Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017

Please Contribute to SIUE Student Government's Donation Drive for Survivors of Hurricane Harvey
SIUE Speech-Language-Hearing Center Now Enrolling for Fall
2017 Metro East Start-Up Challenge Offers $15,000 in Prizes
Please Note Memorial Service for Emma Casserotti, Sept. 6
SIUE to Host Fresh Check Program for Student Mental Health
Update on SIUE’s Guinness World Record Attempt to Make "Longest Line of Books"
Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion Announces its Fall 2017 Book Club
Check Out the SIU School of Dental Medicine Clinic
Don't Miss Library and Information Services' Open House, Sept. 12
Nominate a Faculty/Staff Member for SIUE Champion of Diversity Award
SIUE Alumni Association for Cougars Unleashed Homecoming Run & Pancake Breakfast, Set for Oct. 7

Please Contribute to SIUE Student Government's Donation Drive for Survivors of Hurricane Harvey

Students, Faculty, and Staff:

Parts of Texas have been devastated by the havoc of Hurricane Harvey. Many people have lost everything ranging from homes to cars to clothing. In this time of need, it is imperative that we come together as a campus and show our support for those affected.

Student Government will be hosting a donation drive throughout the month of September. We will be accepting various items including, but not limited to:

Non-perishable food items
Bottles of water
Lightly used clothing and shoes of all sizes, including children's clothing
First-Aid items
Baby diapers and formula
Cleaning supplies
Monetary donations (Student Government will use the monies to purchase more items)

We will be working with local newspapers in the surrounding communities to raise awareness of the drive. Donations will be accepted during the weeks of Sept. 18 and Sept. 25 and will be mailed out the following week.

All donations can be dropped off at the Student Government office, Student Success Center (SSC), Room 1280.

We appreciate your help throughout this time, and no donation is too small.

Please share this information with family, friends and neighbors as we stand together in support of the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Together, we can make a difference.

For more imformation, please contact Ramón DeShazer at 650-3821 or rdeshaz@siue.edu

SIUE Speech-Language-Hearing Center Now Enrolling for Fall

SIUE’s Speech-Language-Hearing Center, located in Founders Hall, is now enrolling for the fall semester.

The Center offers clients two 50-minute treatment sessions per week with a graduate student clinician, under the supervision of a licensed speech-language pathologist.

Current openings through Dec. 7 include:

Monday/Wednesday: 9:30 a.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m. and 4 p.m.

Tuesday/Thursday: 8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m. and 5 p.m.

The SLH Center provides speech-language evaluations and therapy for children, adolescents, and non-Medicare-eligible adults in the following areas: speech, language, voice, fluency, traumatic brain injury, and transgender voice and accent modification for non-native speakers of English.

Tuition is $605 (payment plan available). Current SIUE students receive a 50 percent discount.

Contact the Center to schedule your child or for more information:
• (618) 650-5623
• slhc-information@siue.edu
• siue.edu/slh-center

2017 Metro East Start-Up Challenge Offers $15,000 in Prizes

Entrepreneurs and new business startups are invited to compete in the 2017 Metro East Start-Up Challenge (MESC), Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s fourth annual regional business plan competition.

The MESC is organized by the Illinois Metro East Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at SIUE. The purpose of the Challenge is to identify, encourage and support entrepreneurs and business startups across the SBDC’s service area, including Calhoun, Jersey, Madison, Bond, Clinton, St. Clair, Washington, Monroe and Randolph Counties.

The first-place winner will receive a $7,000 cash prize. Second and third place winners will receive $5,000 and $3,000, respectively. Prizewinners will also receive an array of in-kind professional services. 

SIUE’s School of Business, the SBDC’s host organization, will assist with facilitating the competition.

The 2017 MESC invites entrepreneurs and startup businesses from four target industries: information technology, manufacturing, healthcare and sustainable food. For a startup business enterprise to be eligible, it must have been established after April 30, 2014, and be headquartered in the SBDC’s nine-county service area. For pre-venture entrepreneurs, proposed new business operations will need to be located within the same nine counties.

For more information on the 2017 MESC or to initiate the application process, visit siue.edu/metroeaststartup. The initial entry deadline is Tuesday, Sept. 5. Semi-finalists will be announced Friday, Sept. 8, with finalists notified on Wednesday, Oct. 18. The Challenge will announce its cash prizewinners on Friday, Nov. 3 during the monthly Leadership Council SW IL meeting.

Please Note Memorial Service for Emma Casserotti, Sept. 6

You are invited to attend a memorial service for Emma Caserotti, a College of Arts and Sciences student, who died June 11.

5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 6
Morris University Center, Second Floor Conference Center

Emma was a member of Alpha Sigma Tau sorority and would have started her sophomore year during this fall semester.

Read more information in SIUE News.

SIUE to Host Fresh Check Program for Student Mental Health

SIUE will host Fresh Check Day, an event designed to bring the whole campus community together to “check-in” on the mental health and wellness of college students.

Fresh Check Day will be from:
10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 7
Stratton Quadrangle

The Stratton Quadrangle will be transformed into an expo-like atmosphere to bring together interactive exhibits combined with food, prizes and giveaways.

A concept created by The Jordan Porco Foundation, the event is free and has been organized by SIUE Counseling Services with assistance from the SIUE Schools of Pharmacy and Nursing, student volunteers and Porco Foundation representatives.

Booths will feature peer-to peer messaging in a positive, community-focused setting.

This year's event will include separate 30 minutes Zumba and yoga demonstrations at 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., respectively. Should it rain, the event will be held in the Morris University Center Goshen Lounge.

