Monday, Jan. 23, 2017

Important Informational Meeting of SIUE Chapter of State Universities Annuitants Association
Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center Blood Drive, Jan. 24 and 25
Watch for Remaining January Intercollegiate Athletics Events
Mentoring Day and Chinese New Year are Part of Diversity and Inclusion Programming
Jan. 26 Informational Meeting on URCA Associate Class
SIUE Volleyball Holds Winter Clinics
Mark your Calendar for the Axtell Memorial Lecture, Jan. 30
Nominate an Outstanding SIUE Employee Today
Add Your Black History Events to the Black Heritage Month Calendar
Help Raise Money for Breast Cancer Research at SIUE's Annual Pink Zone Games
Nominate a Phenomenal Woman
Emeriti Faculty Association Deadline for Proposals, March 6, 2017

Important Informational Meeting of SIUE Chapter of State Universities Annuitants Association

Please join us for a critical meeting of the SIUE Chapter of SUAA:

4:45 p.m.
Tuesday, Jan. 24
Morris University Center, Maple-Dogwood rooms

Learn about the latest proposals for pension reform and threats to SURS member benefits. Also, to be discussed will be vital information, especially for current SIUE staff. 


John Carr, SUAA attorney and lobbyist

Michael Hastings, state senator 19th District (Chicago area)

Linda Brookhart, SUAA executive director

We all need to be informed about pending legislation, and we cannot be complacent!

Some important questions that will be addressed:

1. What pension changes might be imposed on current Tier I employees (those first employed prior to January 1, 2011)?
2. Can the state tax pensions and other retirement income?
3. Can the state limit employee raises to the rate of inflation?
4. Can the state reduce the three percent automatic annual increases for pensions?
5. Can the state increase the deductible and co-pays for employee and retiree health insurance?
6. Can federal bankruptcy and state constitutional laws be changed to allow significant reductions in pensions and health care benefits?

Note: We have scheduled the time of this meeting to allow current employees to attend after work.

Refreshments will be provided.

Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center Blood Drive, Jan. 24 and 25

The Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center will host a blood drive on campus from 10:30 a.m.– 4 p.m. on the following days:

• Tuesday, Jan. 24 - Blood Mobile, Quad
• Wednesday, Jan. 25 – Blood Mobile, Quad

To schedule an appointment, please create an account at  and use sponsor code 9828.

Please reference information regarding eligibility requirements and the donation process here.

Watch for Remaining January Intercollegiate Athletics Events

11:30 a.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 25
Vadalabene Center
Women's Baskeball vs Tennessee State*

7 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 25
Vadalabene Center
Men's Basketball vs Tennessee State*

1 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 28
Vadalabene Center
Wrestling vs Gardner-Webb*/South Dakota State

8 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 30
Nashville, Tenn.
Men's Basketball at Belmont

*Conference Event

Mentoring Day and Chinese New Year are Part of Diversity and Inclusion Programming

Mentoring Day at SIUE
7 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 25
Men's Basketball game, Vadalabene Center

Chinese New Year
11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 30
Morris University Center Goshen Lounge

Jan. 26 Informational Meeting on URCA Associate Class

The URCA program is now recruiting for the 2017-2018 URCA Associate class.

URCA Associates are a small group (10 students at most per year) of upper-level students who develop their own student-led project and then complete that project under the guidance of a faculty mentor over the course of an academic year. (Note: This is separate from the URCA Assistant program where many more students work on faculty-led projects for one semester.)

If you know of students who may be interested, please encourage them to visit the URCA website, What is an URCA Associate? They can find information regarding benefits, eligibility and how to apply.

The application process requires students to submit a detailed proposal, and the deadline is noon Friday, March 17.

Interested students may want to attend an informational meeting held by current Associates Shaelyn Grant and Daniel Miller:

3-4 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 26
Alumni Hall, room 0406

All associates need a faculty mentor. If a student approaches you about mentoring, we hope you will consider. Mentors must be full-time, tenured or a tenure-track faculty members working in an academic unit. First-time associate mentors are required to attend a brief, introductory meeting to review their responsibilities.

Being a faculty mentor for an URCA Associate provides:

  • Opportunities to mentor a junior or senior level student
  • Recognition for sponsoring an associate
  • Participation with a community of undergraduate scholars
For more information, contact Laura Pawlow, PhD, URCA coordinator, at 650-2608,

SIUE Volleyball Holds Winter Clinics

SIUE Volleyball is hosting three Winter Clinics. Clinics are open to girls and boys in grades 4-12.

You can purchase all three clinics for $125 or purchase clinics individually for $45.

Sunday, Jan. 29 - fundamental skills
Sunday, Feb. 12 - serving and attacking
Sunday, Feb. 26 - serving and passing

Clinics are held from from 4-6:30 p.m. in SIUE's Vadalabene Center.

Register online at SIUE Volleyball

Mark your Calendar for the Axtell Memorial Lecture, Jan. 30

Dr. Robert Martin of the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago is the featured speaker for SIUE’s annual Axtell Memorial Lecture in celebration of Darwin Day (Charles Darwin’s birthday).

