Wednesday, May 17, 2017

STEM Center Announces FY18 Faculty Fellows: Drs. Barber and Onal
Attend the 2017 LIS Symposium
Get the Discounted Registration Rate for SIUE Summer String Camp
Celebrate Rena Young's Years of Service
Join in the Fun at Kindermusik Summer Camp

STEM Center Announces FY18 Faculty Fellows: Drs. Barber and Onal

The SIUE STEM Center has announced its two faculty fellows for FY18. The competitive fellowship engages in undergraduate education research aligned with the mission of the STEM Center to innovate ways to engage students in STEM.

Connie Barber, PhD, assistant professor in the School of Business’ Department of Computer Management and Information Systems, will research gamifying information systems. Dr. Barber’s project is entitled, “When Your Students are Quest-masters: Gamifying Information Systems Course Content.”

Sinan Onal, PhD, an assistant professor in the School of Engineering’s Department of Industrial Engineering, will work on a project involving the design of medical devices. Dr. Onal’s project is entitled, “Integration of Medical Device Design and Fabrication Projects into the Industrial Engineering Curriculum through Collaborating with Industry Partners.”

“We are excited about the great promise of these projects for positively impacting student learning and engagement,” said Sharon Locke, PhD, director of the SIUE STEM Center. “The STEM Center is eager to work with both Drs. Barber and Onal to explore these educational innovations.”

As faculty fellows, Barber and Onal will receive a course release during the academic year and will be funded for travel to one state, regional or national conference to present their findings.

Attend the 2017 LIS Symposium

You’re invited to attend the 2017 LIS Symposium!

"From Transaction to Transformational: The Changing Role of the 21st Century Librarian" will be presented by Maxine Bleiweis.
10-11 a.m.
Monday, May 22
Lovejoy Library, third floor conference room

Learn the top 10 tips for librarians and staff to survive and thrive on library terrain from someone who is leading the way. Presenter Maxine Bleiweis has spent her career as a public library director following early experience in a state library, a major art museum and a university library.  

She created one of the first makerspaces in the United States and authored the book, "Helping Business," on economic development for librarians. She was named Connecticut’s Librarian of the Year in 2011 and received the Charles Robinson Award for Innovative Leadership from the Public Library Association in 2015.

This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.

The symposium is sponsored by the LIS Research, Projects and Development Committee, and Library and Information Services.

For more information, contact the Library at 618-650-4636 or visit

Get the Discounted Registration Rate for SIUE Summer String Camp

Only two weeks remain to get the discounted registration rate for the SIUE Summer String Camp! Sponsored by the SIUE Suzuki Program, this camp is for all string players from an early level through middle school/Suzuki book 4 level.

10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Tuesday-Friday, July 18-21
Dunham Hall

Students do not need to be Suzuki students to attend. We welcome all violinists, violists and cellists. Students will receive three classes a day plus an hour of lunch, concerts and fun activities. The week concludes with a Friday concert where we show off everything we have accomplished in just a few days. This is the perfect time of the summer to get a boost to summer practice and head start on the new school year.

We also offer an optional fiddle class (open to all instruments) and private lessons!

Full camp information and registration is available here.

Please contact Erika Lord-Castillo at 618-650-2839 or if you have any questions.

Celebrate Rena Young's Years of Service

Please join the Office of Educational Outreach in recognizing Rena Young for her years of service to SIUE at a special retirement reception.

2-4 p.m.
Tuesday, May 30
Rendleman Hall, Room 1330

Join in the Fun at Kindermusik Summer Camp

Register for Kindermusik Summer Camp Register by Friday, June 30 for the 2017 Kindermusik Summer Camp!
Kindermusik is a music and movement program with curriculum for children ages birth through seven years old. More specifically, Kindermusik classes provide a holistic musical and learning experience in the critical first years of young children and their families. This developmental program, guided by a proven methodology combining music and childhood development, provides opportunities to foster child-parent relationships and gain a lifelong love of music and learning. Kindermusik is great preparation for future Suzuki students as well! It is taught by a trained and licensed Kindermusik educator. The SIUE Suzuki Program presents "Kindermusik with Ellen Singh" which provides you with this program!
"Carnival of Music" for children ages 2-5

5:45-6:30 p.m.
Monday-Thursday, July 10-13
SIUE Early Childhood Center
Children are compulsive music makers. They hum while they play, sing along with music in the car and love the opportunity to use wooden spoons and pots from the kitchen as drums. That’s why they will absolutely love Carnival of Music. They will develop comfort with instruments and their ability to play them, increasing their likelihood of playing instruments as they get older. The music and activities in this unit will invite and expand their natural tendency to sing and move, allowing the development of a strong musical foundation for future enjoyment and pursuit.

First child registration fee is $75 with each additional child at $25 each. All class and digital at-home materials are included with the camp fee. One digital at-home materials package per family. The non-refundable class and digital at-home materials fee is due in full with registration form, and confirms your space in class.
At least one participating adult must accompany the enrolled children in the summer camp class. Please feel free to contact Ellen Singh with any questions, at or ext. 2839.