Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2017

Come Out for Today's Coffee and Q&A with Chancellor Pembrook
Phi Kappa Phi Book Exchange Today and Feb. 1
Discounted Membership for New Fitness Room Fee for Faculty and Staff
Next Lifelong Learning Presentation, Feb. 1
Nominate an Outstanding SIUE Employee Today
Deadline Extended for Summer 2017 Springboard Student Leader Applications
Help Raise Money for Breast Cancer Research at SIUE's Annual Pink Zone Games
Please Consider Helping Our Senior Dental Students
Cougar Career Closet Clothing Giveaway, Feb. 13
SIUE Alumni Networking Breakfast, Feb. 21
Emeriti Faculty Association Deadline for Proposals, March 6, 2017

Come Out for Today's Coffee and Q&A with Chancellor Pembrook

The next coffee and Q&A with Chancellor Randy Pembrook will be:

9 a.m.
East St. Louis Center, STEM Lab

The Alton campus Q&A will occur:

12:15 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 21
Hoag Hall 

As a reminder, these meetings are open to all faculty and staff. The chancellor invites questions, dialog and an opportunity to express any ideas.

If you would like to submit questions or suggestions to the chancellor in advance, please send them to siue.edu/chancellor/suggestions/.

Phi Kappa Phi Book Exchange Today and Feb. 1

The SIUE Chapter 203 of the Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society is sponsoring a book exchange during the spring semester:

11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Today and Wednesday, Feb. 1
Peck Hall, first floor lobby

Members of the SIUE community are invited to bring a book, take one from the inventory available or get a coupon to use later. Book purchases can also be made for a nominal cost.

Future book exchanges are scheduled for Feb. 28, March 1, April 4 and April 5, with the same hours and location.

Phi Kappa Phi was founded in 1897 and is one of the nation’s oldest and most selective honor societies for all academic disciplines. Chapter 203 was established at SIUE in 1978. For more information, visit siue.edu/PKP/ or contact Chapter President Cindy Scarsdale at cscarsd@siue.edu.

Discounted Membership for New Fitness Room Fee for Faculty and Staff

Beginning Wednesday, Feb. 1, Campus Recreation will offer a special membership yearly rate of $60 for SIUE faculty and staff to access the new fitness room located in the Student Success Center, Room 0206.

This reduced rate allows for access only to this new satellite workout space.

Faculty and staff who wish to or are currently taking advantage of our full Student Fitness Center membership will gain access to this space at no additional charge.

Hours of the Fitness Room will follow the hours of Morris University Center.

To get started, please stop by the Student Fitness Center Reception Desk or call 618-650-2348(BFIT) for more information.

Next Lifelong Learning Presentation, Feb. 1

"The Roots of Cement” presented by Dr. Luke Snell, professor emeritus, Engineering.
Topic: While Dr. Snell was at SIUE, he did some fun, original research and thinks he has the answer to why they used cements in the pyramids. This presentation traces one of the roots of cement, and how cement and concrete have become today's most widely used building material.

10:30-11:45 a.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 1
Morris University Center, Hickory-Hackberry rooms
The cost is $2 for Lifelong Learning members and $5 for the public

“Civic Identity and Ideology: The Public Monuments of Forest Park, 1876 – 1914” presented by Dr. Katherine Poole-Jones, associate professor of Art History, SIUE Department of Art and Design.
Topic: The sculptures of Forest Park include four monuments dedicated to the Civil War, all erected between 1876 and 1914. As the recent vandalism to the Confederate Memorial and the calls for its removal prove, the official version of the past, one that the original commissioners believed that they had set in stone over a century ago, is ripe for re-examination – as are the monuments that publicly commemorate that now contested history.

1:15-2:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 1
Morris University Center, Hickory-Hackberry rooms

The cost for each of the classes listed is $2 for Lifelong Learning members and $5 for the public

Non-credit classes are listed below:

"Beginning Italian Language"
This class is for individuals with minimal or no previous knowledge of the Italian language. It will focus on speaking, reading, writing and understanding basic Italian grammar and conversation.

