Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017

Come Out Today for the First Provost Search Open Forum, Featuring Dr. Denise Cobb
Attend Today's Informational Meeting on URCA Associate Class
Next Chancellor Coffee and Q&A Scheduled Jan. 27
IRIS Center Presents Brown Bag Workshop, "How the Web Works," Jan. 27
Donate to the Career Development Center's Professional Clothing Drive
Add Your Black History Events to the Black Heritage Month Calendar
Deadline Extended for Summer 2017 Springboard Student Leader Applications
Help Raise Money for Breast Cancer Research at SIUE's Annual Pink Zone Games
RSVP to Attend the Diabetes Education Program
Five Women Wearing the Same Dress on Stage, Feb. 15-19
Friends of the Art Annual Art Auction, March 15

Come Out Today for the First Provost Search Open Forum, Featuring Dr. Denise Cobb

The Search Committee has been working diligently to identify candidates from a highly competitive applicant pool. The first candidate is Dr. P. Denise Cobb, who currently serves as SIUE Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

You can see her complete biography and curriculum vitae on the Provost Search website,

Please plan to attend Dr. Cobb’s open forums:

11 a.m.-Noon
Morris University Center, Mississippi/Illinois Room

8-9 a.m.
Friday, Jan. 27
School of Dental Medicine, Building 280 (CPA 2)

10-11 a.m.
Friday, Jan. 27
East St. Louis Center, Building B, Rooms 2083/2084

The feedback survey for Cobb may be accessed at Qualtrics. It will open on Thursday, Jan. 26 and will close on Monday, Feb. 20.


Attend Today's Informational Meeting on URCA Associate Class

The URCA program is now recruiting for the 2017-2018 URCA Associate class.

URCA Associates are a small group (10 students at most per year) of upper-level students who develop their own student-led project and then complete that project under the guidance of a faculty mentor over the course of an academic year. (Note: This is separate from the URCA Assistant program where many more students work on faculty-led projects for one semester.)

If you know of students who may be interested, please encourage them to visit the URCA website, What is an URCA Associate? They can find information regarding benefits, eligibility and how to apply.

The application process requires students to submit a detailed proposal, and the deadline is noon Friday, March 17.

Interested students may want to attend an informational meeting held by current Associates Shaelyn Grant and Daniel Miller:

3-4 p.m.
Alumni Hall, room 0406

All associates need a faculty mentor. If a student approaches you about mentoring, we hope you will consider. Mentors must be full-time, tenured or a tenure-track faculty members working in an academic unit. First-time associate mentors are required to attend a brief, introductory meeting to review their responsibilities.

Being a faculty mentor for an URCA Associate provides:

  • Opportunities to mentor a junior or senior level student
  • Recognition for sponsoring an associate
  • Participation with a community of undergraduate scholars
For more information, contact Laura Pawlow, PhD, URCA coordinator, at 650-2608,

Next Chancellor Coffee and Q&A Scheduled Jan. 27

The next coffee and Q&A with Chancellor Randy Pembrook will be:

8:30 a.m.
Friday, Jan. 27
Morris University Center, Meeting Room A 

Pembrook will host another coffee Q&A:

9 a.m.
Tuesday, Jan. 31
East St. Louis Center, STEM Lab

The Alton campus Q&A will occur:

12:15 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 21
Hoag Hall 

As a reminder, these meetings are open to all faculty and staff. The chancellor invites questions, dialogue and an opportunity to express any ideas.

If you would like to submit questions or suggestions to the chancellor in advance, please send them to

IRIS Center Presents Brown Bag Workshop, "How the Web Works," Jan. 27

The IRIS Center is pleased to offer a series of informal Brown Bag workshops on a variety of topics connected to Digital Humanities tools and projects going on at SIUE.

It will kick the series off with an interesting and hands-on presentation by Ben Ostermeier, "How the Web Works."

2-3 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 27
Peck Hall, room 3117

Bring your own laptops, if you'd like to learn some introductory basics to webpage creation using HTML and CSS.

For more information, visit siueiris. 

