Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Attend Today's NAMI Professional Development Seminar "Discussion on Minority Mental Health"
Dr. Andrew Theising Collection on Display at Lovejoy Library
Sign Up to Serve as an SIUE Student Organization Advisor
IHP Seeks Your Donations to Welcome International Students
Volunteer to be a Presenter for the Fall 2017 Leadership Programming Series

Attend Today's NAMI Professional Development Seminar "Discussion on Minority Mental Health"

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) will host an open forum and professional development seminar, entitled "Discussion on Minority Mental Health."

1-2:30 p.m.
SIUE Learning Resource Center
East St. Louis Higher Education Campus

Attendees will learn facts about mental health in minorities, how to identify warning signs, and how to support and communicate with someone in distress, while referring them for additional assistance.

Dr. Andrew Theising Collection on Display at Lovejoy Library

Stop inside Lovejoy Library to view materials from the Andrew Theising Collection, which are featured in the center light well on the first floor of Lovejoy Library. Theising, PhD, is chair and associate professor in SIUE's Department of Political Science.

One case focuses on East St. Louis’ history as an industrial suburb and the second case on the 1917 East St. Louis Riots, including Elliott Morton Rudwick’s book: Race riot at East St. Louis, July 2, 1917. The displays will remain available during July and August.

Check out the National Outdoors Month display with focus on the sustainability efforts at SIUE, the Gardens at SIUE and gardening. The display will only be here for through Friday, July 21.

For more information, contact Tiffany Dvorak at 650-2691.

Sign Up to Serve as an SIUE Student Organization Advisor

SIUE currently offers more than 300 recognized student organizations. We are always in need of individuals who are willing to serve as an advisor to these student groups.

If you are a full time SIUE faculty or staff member and would potentially be willing to serve as an advisor to a student group, please email me at, and I will put you on the list of potential advisors.

When a group needs an advisor, I will contact everyone on the list to see who is interested. If you expressed interest in being an advisor last year, please contact me again.

Serving as an organization advisor can be rewarding, and we appreciate the time and effort faculty and staff put in to ensure SIUE organizations succeed.

Please note that service as an advisor counts as University service for the faculty tenure process, and our office will provide letters in support of this.

For more information, contact Michelle Welter, associate director of the Kimmel Student Involvement Center, at 650-2686.

IHP Seeks Your Donations to Welcome International Students

The International Hospitality Program at SIUE welcomes our international students to the area. We try to demonstrate the warmth and generosity of the community by befriending them and helping them to feel comfortable in their new homes. We could use your help in filling requests from our new group of fall semester international students!

“Back to School” is often the time of year to reorganize and replace items in your household. If you, your relatives or friends are planning to replace any of the following items, please consider donating them to IHP for use by international students:

  • Small desks, chairs and reading tables
  • Vacuum cleaners
  • Beds/mattresses (twin and full size only)
  • Sheets
  • Blankets/comforters
  • Towels/wash cloths
  • Small,light sofas/futons
  • Living room chairs
  • Lamps
  • Kitchen tables and chairs
  • Kitchen utensils, pots and pans, dishes
  • Microwaves, rice cookers, blenders, food processors and toaster ovens

If you have any of these smaller household items to donate, please feel free to bring them to the donations area:

IHP Fall New Student Reception
4 p.m.
Tuesday, Aug. 15
Morris Universeity Center Meridian Ballroom

Student ambassadors and IHP members will be available to help you unload from Lot B, beginning at 4 p.m.

If you have larger furniture items and need to arrange for a pickup, contact Susan Jernigan at or 618-304-3443, and she will try to arrange for pickup.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and your generosity in welcoming our international students to SIUE and Edwardsville!

Volunteer to be a Presenter for the Fall 2017 Leadership Programming Series

Faculty and Staff:

Presenters are needed for the Fall 2017 Leadership Programming Series. The Student Leadership Development Program is open to any SIUE (undergraduate or graduate student) and covers a variety of topics centered around leadership, communication and career issues. We have three different programs to fill:

• Leadership Lunches—will occur from 12-1 p.m. Wednesdays throughout the semester (dates below)
• Student Organization Leadership Orientation—a leadership conference for student organization leaders (more than 300 students will attend)—Saturday, Sept. 23
• Diversity and Leadership Institute—a mini-conference centered on topics of diversity, inclusion and cross cultural awareness—Tuesday, Oct. 17

We are interested in a wide range of topics. Listed below are topics that have been previously offered, but we are interested in other topics as well. Each session is between 45 minutes and one hour. We ask that the sessions are not just a full lecture, but have some sort of interactive portion such as an activity or discussion.

Effective Communication
Professional Etiquette
Conflict Resolution
Cross Cultural Awareness
Understanding the Organizational Climate
Stress Management
Ethical Leadership
Civic Responsibility
Team Leadership
Mindfulness in Leadership
True Colors
Leading Your Peers
Keys to Leadership Success
Dealing with Change
Social Justice
Becoming a Successful Leader
Social Change Model of Leadership
Event Planning
Creating Effective Incentive Programs
Positive Psychology/Leadership
Recruitment & Retention
Sustainable Leadership
Social Media
Interviewing Skills
Building Your Resume
Leadership Issues in the LGBT Community
Time Management

The folllowing dates and times are available for fall:
Wednesday Sept. 6 — 12 p.m.
Wednesday Sept. 13 — 12 p.m.
Wednesday Sept. 20 — 12 p.m.
Saturday Sept. 23 Morning **see note below
Wednesday Sept. 27 — 12 p.m.
Wednesday Oct. 4 — 12 p.m.
Wednesday Oct. 11 — 12 p.m.
Tuesday Oct. 17 — 4:10 p.m., 5:20 p.m., 6:20 p.m. **see note below
Wednesday Oct. 18 — 12 p.m.
Wednesday Oct. 25 — 12 p.m.
Wednesday Nov. 1 — 12 p.m.
Wednesday Nov. 8 — 12 p.m.
Wednesday Nov. 15 — 12 p.m.

**On Saturday, Sept. 23, we will host our Student Organization Leadership Orientation. This is a required program for all of our student organizations—they must send two representatives. We have a keynote speaker first, and then there are two different sets of breakout sessions where we cover a variety of topics including leadership, group dynamics and also just resources for student groups. We have about 300 student leaders attend this program every year. Twelve breakout presenters are needed for that morning.

**On Tuesday, Oct. 17 from 4-7:30 p.m., we will host a Diversity and Leadership Institute. This program will be open to 75 students, and they will attend three total breakout sessions covering various topics centered around issues of diversity, multiculturalism, etc. Anyone interested in presenting during any of the three session times (4:10 p.m., 5:20 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.) would need to be able to cover a topic such as this.

To sign up for a presentation and for more information, contact Michelle Welter at