4:15-6:15 p.m.
Wednesdays, Feb. 8—April 12
Collinsville Library, Reading Room
Fee: $89
Instructor: Barbara Klein

"Advanced Italian Language"
This class is intended for those who have a basic working knowledge of the Italian language. It will build language skills by reviewing Italian grammar, reading, and speaking.
Required Text: Beginner-Intermediate, ISBN# 978-1-4000-0967-1

6:30-8 p.m.
Wednesdays, Feb. 8—April 12
Collinsville Library, Reading Room
Fee: $89
Instructor: Barbara Klein

"Beginning German"
This class is for individuals with minimal or no previous knowledge of the German language. It will focus on speaking, reading, writing and understanding basic German grammar and conversation. The class promises to be a fun, interactive learning experience.

6-7:30 p.m.
Wednesdays, Feb. 15—April 5
Collinsville Library, PRC Room
Fee: $89
Instructor: Gabriele Steinhauff

"Intermediate German"
This class continues to expand students’ knowledge of grammar. A strong focus is placed on conversational skills. Students should have knowledge of basic German grammar and sentence structure. Come join us to improve your German language skills in a fun atmosphere!

6-7:30 p.m.
Thursdays, Feb. 16—April 6
Collinsville Library, Reading Room
Fee: $89
Instructor: Gabriele Steinhauff

"Introduction to American Sign Language and Deaf Culture"
This noncredit class will provide an overview of American Sign Language (ASL), it’s basic vocabulary, structure, syntax, and grammar. Students will focus on mastering the basics of fingerspelling, numbers, colors, facial grammar and sentence structure. Students will also learn conversational/cultural behaviors necessary to hold a beginning level conversation in ASL, with deaf/hard-of-hearing users of the language.

7-9 p.m.
Thursdays, Feb. 23—April 13
Peck Hall, Room 2406
Fee: $89
Instructor: Tammy Kowalski

Nominate an Outstanding SIUE Employee Today

Do you know an outstanding employee that deserves recognition? Perhaps you have a member of your staff or a co-worker that consistently demonstrates excellence in their work. The beginning of the New Year is a great time to recognize these hard working employees.

The Employee Recognition Program Award is an esteemed accolade bestowed on an employee who epitomizes the University’s core values in his/her daily work. These employees are engaged in accomplishing the mission of the University, upholding our University’s values and routinely exceed the call of duty.

Faculty, staff or students can make nominations, but the immediate supervisor must support the nomination. Employees in their current position for two years, who have not received the award within the last five years are eligible for nomination.

We encourage you to nominate your valued staff members and recognize their hard work and dedication to SIUE.

For more information, please contact Jen Oates-Blair at joatesb@siue.edu or 650-2127 or visit Employment Employee_Recognition_Program.    

Thank you in advance for your time and nominations!

Deadline Extended for Summer 2017 Springboard Student Leader Applications

The 2017 application process for Springboard to Success Student Leaders is open, and the deadline to apply has been extended to Friday, Feb. 3.

This is an opportunity for student leaders from various areas of campus life to come together to help create a welcoming experience for the future SIUE students.

We are looking for students who …

• Have completed a minimum of 24 semester hours at SIUE by the end of spring 2017 and plan to enroll in fall 2017 classes at SIUE (summer enrollment not required)
• Are in good disciplinary and financial standing with the University
• Are in good standing with University Housing
• Are in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

If this is you or you know any students who meet these criteria, or for more information, please contact Demetrius Coleman at 618-650-2754 or dcolema@siue.edu

Help Raise Money for Breast Cancer Research at SIUE's Annual Pink Zone Games

Saturday, Feb. 4, SIUE Women’s Basketball will host the annual Pink Zone games to raise money and promote breast cancer research and awareness!

The women’s game begins at noon, with the men’s game following at 4 p.m. All proceeds from Pink Zone events benefit Susan G. Komen Missouri.

• In 2016, more than 240,000 cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women and 2,600 in men in the U.S.

• Every two minutes, one case of breast cancer is diagnosed in a woman in the U.S.

