Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Check out the SIUE Sustainability Mobile App
Next Lifelong Learning Program, Beginning Japanese Conversation Class
Attend S.A.C.K. Lunch and Learn Presentation, June 19

Check out the SIUE Sustainability Mobile App

It’s a scavenger hunt of the sustainability kind that will hopefully prove to be both fun and informative for the SIUE community, according to Connie Frey Spurlock, associate professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, who spearheaded the creation of a new mobile application.

She introduced the new sustainability app to the University community at the end of April. The application only works while on the SIUE campus.

Currently, the app highlights 20 sustainability points of interest. When users click on a point of interest located on the map, information is given for that sustainability feature. Some of the sites to visit on the new app include:

  • Natural Connections’ Student Food Garden
  • Zip cars
  • Bike repair station
  • The Student Organization for Sustainability (SOS) office
  • The Student Success Center green roof
  • School of Engineering Annex
  • SIUE Nature Preserve

To learn more about the app, which was designed by three SIUE computer science students, read this SIUE news story.

Next Lifelong Learning Program, Beginning Japanese Conversation Class

Beginning Japanese Conversation Class
7-8:30 p.m.
June 14-July 12, Wednesdays
Register online

Attend S.A.C.K. Lunch and Learn Presentation, June 19

The SIUE East St. Louis Campus Learning Resource Center, in collaboration with SIUE Department of Social Work, will host its next S.A.C.K. (Success and Continuing Knowledge) Lunch and Learn Series on the topic of "Dance History." Ms. Ruby Streate will speak about the world-renowned dancer, anthropologist and choreographer Katherine Dunham from East St. Louis.

Noon-1 p.m.
Monday, June 19
SIUE East St. Louis Campus Building B, Learning Resource Center Conference Room
601 James R. Thompson Blvd.
East St. Louis, IL  62201

Pre-register by calling 618-874-8719 or emailing