Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Native American Studies Program Hosts Melonie Ancheta
Check Out Phi Kappa Phi Book Exchange Today and April 5
Mass Communications Week, "Diversity Amidst Adversity," Continues
Attend These Lifelong Learning Programs
Attend Events During Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Enjoy CAS's International Studies Day, April 6
SIUE Women’s Philanthropy and Leadership Workshop, April 6
Reception for International Faculty, Staff and Students, April 6
Come Listen to Final Pitch Presentations for “TheOther40” Competition, April 7
Note April 10 Tuition Deadline for Some Kindermusik Classes
School of Dental Medicine Hosts 2017 Research Day, April 11

Native American Studies Program Hosts Melonie Ancheta

SIUE’s Native American Studies (NAST) program welcomes to campus Melonie Ancheta, Native American Coast Salish artist and researcher. Ancheta’s groundbreaking analysis of paint pigments on historical Northwest Coast artwork has been published in a variety of journals and book chapters, such as SIUE Professor of Philosophy Greg Fields’ edited volume and media collection, A Totem Pole History. Ancheta will give two public presentations at SIUE during her visit.

In the second public presentation, Ms. Ancheta will discuss the role of colors in Northwest Coast Native cosmology, and objects of ritual and power. 

6-7 p.m.
Wednesday, April 5
SIUE Center for Spirituality and Sustainability

Check Out Phi Kappa Phi Book Exchange Today and April 5

The SIUE Chapter 203 of the Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society is sponsoring its final book exchange of the academic year:

11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Today and Wednesday, April 5
Peck Hall, First Floor Lobby

Members of the SIUE community are invited to bring a book, and then take one from the inventory available. Book purchases can also be made for a nominal cost.

Phi Kappa Phi was founded in 1897, and is one of the nation’s oldest and most selective honor societies for all academic disciplines. Chapter 203 was established at SIUE in 1978.

For more information, visit siue.edu/PKP/ or contact Chapter President Cindy Scarsdale at cscarsd@siue.edu.

Mass Communications Week, "Diversity Amidst Adversity," Continues

SIUE's Department of Mass Communications will focus on the theme “Diversity Amidst Adversity” for its 2017 Mass Comm Week through Thursday, April 6.

The program features a series of talks, panel discussions, films, and Q&A sessions on controversies ranging from the place of the press in politics, journalistic coverage of minority groups, the refugee issue and emerging media trends.

A stellar cast of international and national academics, practicing journalists, filmmakers, and post-graduate students will share their expertise in a week that will dig into the challenging issue of diversity, conflict and inclusion.

Below are the remaining speakers and events:

Eric Peterson, Joe Volbracht, Becca Grandidier, Siarra Price and Charles Delaney
Mass Communications Graduates Panel: "What I Wished I Learned Before I Graduated"
2-3:15 p.m.
Morris University Center, Maple-Dogwood Room

Dr. Sarah Kendzior
Ask the Expert
11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Wednesday, April 5
Morris University Center, Maple-Dogwood Room

First Amendment Free Food Festival
SIUE students will have the chance to trade their First Amendment rights for free pizza and soda.
Sponsored by: SIUE Mass Communications, The Alestle (the award-winning SIUE student newspaper), and the St. Louis Area Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists College Media Association
11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 5
Dunham Hall Patio

Cory Byers and Ashley Seering
Film Screening: "Renewed" and "Sanctuary"
Q&A following
5:30-6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 5
Morris University Center, Maple-Dogwood Room

Gary Broome
National and International Coverage of Refugees
3-4:15 p.m.
Thursday, April 6
Dunham Hall, Room 2007

Dr. Jack Shaheen
A is for Arab
During the week of events, Dr. Shaneen's critically acclaimed exhibit "A is for Arab" that captures, displays and visually deconstructs the stereotypes of Muslim and Arabs in the Western world will be on display in the Dunham Hall Theater foyer.

More information about the exhibit and the importance of Dr. Shaheen's archives at New York University can be found at A Is For Arab

The exhibit was made possible with the generous support of SIUE's Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion.

Shaheen to speak:
7-8:15 p.m.

Thursday, April 6
Dunham Hall Theater

For a detailed events schedule and additional information, visit Diversity Amidst Adversity or contact the SIUE Department of Mass Communications.

All events are free and open to the public.

Attend These Lifelong Learning Programs

Steve Tamari, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Historical Studies will present on the current humanitarian crisis in Syria.