• In 1980, the five-year relative survival rate for women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer
(cancer confined to the breast) was about 74 percent. Today, that number is 99 percent.

• Early detection and effective treatment contributed to a 36 percent decline in breast cancer mortality (deaths) in the U.S. between 1989-2012.

• Currently, there are more than 3 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S.

• One in eight women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.

For more information about the 2017 Pink Zone events, visit 2017 Pink Zone or contact Riane Greenwalt, director of Health Service, 650-2852 or rgreenw@siue.edu.

Please Consider Helping Our Senior Dental Students

All graduating senior dental students must take a patient-based clinical licensing examination prior to being eligible to apply for a license to practice dentistry. The examination for the Class of 2017 is scheduled for Monday-Tuesday, April 3-4.

We need your help in advance of this licensing exam to complete this requirement. You can help by participating in in a FREE dental screening.

FREE screenings will be offered from 5-7 p.m. at the School of Dental Medicine on the Alton campus on the following dates:
Monday, Feb. 6
Monday, Feb. 27
Monday, March 13

A FREE dental screening, including select x-rays, will be offered to patients willing to participate and who are 16 years and older.

If accepted as a Board Examination patient during your screening visit, you must be willing to come to the dental school and receive treatment on a select board examination day—either April 3 or 4. There will be NO CHARGE for the treatment you will receive during the Board Exam.

No appointment is necessary for the FREE screenings offered. Please bring a photo ID. Free parking is available in the patient parking area (off of Annex Street).

SIU Main Dental Clinic is located at 2800 College Avenue (free patient parking off of Annex Street) in 

For more information, contact the clinic at (618) 474-7000.

Cougar Career Closet Clothing Giveaway, Feb. 13

Do you need professional attire for your next interview, career fair or networking event?

The Cougar Career Closet will host a clothing giveaway:
10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Monday, Feb. 13
Morris University Center Conference Center
(There will be areas for you to try on the clothes.)

The Cougar Career Closet Clothing Giveaway is designed to help provide students with professional attire needed for an interview, a career fair, a conference or networking event. The attire was generously donated by faculty, staff, alumni and employers.

The giveaway is for SIUE students only. Don't forget your Cougar card for regisgtration.

Clothing supplies are limited and based on donations received. Stop by and pick up gently used professional attire for your next career event.

SIUE Alumni Networking Breakfast, Feb. 21

SIUE's  Alumni Networking Breakfast:
9 a.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 21
L. Keely Construction
500 S. Ewing Ave. Suite G
St. Louis, MO
Register today! 

Meet the SIUE Alumni named to St. Louis Business Journal’s 40 under 40 class of 2017:

Damon Harbison, MBA '04
Chief Operating Officer, SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital

Dave Ruby, BS Business '03
Vice President and Commercial Banking Relationship Manager, Simmons Bank

Bill Stahlman, BS Civil Engineering '05
Director of Engineering and Construction, America's Central Port

Emeriti Faculty Association Deadline for Proposals, March 6, 2017

The Emeriti Faculty Association is pleased to request proposals from SIUE tenure and tenure-track faculty for projects that strengthen the academic quality of programs and that enhance the reputation of the University.

The deadline for proposals is March 6, 2017. Application guidelines are available at siue.edu/emeriti/.

Eligible activities include, but are not limited to:
• Departmental colloquia that involve recognized outside experts
• Curricular development (disciplinary or interdisciplinary)
• Faculty exchanges, including international exchanges
• Scholar-in-residence programs

Ineligible activities include those supported elsewhere in the University, such as research, development of teaching skills and individual professional development.

For more information, please contact Jim Weingartner at jweinga@siue.eduRichard Brugam at rbrugam@siue.edu or Charlotte Johnson at shypoke09@gmail.com.

Upcoming Events
Watch for the announcement of the Emeriti Faculty Association spring reception for the emeriti faculty, spouses, and guests.  It will be an opportunity to renew old friendships and receive updates on the activities of your Association. Free parking is available at Birger Hall. Hor d’ oeuvres and refreshments will be served.