Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Mark Your Calendar for the Army ROTC Commissioning Ceremony, May 5
Donate Your Gently-Used Books to Benefit Children
Don't Miss the SIUE East St. Louis After School Performing Arts Program's Spring Recital
Register Now for Spanish Summer Day Camp
Please Note Important Changes to Student Employment Policies

Mark Your Calendar for the Army ROTC Commissioning Ceremony, May 5

The Army ROTC Cadre and Staff cordially invites faculty, staff and students to the Army ROTC Commissioning Ceremony:

2 p.m.
Friday, May 5
Morris University Center, Meridian Ballroom

The following Cadets will be commissioned at the ceremony:

  • Angela Lammert, B.S. Exercise Science
  • Emmanuel Molina, B.S. Business Administration
  • Lindsey Thompson, B.A. English
  • Blake Varady, B.S. Political Science
  • Michael Volle, B.S. Criminal Justice

Faculty and staff please RSVP to Cathy Harmon at ext. 2500 or

Donate Your Gently-Used Books to Benefit Children

Donate your gently-used books for children who are between 6 months-old and 6 years-old.
To donate you can either:

  • Send books via campus mail to Steve Hupp, Box 1121
  • Drop them in the red tub across from the Department of Psychology in the basement of Alumni Hall
  • Email Steve to come pick them up, at 

We’d love to have as many as possible by May 5, but we will continue to accept them all year!
Most of the books will be sent home with children attending the SIUE Head Start program. These kids LOVE books!

The books will come with a letter to parents that emphasizes:

  • The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends daily reading starting at birth
  • Incorporating reading into the bedtime routine is a good way to make sure that reading happens every day
  • Several research-based tips for making daily reading more effective.

Thank you to all of the SIUE Head Start teachers and staff who make such a difference in these kids’ lives every day.
Thank you to everyone who has donated any of 10,000 books we’ve collected in the past few years!

Don't Miss the SIUE East St. Louis After School Performing Arts Program's Spring Recital

You are cordially invited to attend the SIUE East St. Louis After School Performing Arts Program's Spring Recital!

7 p.m.
Thursday, May 18
SIUE's Dunham Hall

The After School Performing Arts Program in East St.  Louis was founded by Katherine Dunham and has been an integral part of the community for decades. After a hiatus during the last five years, it has returned this year with approximately 25 students. The children are ages 6 to 17 and have been studying beginning piano and guitar, drums, bass guitar, African drumming and dance (Dunham technique, jazz, and hip hop). You will experience each of these at the recital. 

Please come and show your support for our campus in East St. Louis.

SIUE East St. Louis Performing Arts Program staff includes director Jack Williams, and instructors Tyler Elder, beginning guitar, Venezia Manuel, jazz and hip hop, Mary Jo Pembrook, beginning piano and music theory, Greg Sallie, bass guitar, Gerald Sylla, African drumming and dance, and Esau Toombs, band performance, and executive director of the East St. Louis Center Jesse Dixon.

Register Now for Spanish Summer Day Camp

The SIUE Department of Foreign Languages and Literature will host its Spanish Summer Day Camp:

9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Monday-Friday, June 12-23

Spanish Summer Day Camp offers the opportunity for children, ages 6-12, to immerse in the Spanish language, while having fun! Children will participate in engaging activities that encourage Spanish language development through sports, technology, games, crafts, visual arts, music, dance and stories.

Camp costs $275, with a $50 non-refundable deposit due on Monday, May 29. The balance is due Friday, June 2. There will be no refunds after Tuesday, June 6.

For more information, visit our website at or contact Esther Herrera at or ext. 3510.

Please Note Important Changes to Student Employment Policies

Good news! The University has made two changes to the Student Employment Policies, which should enable you to better staff your department while allowing students to finance their education. These changes will be effective summer semester 2017. Please make yourself familiar with these changes and advise your department leaders, staff and students of the revised policies.
Following is a summary of the changes:
1) Students are now allowed to work the entire semester, if they meet the minimum enrollment requirements for the semester, regardless of whether or not the course is currently in session.
2) Student employees are now eligible to work up to 28 hours per week throughout the entire year. Students on F1/J1 Visas will be eligible to work 20 hours during fall and spring semesters, and up to 28 hours during summer semester.  
The entire policy can be found at

If you have questions about the policy changes, please feel free to call Student Employment at ext. 2563.