Monday, March 20, 2017

MUC 50th Anniversary Celebration Begins Today
SIUE's Alcohol and Drug Task Force's Opioid Awareness Week Begins Today
Get on the Bus for Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion's Culture Tour, Today is the Deadline to Register
Don't Miss the Graduate School Spring Symposium, March 21
Chancellor Pembrook Holds Q&A Session, March 24
Safe Zone Training, April 3

MUC 50th Anniversary Celebration Begins Today

The Morris University Center (MUC) 50th anniversary begins today and runs through Friday, March 24.

Events include an indoor scavenger hunt, a 5K Decades Dash, a celebratory birthday party and more:

  • Scavenger Hunt: Look for old photos with clues scattered throughout the MUC to earn prizes
    • Begins at 9 a.m. Today in the Goshen Lounge, and runs through Tuesday, March 21
    • Additional clues will lead participants to a grand prize that can be found in a special time capsule during the Decades Dash on Wednesday.
  • Decades Dash: Race or walk throughout campus from 1967 to 2017
  • Birthday Party: Celebrate 50 years of the MUC
    • 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Thursday, March 23 in the Goshen Lounge

Specials offers from Dining Services, Cougar Lanes and the Cougar Store:

  • Cougar Store: buy one, get one 50 percent off throughout the week (exclusions apply)
  • Dining Services: Center Court, Union Station, Fixins’
  • Cougar Lanes: 50 cent bowling, 50 cent shoe rental
For more information, visit

SIUE's Alcohol and Drug Task Force's Opioid Awareness Week Begins Today

Said No Drug Dealer Ever
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Morris University Center, Center Court

Treatment Options with Nancy Davis of Gateway
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Tuesday, March 21
Morris University Center, Goshen Slate

Opioid Information with Misty Gonzalez
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Thursday, March 23
Morris University Center, Goshen Slate

Screening of "Chasing the Dragon: The Life of an Opiate Addict" and panel discussion
4:30-5:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 23
Morris University Center, Meeting Room A

Get on the Bus for Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion's Culture Tour, Today is the Deadline to Register

The Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion would like to invite you to join us on our Inaugural Culture Tour!

On Thursday, April 20, we will travel to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum in Springfield for a tour to engage in the rich cultural heritage of Illinois.

Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to attend. We will begin boarding the bus in Hairpin Drive at 8 a.m. and return by 1:30 pm.

Lunch and tour tickets will be provided at no charge to registered/selected participants.

Space on the bus is limited to 50 attendees. Please register as soon as possible to secure your spot on the tour.

You can register online here.

Don't Miss the Graduate School Spring Symposium, March 21

9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 21
Morris University Center

Plans are underway for the 21st Annual Graduate School Spring Symposium.

Watch for upcoming updates on the SIUE website and our Twitter page (@siuegradschool) for more information on Symposium events, including the Graduate Student Poster Presentations, Scholarly Activity SLAM, Speed Networking, the Paul Simon Outstanding Teacher-Scholar Award Luncheon, Chancellor’s Researcher Reception and more.

Chancellor Pembrook Holds Q&A Session, March 24

Chancellor Randy Pembrook's next scheduled Q&A session:

8:30 a.m.
Friday, March 24
Mississippi-Illinois Room
Edwardsville campus

As a reminder, these meetings are open to all faculty and staff. The Chancellor invites all of you to ask questions, have a dialog and/or express ideas that you might have.

If you would like to submit questions or suggestions to the Chancellor in advance, please send them to

Safe Zone Training, April 3

Spring 2017 Safe Zone training will be held from 2-4 p.m. Monday, April 3.

Registration for Safe Zone training is required.

Goals of Safe Zone training
To develop:
• Listening and helping skills
• Inclusive habits in the classroom, the office, and on larger scales
• A common base of understanding with respect to the LGBT community

To provide information regarding:
• Terms regarding sexual orientation and gender identity
• The complexity of sexuality
• Campus and community contacts

Through participation in the Safe Zone training, you will be able to:

  • Define key terms
  • Listen attentively and actively
  • Understand the process of coming out
  • Identify heterosexism/homophobia and articulate the damages each may cause
  • Distinguish between basic myths and facts about bisexuality and transgenderism
  • Respond appropriately to individuals’ needs
  • Refer individuals to resources available should they desire them

To register, contact Dr. Shelley Price-Williams at Space is limited.

For more information, contact Price-Williams or Dr. Mary Sue Love,