Syria has been in a state of civil war for at least five years. The death toll has reached 400,000 according to the UN. The humanitarian disaster has created the largest refugee crisis since WWII. This presentation will touch on the current humanitarian crisis in the context of the Trump administration's ban on refugees entering US, the basic geography and demography of the country, and the major internal and regional players.

10:30-11:45 a.m.
Wednesday, April 5
Morris University Center, Hickory/Hackberry Room

“Photographing Nature” presented by Stephanie McAndrews, PhD, professor and Literacy Program Director in the Department of Teaching and Learning
1:15-2:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 5
Morris University Center, Hickory/Hackberry Room

Both programs cost $2 for Lifelong Learning members and $5 for the public.

Attend Events During Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and SIUE has several events taking place.

Clothesline Project: Megan Denton with Counseling Services is facilitating this event. Students can use provided tshirts and markers to decorate shirts with text and/or art that supports survivors and brings awareness to sexual assault. The shirts will then be hung on a clothesline around the Goshen Lounge.
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Wednesday, April 5
Goshen Lounge

Pride Opening Event. The new Prevention Education and Advocacy Center (PEACe) for sexual violence prevention education will have a table at this event and will be providing information about sexual violence prevention.
Noon-2 p.m.
Monday, April 10
Goshen Lounge

Voices Choices is a theater event in conjunction with Solid Lines. Solid Lines plays out scenes that they rewind and allow students to become participants who can change what happened.
7-9 p.m.
Monday, April 10
Morris University Center, Conference Center

Silent Protest Against Sexual Assault in collaboration with our community partner Call for Help.
2-4 p.m.
Tuesday, April 18
On the Quad

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes community event w/SIUE involvement.
10 a.m.-Noon
Saturday, April 22
Lindenwood in Belleville

Denim Day is a day of recognition being held Wednesday, April 26.

For more information, contact Samantha Dickens, MSW, sexual assault prevention education, at sdicken@siue.edu

Enjoy CAS's International Studies Day, April 6

Dr. Sorin Nastasia, director of the International Studies Program, and Dr. Carolina Rocha, core faculty of the International Studies Program, have lined up an outstanding and exciting series of activities for the College of Arts and Science's International Studies Day:

9:30 a.m.-10 p.m.
Thursday, April 6
Morris University Center, Meridian Ballroom

Some activities include information booths showcasing CAS departments and programs, SIUE student organizations with an international focus, SIUE’s Office of International Programs, a panel on key international issues, a panel on international careers, an international film screening of Operation E, an international film screening of Sold, an African Arts performance and Trivia Night: A World of Possibilities.

The schedule is as follows:

9:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m, Information Booths

10-11:15 a.m., Key International Issues Panel: experts from University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, Webster University, SIUE's Interntional Trade Center, Lewis & Clark Community College and the International Institute in St. Louis

11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m., International Careers Panel: speakers from the U.S. Department of State, City Year, Peace Corps, the World Affairs Council of St. Louis and the St. Louis Consular Corps

1-2:45 p.m., Film Presentation: Opertion E, screening of 2012 award winning film, Colombia, France and Spain co-production

3-4:45 p.m., Film Presentation: Sold, screening of 2014 award winning film directed by Oscar winner Jeffrey Brown and produced by renowned actress Emma Thompson, followed by discussion

5:30-7:30 p.m., African Arts Performance: show by African Musical Arts, Inc., The Song of Africa Ensemble, and IMI Chamber Players from St. Louis, including interactive opportunities for the audience to learn about the beauty of African music, instruments, languages and cultures. 

8-10 p.m., Trivia Night: A World of Possibilities, rounds of international knowledge trivia. Tickets are $8 per person, $75 for a table of 10 or $10 at the door. Tickets available online. Proceeds will benefit the International Studies Program at SIUE. There will be pizza, cash prizes, and a silent auction.

For more information, visit International Studies Day

SIUE Women’s Philanthropy and Leadership Workshop, April 6

The SIUE Meridian Society will host the Women's Philanthropy and Leadership Workshop:

9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Thursday, April 6
Morris University Center, Conference Center

The workshop engages women through education and inspiration on philanthropic potential. The program promises to be an inspirational day for women who want to make a difference! The day begins with a continental breakfast, followed by a presentation from:

Thrivent Financial
Gloria Crowder, president Belleville 17th Street Corridor Neighborhood Association
SIUE alums and co-keynote speakers, Chad and Kathie Opel 

This event is free to all Meridian Society members and $25 for all non-members.

