Today
Nominate a Faculty/Staff Member for SIUE Champion of Diversity Award
Life to Go Series Presents: Guided Meditation, Sept. 19
NCERC Hosting "Open for Collaboration," Sept. 20
Come Out for "Finding Our Balance: An Equinox Celebration," Sept. 22
Nominations Open for Honorary Degrees and Distinguished Service Awards
Special EUE Funding Available for FY18
Save 10 percent on SIUE Dining Services Purchases

Dr. Sophia Wilson to Speak Today at Constitution Day Program

SIUE, as the recipient of federal funds, is required to hold a Constitution Day program each year.

The Department of Political Science invites you to a talk by Dr. Sophia Wilson:
12-1 p.m.
Dean’s Conference Room, Peck Hall Room 3117
Feel free to bring your lunch.

Dr. Wilson will speak about the courts. After World War II, a number of European democracies instituted Constitutional Courts. The numerous atrocities committed during the war convinced many Europeans that a democratically elected leadership should be held accountable to constitutional guarantees. While the U.S. served as an example of a country where judicial review powers were widely practiced, our country faced considerable challenges in promoting constitutional order.

Facilities Management Director Candidate Review Today

The Facilities Management Director Search Committee has invited four candidates to participate in campus interviews. Please note the following dates and times:

Craig Holan
3:30 p.m.
Morris University Center, Hickory/Hackberry Room

Mahesh Mohnalkar
3:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 19
Morris University Center, Hickory/Hackberry Room

Michael Allen
3:30 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 21
Morris University Center, Maple Room

Donna Meyer
10 a.m.
Friday, Sept. 22
Morris University Center, Illinois Room

A 60-minute campus open forum has been set for each candidate. Resumes for the candidates will be available at their respective forum sessions.

For those who cannot attend the open forums, they will be recorded and posted for viewing by Friday afternoon, Sept. 22. Information about accessing the recordings will be shared in a separate message.

Evaluation forms will be available at each forum and when accessing the forum recordings. All evaluation forms must be submitted to Janet Haroian via or campus box 1158 by the close of business, Thursday, Sept.  28.

Nominate a Faculty/Staff Member for SIUE Champion of Diversity Award

The Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion would like to invite the SIUE community to nominate a faculty or staff member for the SIUE Champion for Diversity Award.

This award is presented to a faculty or staff member who has demonstrated an exemplary level of dedication to SIUE’s mission of fostering equal opportunity, positive interactions with students, staff and faculty, and someone who respects and values differing backgrounds and points of view within SIUE.

Nominations are open and should be received by close of business today.

The Champion for Diversity Award will be recognized annually during the December Commencement and will consist of a plaque and $500 donated to a University diversity and inclusion project of the recipient’s choice.

Life to Go Series Presents: Guided Meditation, Sept. 19

The Office of Human Resources' Life To Go Series presents:

“Guided Meditation"

Noon-1 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 19
Morris University Center, Mississippi/Illinois Room
Space is limited. Please RSVP by emailing Bonnie Brueggemann at

Jennifer Payne, School of Business academic advisor and registered yoga teacher through Yoga Alliance, will guide attendees through breath and meditation techniques that will help manage stress and promote overall health.

This workshop is designed for those interested in incorporating mindfulness and meditation techniques into their daily lives.

Register, bring a mat, and join us for yoga and meditation during the lunch hour. 

If you do not have a mat, some will be provided.

We recommend changing into comfortable clothes!  

NCERC Hosting "Open for Collaboration," Sept. 20

The National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center (NCERC) will host an open house for Southern Illinois University system faculty and students.

The theme is “Open for Collaboration” and will feature discussions on the work faculty and staff are doing in biofuels research through grants and sponsored projects, which create opportunities for student learning and faculty engagement.

9:30-11:30 a.m. - Morning session dedicated to faculty attendees, with presentations from Provost Denise Cobb and members of the NCERC staff
1-3:30 p.m. - Afternoon session for students, including presentations from NCERC engineers and scientists
Wednesday, Sept. 20
NCERC, 400 University Park Drive

Both sessions will feature tours of the state-of-the-art NCERC facility, and highlight its various internship, graduate assistantship and student-worker opportunities.

For more information, go to or contact Diana Nastasia at

Come Out for "Finding Our Balance: An Equinox Celebration," Sept. 22

The Center for Spirituality and Sustainability and the Student Organization for Sustainability (SOS) are co-sponsoing the sustainability tour of campus:

Finding Our Balance: An Equinox Celebration
6:30 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 22
Sculpture known as “The Crossing” at the 90th meridian 

The tour will conclude at the Center with a candlelight vigil. There, we'll share reflections and read inspirational materials related to finding balance in our lives.

Cider and cookies will be served. All are welcome to participate.

Nominations Open for Honorary Degrees and Distinguished Service Awards

The Honorary Degrees and Distinguished Service Award Committee invites nominations from the University community for consideration by the committee. All departments and schools are asked to consider and submit well-deserving nominations, particularly of individuals who show a connection or a commitment to the SIUE community.

Please visit Faculty Senate for details on the criteria for submission and the nomination forms. A list of former recipients is available for review on the University Archives website:

Please note that current University employees are not eligible for awards.

Nominations must be received no later than Friday, Sept. 29. Submissions should include the appropriate nomination form along with biographical information. The subject, "librarians in Library and Information Services" can provide assistance in locating documentation that can strengthen the nomination: see here

For more information, contact Juliet Kerico Gray at or 650-3129.

Special EUE Funding Available for FY18

Provost Denise Cobb has made available funding for Excellence in Undergraduate Education (EUE) program projects to be completed in by June 30, 2018.

The priorities for this special program will be to fund support projects that pilot or implement high-impact practices (or high-impact community engagement practices) in programs and broad disciplines in which such practices are not common nor well-developed. Further information about high-impact practices can be found at

The processes and guidelines for this special EUE funding opportunity will follow those already established for the EUE program (see The deadline to submit an online application is Friday, Oct. 13. Proposals will be reviewed and awards announced by Monday, Oct. 23. Proposals must include a timeline that assures full implementation and evaluation are completed by June 30, 2018.

Address any questions about potential projects and application procedures to Wayne Nelson, EUE coordinator, at

Save 10 percent on SIUE Dining Services Purchases

Want to save 10 percent on your SIUE Dining Services purchase? Use Cougar Bucks!

It is fast and easy to set up and use. 

Go to
Click on “Add Money to Cougar Card” 
Login to GET
Enter your e-ID and password
Under Quick Links click “Add Funds”

For more information, contact