The presentation is:

4 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 30
Morris University Center’s Meridian Ballroom

Martin’s lecture will be Human Reproduction - from Primate Origins to Darwinian Medicine. The SIUE Departments of Biological Sciences, Psychology, and Anthropology, and the Biology Student Club are sponsoring the event.

“Dr. Martin is a world-renowned anthropologist, primatologist and evolutionary biologist,” said Chris Theodorakis, PhD and professor in SIUE’s Department of Biological Sciences/Environmental Sciences. “He is a well-published author, and the curator of the Biological Anthropology collection at the Field Museum of Natural History. His presence at SIUE enhances the visibility and prestige of our programs, and creates the possibility of collaboration between the Field Museum and SIUE faculty for both teaching and research.”

Martin is also the author of “How We Do It: The Evolution and Future of Human Reproduction.” There will be an opportunity for a book signing at the event.

Following the lecture, there will also be a reception at the University restaurant, Fixin’s, with light food and a cash bar.

Nominate an Outstanding SIUE Employee Today

Do you know an outstanding employee that deserves recognition? Perhaps you have a member of your staff or a co-worker that consistently demonstrates excellence in their work. The beginning of the New Year is a great time to recognize these hard working employees.

The Employee Recognition Program Award is an esteemed accolade bestowed on an employee who epitomizes the University’s core values in his/her daily work. These employees are engaged in accomplishing the mission of the University, upholding our University’s values and routinely exceed the call of duty.

Faculty, staff or students can make nominations, but the immediate supervisor must support the nomination. Employees in their current position for two years, who have not received the award within the last five years are eligible for nomination.

We encourage you to nominate your valued staff members and recognize their hard work and dedication to SIUE.

For more information, please contact Jen Oates-Blair at or 650-2127 or visit Employment Employee_Recognition_Program.    

Thank you in advance for your time and nominations!

Add Your Black History Events to the Black Heritage Month Calendar

This year's SIUE Black Heritage Month theme is "Uplift, Build, Remember Black Heritage ..." 

If there are any events that your department or office will host and would like to include on the Black Heritage Month Calendar online, please use the following link:

For more information, contact David Groves Jr. at

Help Raise Money for Breast Cancer Research at SIUE's Annual Pink Zone Games

Saturday, Feb. 4, SIUE Women’s Basketball will host the annual Pink Zone games to raise money and promote breast cancer research and awareness!

The women’s game begins at noon, with the men’s game following at 4 p.m. All proceeds from Pink Zone events benefit Susan G. Komen Missouri.

• In 2016, more than 240,000 cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women and 2,600 in men in the U.S.

• Every two minutes, one case of breast cancer is diagnosed in a woman in the U.S.

• In 1980, the five-year relative survival rate for women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer
(cancer confined to the breast) was about 74 percent. Today, that number is 99 percent.

• Early detection and effective treatment contributed to a 36 percent decline in breast cancer mortality (deaths) in the U.S. between 1989-2012.

• Currently, there are more than 3 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S.

• One in eight women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.

For more information about the 2017 Pink Zone events, visit 2017 Pink Zone or contact Riane Greenwalt, director of Health Service, 650-2852 or  

Nominate a Phenomenal Woman

The Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion invites you to nominate a Phenomenal Woman at SIUE or in the community. Nominations must be received no later than Monday, Feb. 20, and awardees will be notified by Thursday, March 3. 

The awardee and the nominator will be invited to attend a luncheon during Women’s History Month:

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Wednesday, March 22
Morris University Center, Maple/Dogwood Room

The luncheon honors and celebrates women from all walks of life, who have made contributions to diversity and inclusion at SIUE, the region, nation and the world. 

Through the annual recognition of these contributions, the Phenomenal Women’s Luncheon hopes to inspire other women to embrace and promote diversity within their own lives and the lives of others. 

To nominate a Phenomenal Woman, please complete the form here or go to the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion website.

Should you have questions or require more information, please contact Rachel Garrett at or Erika Hall at in the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion.

Emeriti Faculty Association Deadline for Proposals, March 6, 2017

The Emeriti Faculty Association is pleased to request proposals from SIUE tenure and tenure-track faculty for projects that strengthen the academic quality of programs and that enhance the reputation of the University.

The deadline for proposals is March 6, 2017. Application guidelines are available at

Eligible activities include, but are not limited to:
• Departmental colloquia that involve recognized outside experts
• Curricular development (disciplinary or interdisciplinary)
• Faculty exchanges, including international exchanges
• Scholar-in-residence programs

Ineligible activities include those supported elsewhere in the University, such as research, development of teaching skills and individual professional development.

For more information, please contact Jim Weingartner at jweinga@siue.eduRichard Brugam at or Charlotte Johnson at

Upcoming Events
Watch for the announcement of the Emeriti Faculty Association spring reception for the emeriti faculty, spouses, and guests.  It will be an opportunity to renew old friendships and receive updates on the activities of your Association. Free parking is available at Birger Hall. Hor d’ oeuvres and refreshments will be served.