The SIUE Meridian Society is an auxiliary organization of the SIUE Foundation.

For more information, contact Julie Babington, SIUE director of Annual Giving and Meridian Society staff liaison, at jbabing@siue.edu or 618.650.2378.

Reception for International Faculty, Staff and Students, April 6

The College of Arts and Sciences, along with the Provost, are sponsoring a celebration/informal reception for international faculty, staff and students:

3-4:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 6
Rendleman Hall, first floor lobby
Light snacks provided

Come Listen to Final Pitch Presentations for “TheOther40” Competition, April 7

Everyone is invited to attend the final business pitch presentations for "TheOther40" Business Plan Competition:

12:30-3 p.m.
Friday, April 7
Morris University Center, Mississippi-Illinois Rooms

"TheOther40" is a business plan competition open to all SIUE students, and gives students the opportunity to showcase their business ideas. The objective is to provide students with the resources, skills and incentives to launch their businesses. More than $10,000 in cash and in-kind support will be awarded to the top three students or student teams.

This final phase of the competition is the business pitch, which is a Shark Tank-like presentation of the entrants’ business plans to our judges, who will choose the top three based on each student's/student team's presentation, business plan and executive summary.

For more information, contact Kristine Jarden, faculty advisor for the Entrepreneurs Club, at kjarden@siue.edu or 650-2668.

Note April 10 Tuition Deadline for Some Kindermusik Classes

Kindermusik classes offered inlcude:

"Sing & Play" 4-week class for 1 and 2 year olds
Get ready to sing, play and move with your little one in this high-energy music class designed for children under two years of age. This new Kindermusik curriculum focuses on your child's beginning movements to help build the muscles your baby needs to walk, vocal development to help nurture your child’s speaking and singing voice. With a mix of both parent-child joint activities and child-focused activities, you’ll be able to join right in on all the singing and dancing while also getting the chance to observe how your older baby or toddler learns on her own. 

May theme: On the Town with Bear
Lace up your sneakers, we're going out on the town! We'll visit the city and see what there is to see, then head out into the country to check that out, too. Bear will, of course, go over the mountain and go a-yodeling, too. Come along! You never know what adventures you'll have when you're On the Town with Bear!

Tuition cost is $75 and is due by Monday, April 10 for May classes.
May class dates and times:
10 a.m. Thursday April 20, 27 and May 4 and 11 

“Laugh & Learn” 4-week class for 2-4 year olds
Each week, we combine your preschooler’s natural love of music, storytelling, and imaginative play with age-appropriate activities that introduce early music concepts and foster independence, social and emotional skills, language growth and self-control. We also connect you with other parents who share in the wonder of parenting a preschooler.

May theme: Animals a-Dancing
Get ready for lots of ribbity-hopping, trumpety-stomping and oinkity-rolling! Animals a-Dancing uses the movements and sounds of frogs, elephants, and pigs to emphasize how many movements you can make with your body and how many sounds you can make with your voice. You will love moving every which way while singing the songs of our animal friends!

Tuition is $75 and is due by Monday, April 10 for May classes.
May class dates and times:
11 a.m. Thursday April 20, 27 and May 4, 11 

For more information, contact Ellen Singh, program administrator and teacher or visit Kindermusik Winter-Spring 2017.

School of Dental Medicine Hosts 2017 Research Day, April 11

The School of Dental Medicine invites the SIUE campus community to attend the 2017 SDM Research Day on Tuesday, April 11 on the Alton Campus. The day's events will feature a keynote address, a student table clinic competition and a vendor fair.

Dr. John Sorensen is the keynote speaker. Sorensen is a professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry, associate dean for Graduate Studies, director of the Biomimetics Biomaterials Biophotonics Biomechanics and Technology laboratory (B4T), and director of research for the Graduate Prosthodontics Program at the University of Washington School of Dentistry, Seattle.

Sorensen's topic: "Evidence Based Dentistry Are Not Dirty Words!"
1:15 p.m.
Tuesday, April 11
Auditorium of the Center for Professional Advancement, Building 280
SDM Alton campus

An opportunity to review outstanding student research will be available in Roller Hall, Building 263, immediately following the lecture presentation.

All guests are welcome.