Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017

SIUE Marketing Association Announces VWA Success Videos Contest
Deadline Extended for Summer 2017 Springboard Student Leader Applications
RSVP to Attend the Diabetes Education Program by Feb. 3
Register Now for Louis Sullivan Architectural Ornaments Conference
Don't Miss the Louis Sullivan Documentary Film Screening, Register Now
Lisa Landers Receives February Employee Recognition Award

SIUE Marketing Association Announces VWA Success Videos Contest

Nick Hotze, president of the SIUE Marketing Association, has announced the kickoff of the Visionary Wealth Advisors (VWA) “Success Videos” contest. The SIUE Marketing Association is the campus chapter of The American Marketing Association (AMA).

The VWA “Success Videos” contest is open to all students. Individual students or a student team will interview a VWA client asking how VWA helped them become successful. The SIUE Marketing Association will coordinate matching the VWA clients with the SIUE students, who will then create and produce their own 5-7 minute videos.

All videos will be posted on VWA’s YouTube channel for people to vote for their favorite video. The winning videos will be recognized and awarded cash prizes at an awards event in late March or early April 2017.

Winning student videos will receive cash prizes:

First Place -- $400
Second Place -- $200
Third Place -- $100

For more contest information and to enter, contact Nick Hotze at

Learn more about SIUE Marketing Association on Facebook: SIUEama.

Deadline Extended for Summer 2017 Springboard Student Leader Applications

The 2017 application process for Springboard to Success Student Leaders is open, and the deadline to apply has been extended to Friday, Feb. 3.

This is an opportunity for student leaders from various areas of campus life to come together to help create a welcoming experience for the future SIUE students.

We are looking for students who …

• Have completed a minimum of 24 semester hours at SIUE by the end of spring 2017 and plan to enroll in fall 2017 classes at SIUE (summer enrollment not required)
• Are in good disciplinary and financial standing with the University
• Are in good standing with University Housing
• Are in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

If this is you or you know any students who meet these criteria, or for more information, please contact Demetrius Coleman at 618-650-2754 or

RSVP to Attend the Diabetes Education Program by Feb. 3

The School of Pharmacy invites you to attend the Annual Diabetes Education Program.

8-8:30 a.m. - registration
8:30-9:30 a.m. - opening presentation
9-10:30 a.m. - speaker sessions
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - vendor fair, screenings, one-on-one counseling with healthcare professionals
Saturday, Feb. 11
Morris University Center

The event features speaker sessions, a health and vendor fair and one-on-one counseling with health care professionals.

There is no cost to attend. RSVP is requested by Friday, Feb. 3 at 618-650-5164 or

Register Now for Louis Sullivan Architectural Ornaments Conference

World-renowned architect Louis H. Sullivan (1856-1924) will be the inspirational focus of a film screening and a free full-day conference at SIUE.

The Louis H. Sullivan Architectural Ornament Collection at SIUE is the largest known collection of physical ornaments from Sullivan constructions. The events will feature this unique academic resource and showcase its significance to individuals interested in architectural history, design and preservation.

Register here for: “Louis Sullivan Architectural Ornaments at SIUE Conference: Bringing the Past to Life in the 21st Century.”

8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 24
Sessions at SIUE’s Morris University Center, Lovejoy Library, and the Edwardsville Arts Center

The free day-long conference will provide attendees with an increased awareness of SIUE’s collection, an understanding of the vital role played by Richard Nickel in the existence and documentation of the Louis Sullivan architectural ornament collection, and a greater knowledge of past and current efforts made to preserve these, and other Chicago historic and cultural artifacts and buildings.

Keynote speakers include Mark Richard Smith, John Celuch, Inlandesign director and first curator of the SIUE Sullivan Collection, and Ward Miller, executive director of Preservation Chicago.

Registration is limited to 100 with the deadline Friday, Feb. 17. Free parking is available for the first 50 non-SIUE registrants. The conference is sponsored by the SIUE Graduate School Conferences and Workshop Program, Friends of Lovejoy Library, SIUE’s Arts & Issues and Preservation Chicago.

Registration to the conference will also include the opportunity to purchase half-price tickets to Arts & Issues’ presentation of “Louis Sullivan: The Struggle for American Architecture." Student attendance is free but tickets are required.

For program information and event details, visit the Sullivan Conference webpage, or contact Therese Dickman at or 618-650-2695.

Don't Miss the Louis Sullivan Documentary Film Screening, Register Now

Arts & Issues' presents “Louis Sullivan: The Struggle for American Architecture,” a feature-length documentary about the revolutionary and brilliant Chicago architect. 

7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 23
Dunham Hall Theater

Film director, Mark Richard Smith, will introduce the film and discuss Louis Sullivan’s legacy and show footage of SIUE’s extensive Sullivan collection afterward.

Tickets to attend the film may be purchased at, the Morris University Welcome Desk or by calling 1-866-698-4253.

Lisa Landers Receives February Employee Recognition Award

Lisa Landers, account technician III, is the recipient of the February Employee Recognition Award. Lesa Wing, account technician II at the School of Dental Medicine, nominated Lisa.

Please join us in congratulating Lisa as the Employee of the Month:

2 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 21
Alumni Conference Room, Building 273
School of Dental Medicine

You can also send Lisa a congratulatory email at

“It is a nice honor to be SIUE’s February Employee of the Month, and I would like to thank Lesa Wing for nominating me. I enjoy working at the Dental School," said Landers. "I have a great working environment, and the people in my department are like my extended family.”

“I have watched Lisa work with and deal with students, co-workers and people who come in with various questions," said Wing. "Lisa always greets them professionally, enthusiastically and with a smile. She does her best to help everyone. If she does not know the answer, then she usually knows who does or will do what she can to find out who can help them. Lisa takes the time to thoroughly explain what needs to be done and makes sure that they understand everything before they leave.”

For more information, contact Jen Oates-Blair, or 650-2127.