Donate to the Career Development Center's Professional Clothing Drive

We need your help! Ready to do a little cleaning in your closet?
Each year we have students that are in need of professional attire for interviews, career fairs, networking events, and practicum/co-op/internship experiences. Unfortunately, not all students have the resources to obtain the appropriate attire for these occasions.
The Career Development Center is taking donations of professional attire items through Tuesday, Jan. 31 in preparation for its spring recruiting season. We will, of course, take ongoing donations outside of this timeframe, but this will be the first major push to get as many initial items as possible.
We are accepting both men’s and women’s attire. All items need to be in good condition and already clean and ready to be given to students.
Items can include:

  • suits
  • dresses
  • skirts
  • dress pants/khakis
  • sweater sets
  • polos
  • blouses
  • belts
  • ties
  • anything that could be worn for a professional event with employers
  • anything that would be appropriate as a starting point for a professional wardrobe
We are hoping to get a variety of sizes and options so that we can make this service available to any student in need.
Items can be dropped off in the Career Development Center (Student Success Center 0281) during regular business hours.
Please contact the Career Development Center at 618-650-3708 with any questions.

Add Your Black History Events to the Black Heritage Month Calendar

This year's SIUE Black Heritage Month theme is "Uplift, Build, Remember Black Heritage ..." 

If there are any events that your department or office will host and would like to include on the Black Heritage Month Calendar online, please use the following link:

For more information, contact David Groves Jr. at

Deadline Extended for Summer 2017 Springboard Student Leader Applications

The 2017 application process for Springboard to Success Student Leaders is open, and the deadline to apply has been extended to Friday, Feb. 3.

This is an opportunity for student leaders from various areas of campus life to come together to help create a welcoming experience for the future students of SIUE.

We are looking for students who …

• Have completed a minimum of 24 semester hours at SIUE by the end of spring 2017 and plan to enroll in fall 2017 classes at SIUE (summer enrollment not required)
• Are in good disciplinary and financial standing with the University
• Are in good standing with University Housing
• Are in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0A

If this is you or you know any students who meet these criteria, or for more information, please contact Demetrius Coleman at 618-650-2754 or

Help Raise Money for Breast Cancer Research at SIUE's Annual Pink Zone Games

Saturday, Feb. 4, SIUE Women’s Basketball will host the annual Pink Zone games to raise money and promote breast cancer research and awareness!

The women’s game begins at noon, with the men’s game following at 4 p.m. All proceeds from Pink Zone events benefit Susan G. Komen Missouri.

• In 2016, more than 240,000 cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women and 2,600 in men in the U.S.

• Every two minutes, one case of breast cancer is diagnosed in a woman in the U.S.

• In 1980, the five-year relative survival rate for women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer
(cancer confined to the breast) was about 74 percent. Today, that number is 99 percent.

• Early detection and effective treatment contributed to a 36 percent decline in breast cancer mortality (deaths) in the U.S. between 1989-2012.

• Currently, there are more than 3 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S.

• One in eight women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.

For more information about the 2017 Pink Zone events, visit 2017 Pink Zone or contact Riane Greenwalt, director of Health Service, 650-2852 or

RSVP to Attend the Diabetes Education Program

The School of Pharmacy invites you to attend the Annual Diabetes Education Program.

8 a.m. - registration
8:30 a.m. - program
10:30 a.m. - vendor fair
Saturday, Feb. 11
Morris University Center

The event features speaker sessions, a health and vendor fair and one-on-one counseling with health care professionals.

There is no cost to attend. RSVP is requested by Friday, Feb. 3 at 618-650-5164 or

Five Women Wearing the Same Dress on Stage, Feb. 15-19

SIUE's Department of Theater and Dance will present Alan Ball’s, Five Women Wearing the Same Dress, directed by professor Peter Cocuzza:

7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 15-Saturday, Feb. 18
2 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 19
Dunham Hall Theater

General admission is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, SIUE retirees, alumni, faculty and staff and non-SIUE students.  SIUE students with a valid I.D. get in free.

For tickets and more information, contact the Theater and Dance Box Office at 650-2774 or Dunham Hall, room 1042B.

Friends of the Art Annual Art Auction, March 15

The SIUE Department of Art & Design and the Friends of Art host the 40th Annual Art Auction:

6 p.m. doors open
7 p.m. Ahrens & Niemeier auctioneers will start the bidding
Wednesday, March 15
Art West Gallery, Art & Design West building

To view images of the artwork to be auctioned, visit the Friends of Art SIUE on Facebook or attend a preview in the gallery on Tuesday, March 14 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Tickets are $7 for the general public and can be purchased at the door. Admission is free to all students, auction donors and members of the Friends of Art. Complimentary food will be provided, and a cash bar will also be available.

Read more about the upcoming auction in SIUE News.