For more information, contact Lisa Thompson-Gibson, counselor and suicide prevention project coordinator in SIUE Counseling Services, at 650-2842 or lithomp@siue.edu.

Update on SIUE’s Guinness World Record Attempt to Make "Longest Line of Books"

This is an update about our effort to make the “longest line of books” for an official attempt at a Guinness World Record at SIUE on Friday, Sept. 8, which is International Literacy Day.

We have had amazing support from all parts of SIUE and the surrounding communities, and we currently have about 8,500 books! If we can get to 13,500 by Sept. 8, we should have enough to break the record (which is based on distance rather than the number of books). That is, we have about 5,000 books to go.

The Y98 radio station will be mentioning our effort beginning today at approximately 1 p.m. The story was also featured in the SIUE NewsRiverfront Times and other outlets.

Most of the books will go to children in the SIUE Head Start/Early Head Start Program. Books that Head Start can’t use will go to:
· Phi Kappa Phi (SIUE Honor’s society)
· Greater St. Louis Book Fair (a charity that promotes education and literacy)
· Christian Activity Center (all of the Christian books)
· Other similar good causes

Organizations who have already donated (or committed to donate) a large amount of books include:
· Edwardsville Public Library (a drop-off location)
· Liberty Middle School (a collection box is in most classrooms)
· St. Jacob Elementary
· St. John Newman Church
· St. Andrews Church
· Christian Activity Center
· Troy Library
· Afterwords Books

Thank you to everyone who has donated and offered to help!

Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion Announces its Fall 2017 Book Club

Join us as we examine Speak Right On: Conjuring the Slave Narrative of Dred Scott by Mary E. Neighbour. Instructor Renee Fussell, instructor in the Department of Applied Communication Studies, will facilitate the discussions.

The book and discussion guide will be provided at the first meeting:
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 8
Multicultural Center
Morris University Center second floor
Feel free to bring your lunch.

The author will attend the Friday, Sept. 22 discussion.

How does a destitute, illiterate, enslaved man manage to bring his plea for freedom before the U.S. Supreme Court? Speak Right On, a work of historical fiction, delves beneath the obvious answer to the core truth.

"In this historical fiction, Mary E. Neighbour took on a difficult task with her debut novel, Speak Right On. Most Americans know of Dred Scott and his famous fight to cast off the bonds of slavery, but few of us know the man behind the 1857 Supreme Court case that ignited the flames of the American Civil War. One-fourth biography and three-fourths fiction, Neighbour takes the reader on an incredible journey of dignity, accomplishment, and bonds of the mind, spirit, and heart. Neighbour fills in the gaps of Dred's life from its humble beginnings in Virginia, where he worked in the house with his Gran, then as a field slave in Alabama, on to St. Louis, the Wisconsin Territory, Illinois, back to St. Louis, then Louisiana, and back to St. Louis once again." -- Julie Failla Earhart, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Register online for Fall 2017 Book Club.

For more information, contact the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion at 618-650-5382.

Check Out the SIU School of Dental Medicine Clinic

Conveniently located on University Park Drive on the Edwardsville campus, the new SIU School of Dental Medicine clinic provides a full scope of dental services, including preventive dentistry, cleanings, fillings, crowns and bridges, dentures, surgery, root canals and implant procedures. 

All insurance providers are accepted, including plans for state of Illinois employees. With a team of expert faculty and compassionate students, the SIU Dental Medicine Clinics offer appropriate care at discounted rates. SIUE faculty, staff and students receive additional discounts. 

The School of Dental Medicine has been providing high quality dental care to the region for more than 40 years through its clinics in Alton, East St. Louis and Edwardsville. 

For more information, visit siue.edu/dental/patients, or call 618-650-5781 to make an appointment.

Don't Miss Library and Information Services' Open House, Sept. 12

Nominate a Faculty/Staff Member for SIUE Champion of Diversity Award

The Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion would like to invite the SIUE community to nominate a faculty or staff member for the SIUE Champion for Diversity Award.

This award is presented to a faculty or staff member who has demonstrated an exemplary level of dedication to SIUE’s mission of fostering equal opportunity, positive interactions with students, staff and faculty, and someone who respects and values differing backgrounds and points of view within SIUE.

Nominations are open and should be received by Monday, Sept. 18.

The Champion for Diversity Award will be recognized annually during the December Commencement and will consist of a plaque and $500 donated to a University diversity and inclusion project of the recipient’s choice.

SIUE Alumni Association for Cougars Unleashed Homecoming Run & Pancake Breakfast, Set for Oct. 7

The SIUE Alumni Association invites you to be a part of the second annual Cougars Unleashed Homecoming Run & Pancake Breakfast!

This race offers distances of 5K and 10K, as well as a 1-mile fun run. The race routes are paved and showcase SIUE’s scenic campus. After the run, stay for a world-famous Chris Cakes pancake breakfast. Not a runner? Come for breakfast and to cheer on our participants!

For a limited time only, SIUE faculty and staff can receive an additional $5 off by using promo code SIUESTAFF17 (case sensitive) at checkout.

Cougars Unleashed Homecoming Run
9 a.m.
Saturday, Oct. 7
Birger Hall Parking Lot

Cost: 5K $30, 10K $40, $5 off for SIUE alumni, FREE for SIUE students

Register by Sept. 16 and receive a commemorative pint glass. Register by Sept. 23 to be guaranteed a race shirt.

Register online at runsignup.com/cougarsunleashed

We also have volunteer opportunities available. If you would like to help on race day, visit our online volunteer sign up site.

Follow the Cougars Unleashed Homecoming Run on Facebook and help spread the word by sharing our event!