Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017

Plan to Attend Today's Diversity Strategic Plan Summit
SIUE's 34th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration Today
Please Attend Today's Lifelong Learning Program
Note These Other Upcoming Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion Events
Nominate an Outstanding SIUE Employee Today
Career Development Center Offers Presentations on Career-Related Topics
Mark your Calendar for the Axtell Memorial Lecture, Jan. 30
Add Your Black History Events to the Black Heritage Month Calendar
SIUE Meridian Society Requests Proposals for Community-based Projects
Help Raise Money for Breast Cancer Research at SIUE's Annual Pink Zone Games

Plan to Attend Today's Diversity Strategic Plan Summit

Diversity Strategic Plan Summit
The Journey Continues to Build an Inclusive Campus Environment
8-11:30 a.m. (coffee and refreshments beginning at 7:30 a.m.)
Morris University Center Conference Center
The Summit will be a working dialogue to develop our new three-year University Diversity Plan. The Diversity Plan is inclusive of all groups and members of our University community. This is an opportunity for everyone to provide input. The Summit is FREE!

SIUE's 34th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration Today

SIUE observes the 34th Celebration of the Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

11:30 a.m. - luncheon
12:30 p.m. - remarks

Morris University Center Meridian Ballroom

The luncheon theme is "Turning Our Darkness into Light: Where Does Change Begin?" and it is a celebration of           the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  

Please Attend Today's Lifelong Learning Program

“Andrew Carnegie and the Building of the American Steel Industry” presented by Dr. Anne Werner, associate professor in the Department of Construction, SIUE School of Engineering.

10:30–11:45 a.m.
Edwardsville Public Library (in the lower level meeting room)
112 South Kansas Street
This event is open to the public and admission is FREE.

“Birding on the San Jorge Magic Birding Circuit in Ecuador” presented by Dr. Laurie Rice, associate professor and coordinator of the Civic Education Project, SIUE's Department of Political Science.

1:15–2:30 p.m.
Edwardsville Public Library (in the lower level meeting room)
112 South Kansas Street
This event is open to the public and admission is FREE.
For a complete synopsis of these topics, visit the Office of Educational Outreach website at

Note These Other Upcoming Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion Events

Disability is Diversity
11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 19
Morris University Center Goshen Lounge

Mentoring Day at SIUE
7 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 25
Men's Basketball game, Vadalabene Center

Chinese New Year
11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 30
Morris University Center Goshen Lounge

Nominate an Outstanding SIUE Employee Today

Do you have an outstanding employee that deserves recognition? Perhaps you have a member of your staff or a co-worker that consistently demonstrates excellence in their work. The beginning of the New Year is a great time to recognize these hard working employees that work in your department.

The Employee Recognition Program Award is an esteemed accolade bestowed on an employee who epitomizes the University’s core values in his/her daily work. These employees are engaged in accomplishing the mission of the University, upholding our University’s values and routinely exceed the call of duty.

Faculty, staff or students can make nominations, but the immediate supervisor must support the nomination. Employees in their current position for two years, who have not received the award within the last five years are eligible for nomination.

We encourage you to nominate your valued staff members and recognize them their hard work and dedication to SIUE.

For more information, please contact Jen Oates-Blair at or 650-2127 or visit Employment Employee_Recognition_Program.    

Thank you in advance for your time and nominations!

Career Development Center Offers Presentations on Career-Related Topics

As you are preparing for Spring classes, don’t forget the Career Development Center gives presentations on career-related topics!

A career counselor is able to visit your class to give presentations on topics including, but not limited to:

  • Resumes                             
  • Interviewing                  
  • Networking                       
  • Job Search
  • Co-ops & Internships    
  • LinkedIn                       
  • Career Assessments       
  • Preparing for a Career Fair
  • Social Media                     
  • Professional Attire & Etiquette
Presentations can be done 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, or by request. We will do our best to accommodate all requests. However, there will be times when we have limited staff availability.
Note: If you would like your class to use our services (i.e. mock interviews, assessments, resume approvals, etc.), please notify us in advance that your students will be making appointments, and indicate the class and assignment. This way we will be able to ensure we are meeting your and your students’ needs.
Please visit our website and click on “Faculty and Staff,” then "Request a Presentation" to complete the online form and schedule your Career Development Center presentation today!
If you have specific questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office directly at 618-650-3708 or

Mark your Calendar for the Axtell Memorial Lecture, Jan. 30

Dr. Robert Martin of the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago is the featured speaker for SIUE’s annual Axtell Memorial Lecture in celebration of Darwin Day (Charles Darwin’s birthday).

The presentation is:

4 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 30
Morris University Center’s Meridian Ballroom

Martin’s lecture will be Human Reproduction - from Primate Origins to Darwinian Medicine. The SIUE Departments of Biological Sciences, Psychology, and Anthropology, and the Biology Student Club are sponsoring the event.

“Dr. Martin is a world-renowned anthropologist, primatologist and evolutionary biologist,” said Chris Theodorakis, PhD and professor in SIUE’s Department of Biological Sciences/Environmental Sciences. “He is a well-published author, and the curator of the Biological Anthropology collection at the Field Museum of Natural History. His presence at SIUE enhances the visibility and prestige of our programs, and creates the possibility of collaboration between the Field Museum and SIUE faculty for both teaching and research.”

Martin is also the author of “How We Do It: The Evolution and Future of Human Reproduction.” There will be an opportunity for a book signing at the event.

Following the lecture, there will also be a reception at the University restaurant, Fixin’s, with light food and a cash bar.

Add Your Black History Events to the Black Heritage Month Calendar

This year's SIUE Black Heritage Month theme is "Uplift, Build, Remember Black Heritage ..." 

If there are any events that your department or office will host and would like to include on the Black Heritage Month Calendar online, please use the following link:

For more information, contact David Groves Jr. at

SIUE Meridian Society Requests Proposals for Community-based Projects

The SIUE Meridian Society is seeking proposals for funding (up to $5,000) for an SIUE Community-based project.

The Meridian Society is looking to fund projects that demonstrate a collaborative effort between an SIUE unit and a community organization. SIUE college, schools, major units, departments and organizations (including student organizations with an SIUE account) are invited to apply for the 2017 Meridian awards.

The Meridian award application/proposal must be submitted and received by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 1.

Electronic submissions are preferred to

Mail submissions to:
Meridian Awards
c/o Meridian Society at SIUE Foundation
Campus Box 1082
Edwardsville, IL 62026-1082

For a copy of the application, please visit Meridian Awards.

For more information, contact Julie Babington at 650-2378 or Also visit, Meridian Society.

Help Raise Money for Breast Cancer Research at SIUE's Annual Pink Zone Games

Saturday, Feb. 4, SIUE Women’s Basketball will host the annual Pink Zone games to raise money and promote breast cancer research and awareness!

The women’s game begins at noon, with the men’s game following at 4 p.m. All proceeds from Pink Zone events benefit Susan G. Komen Missouri.

• In 2016, more than 240,000 cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women and 2,600 in men in the U.S.

• Every two minutes, one case of breast cancer is diagnosed in a woman in the U.S.

• In 1980, the five-year relative survival rate for women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer
(cancer confined to the breast) was about 74 percent. Today, that number is 99 percent.

• Early detection and effective treatment contributed to a 36 percent decline in breast cancer mortality (deaths) in the U.S. between 1989-2012.

• Currently, there are more than 3 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S.

• One in eight women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.

For more information about the 2017 Pink Zone events, visit 2017 Pink Zone or contact Riane Greenwalt, director of Health Service, 650-2852 or