Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017

Check Out Today's Fresh Check Program for Student Mental Health
IRIS Center Hosts Brown Bag Session, Sept. 8
You’re Invited to Take Part in Sept. 8 Guinness World Record Attempt at SIUE
Please Contribute to SIUE Student Government's Donation Drive for Survivors of Hurricane Harvey
SIUE Introduces Online Degree Completion Program in Integrative Studies
Chancellor Pembrook's Next Q&A, Sept. 11 in East St. Louis
Save 10 percent on SIUE Dining Services Purchases
Take Advantage of These ITS Training Services

Check Out Today's Fresh Check Program for Student Mental Health

SIUE is hosting Fresh Check Day, an event designed to bring the campus community together to “check-in” on the mental health and wellness of college students.

Fresh Check Day will be from:
10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Stratton Quadrangle

The Stratton Quadrangle will be transformed into an expo-like atmosphere to bring together interactive exhibits combined with food, prizes and giveaways.

A concept created by The Jordan Porco Foundation, the event is free and has been organized by SIUE Counseling Services with assistance from the SIUE Schools of Pharmacy and Nursing, student volunteers and Porco Foundation representatives.

Booths will feature peer-to peer messaging in a positive, community-focused setting.

This year's event will include separate 30 minute Zumba and yoga demonstrations at 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., respectively. Should it rain, the event will be held in the Morris University Center Goshen Lounge.

For more information, contact Lisa Thompson-Gibson, counselor and suicide prevention project coordinator in SIUE Counseling Services, at 650-2842 or

IRIS Center Hosts Brown Bag Session, Sept. 8

The IRIS Center will hold its first Brown Bag session of the semester, "Digital Humanities in the Classroom":

2 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 8
Peck Hall, Room 1405

Dr. Jessica DeSpain, associate professor in the Department of English Language and Literature, will discuss how to introduce digital scholarship to undergraduates to enhance their approach to more traditional methods, such as close reading.

DeSpain has spent nine years training undergraduates to work on digital humanities projects, integrating DH methods into her classes, and developing a minor in the digital humanities and social sciences. She will also discuss best practices for introducing DH into a variety of learning environments and share her most successful assignments.

For more information, visit

You’re Invited to Take Part in Sept. 8 Guinness World Record Attempt at SIUE

SIUE has teamed with community businesses and organizations in hopes of achieving a Guinness World Record for the “Longest line of books” on International Literacy Day.

Organizer Stephen Hupp, PhD, professor of psychology in the School of Education, Health and Human Behavior, invites the public to help accomplish the amazing achievement.

11:30 a.m. – opening kickoff
3:30 p.m. – official measurement
Friday, Sept. 8
Outdoor Recreational Sports Complex off Northwest University Drive on campus

At the kickoff event, Hupp will emphasize the value of literacy. Those in attendance will be given one of the gently-used books that have been donated to add to the line.

Hupp hopes to overcome the current record, which was set in 2016 with a line of 13,410 books that stretched 1.4 miles in the United Kingdom.

For details on where the books will be donated following the record attempt, read this SIUE News Story. For more information, contact Hupp at or find updates on Twitter @StephenHupp.

Please Contribute to SIUE Student Government's Donation Drive for Survivors of Hurricane Harvey

Parts of Texas have been devastated by the havoc of Hurricane Harvey. Many people have lost everything ranging from homes to cars to clothing. In this time of need, it is imperative that we come together as a campus and show our support for those affected.

Student Government will be hosting a donation drive throughout the month of September. We will be accepting various items including, but not limited to:

Non-perishable food items
Bottles of water
Lightly used clothing and shoes of all sizes, including children's clothing
First-Aid items
Baby diapers and formula
Cleaning supplies
Monetary donations (Student Government will use the monies to purchase more items)

We will be working with local newspapers in the surrounding communities to raise awareness of the drive. Donations will be accepted during the weeks of Sept. 18 and Sept. 25 and will be mailed out the following week. No donation is too small.

Donations can be dropped off at the Student Government office, located in the Student Success Center (SSC), Room 1280.

Please share this information with family, friends and neighbors as we stand together in support of the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Together, we can make a difference.

For more imformation, please contact Ramón DeShazer at 650-3821 or

SIUE Introduces Online Degree Completion Program in Integrative Studies

SIUE is introducing a completely online degree completion program in integrative studies with a focus on leadership in organizations.

The program will have focus areas of sociology and psychology revolving around organizational leadership and administration themes. It's geared toward non-traditional students, primarily working adults.

“This flexible program is designed to help adult learners return to college to complete their degrees,” said Denise Cobb, PhD, SIUE provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. "In particular, SIUE now provides a pathway to a baccalaureate degree for individuals who have an associate’s degree, or are close to obtaining one, and are unable to come to campus for coursework."

Learn more at

Chancellor Pembrook's Next Q&A, Sept. 11 in East St. Louis

The next Q&A with Chancellor Randy Pembrook will be:

9 a.m.
Monday, Sept. 11
Building D, Room 1007
East St. Louis Center

As a reminder, these meetings are open to all faculty and staff. The Chancellor invites you to ask questions, have a dialogue and/or express ideas that you might have.

If you would like to submit questions or suggestions to the Chancellor in advance of any of the Q&A sessions, please send them to

Save 10 percent on SIUE Dining Services Purchases

Want to save 10 percent on your SIUE Dining Services purchase? Use Cougar Bucks! 
It is fast and easy to set up and use. 

Go to
Click on “Add Money to Cougar Card” 
Login to GET
Enter your e-ID and password
Under Quick Links click “Add Funds”

For more information, contact

Take Advantage of These ITS Training Services

There are several ITS training sessions and workshops scheduled for the upcoming weeks and months.

Check out the calendar here.  

Additionally, in an effort to become more efficient and flexible, ITS continues to produce and offer more self-paced, interactive online training. Some of these resources are available via the training page linked above and others are available in the ITS Knowledgebase.

More online training will be produced and announced as it becomes available.

For more information, contact