Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center Blood Drive, Today and March 29
New Lifelong Learning Classes, March 29
Don't Miss Safe Zone Training, April 3
SIUE Women’s Philanthropy and Leadership Workshop, April 6
School of Dental Medicine Hosts 2017 Research Day, April 11

Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center Blood Drive, Today and March 29

The Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center will host a blood drive on campus from 10:30 a.m.– 4 p.m. on the following days:

• Today - Blood Mobile, Quad
• Wednesday, March 29 – Blood Mobile, Quad

To schedule an appointment, please create an account at bloodcenterIMPACT.org and use sponsor code 9828.

Please reference information regarding eligibility requirements and the donation process here.

New Lifelong Learning Classes, March 29

Lifelong Learning Programs will present these new classes:

“U.S. Foreign Policy and Petroleum”
Dr. Suranjan Weeraratne, assistant professor in the Department of Political Science
10:30-11:45 a.m.

Wednesday, March 29
Morris University Center, Hickory-Hackberry Room

“How to Recognize Ancient Arts and Cultures”
Jeannie Dinning, Speech Center coordinator and department lead and lecturer in Career Development
1:15-2:30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 29
Morris University Center, Hickory-Hackberry Room

The cost for each class is $2 for Lifelong Learning members and $5 for the public.

For more information, visit Lifelong Learning.

Don't Miss Safe Zone Training, April 3

Spring 2017 Safe Zone training will be held from 2-4 p.m. Monday, April 3.

Registration for Safe Zone training is required.

Goals of Safe Zone training
To develop:
• Listening and helping skills
• Inclusive habits in the classroom, the office, and on larger scales
• A common base of understanding with respect to the LGBT community

To provide information regarding:
• Terms regarding sexual orientation and gender identity
• The complexity of sexuality
• Campus and community contacts

Through participation in the Safe Zone training, you will be able to:

  • Define key terms
  • Listen attentively and actively
  • Understand the process of coming out
  • Identify heterosexism/homophobia and articulate the damages each may cause
  • Distinguish between basic myths and facts about bisexuality and transgenderism
  • Respond appropriately to individuals’ needs
  • Refer individuals to resources available should they desire them

To register, contact Dr. Shelley Price-Williams at shewill@siue.edu. Space is limited.

For more information, contact Price-Williams or Dr. Mary Sue Love, marlove@siue.edu.

SIUE Women’s Philanthropy and Leadership Workshop, April 6

The SIUE Meridian Society will host the Women's Philanthropy and Leadership Workshop:

9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Thursday, April 6
Morris University Center, Conference Center

The workshop engages women through education and inspiration on philanthropic potential. The program promises to be an inspirational day for women who want to make a difference! The day begins with a continental breakfast, followed by a presentation from:

Thrivent Financial
Gloria Crowder, president Belleville 17th Street Corridor Neighborhood Association
SIUE alums and co-keynote speakers, Chad and Kathie Opel 

This event is free to all Meridian Society members and $25 for all non-members.

The SIUE Meridian Society is an auxiliary organization of the SIUE Foundation.

For more information, contact Julie Babington, SIUE director of Annual Giving and Meridian Society staff liaison, at jbabing@siue.edu or 618.650.2378.

School of Dental Medicine Hosts 2017 Research Day, April 11

The School of Dental Medicine invites the SIUE campus community to attend the 2017 SDM Research Day on Tuesday, April 11 on the Alton Campus. The day's events will feature a keynote address, a student table clinic competition and a vendor fair.

Dr. John Sorensen is the keynote speaker. Sorensen is a professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry, associate dean for Graduate Studies, director of the Biomimetics Biomaterials Biophotonics Biomechanics and Technology laboratory (B4T), and director of research for the Graduate Prosthodontics Program at the University of Washington School of Dentistry, Seattle.

Sorensen's topic: "Evidence Based Dentistry Are Not Dirty Words!"
1:15 p.m.
Tuesday, April 11
Auditorium of the Center for Professional Advancement, Building 280
SDM Alton campus

An opportunity to review outstanding student research will be available in Roller Hall, Building 263, immediately following the lecture presentation.

All guests are welcome.