Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017

Summer 2017 Springboard Student Leader Applications Available Now
Register for the Diversity Strategic Plan Summit
Stephanie Stookey is SIUE's January Employee of the Month, Reception Jan. 19
Jan. 26 Informational Meeting on URCA Associate Class
Planning a Summer Camp? Complete the Summer Camps Survey
RSVP to Attend the Diabetes Education Program
Catholic Campus Ministry Spring 2017 Liturgy Schedule

Summer 2017 Springboard Student Leader Applications Available Now

The 2017 application process for Springboard to Success Student Leaders has now opened. This is an opportunity for student leaders from various areas of campus life to come together to help create a welcoming experience for future SIUE students.

We are looking for students who …

  • Have completed a minimum of 24 semester hours at SIUE by the end of spring 2017 and plan to enroll in fall 2017 classes (summer enrollment not required)
  • Are in good disciplinary and financial standing with the University
  • Are in good standing with University Housing
  • Are in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Are available to attend one of the following Springboard Student Leader Info Sessions
    • Wednesday, Jan. 18 at 2:30 p.m. in the SIUE Office of Admissions
    • Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 5:30 p.m. in the SIUE Office of Admissions            

If you know any students who meet these criteria, or for more information, please contact Demetrius Coleman at 618-650-2754 or dcolema@siue.edu.

The application deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 25.

Register for the Diversity Strategic Plan Summit

Registration is still open for the:
Diversity Strategic Plan Summit
The Journey Continues to Build an Inclusive Campus Environment
8-11:30 a.m. (Coffee and Refreshments beginning at 7:30 a.m.)
Wednesday, Jan. 18
Morris University Center Conference Center
The Summit will be a working dialogue to develop our new three-year University Diversity Plan. The Diversity Plan is inclusive of all groups and members of our University community. This is an opportunity for everyone to provide input. The Summit is FREE!
Please register early, as space is limited. Click here to register.

Stephanie Stookey is SIUE's January Employee of the Month, Reception Jan. 19

Stephanie Stookey, human resources associate in the Office of Human Resources, is the recipient of the January Employee Recognition Award. Stephanie was nominated by Deb Talbot, Human Resources manager. 

Please join us in congratulating Stephanie as the Employee of the Month:

2 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 19
Front Conference Room
Office of Human Resources

You can also send Stephanie a congratulatory email at stschro@siue.edu

“Wow! I am so honored to be January’s SIUE Employee of the Month! SIUE is an amazing community and has been my 'home' since I was an undergraduate. It was my dream to work here. I truly love my job! I want to thank Deb Talbot and Team Employment for the nomination, and my entire Human Resources family for the love and support. I am looking forward to many more years here at SIUE! What a great day to be a Cougar!” - Stephanie Stookey 

“As both an alum and a SIUE employee, Stephanie demonstrates all of the fundamental values of SIUE, and she really cares about the University. Stephanie can frequently be heard saying, ‘I love working at SIUE!’ It is a pleasure having someone so hard working, positive and dependable, who also possesses a high degree of integrity on my team.” -Deb Talbot, Human Resources manger.

For more information, contact Jen Oates-Blair at joatesb@siue.edu or 650-2127.

Jan. 26 Informational Meeting on URCA Associate Class

The URCA program is now recruiting for the 2017-2018 URCA Associate class.

URCA Associates are a small group (10 students at most per year) of upper-level students who develop their own student-led project and then complete that project under the guidance of a faculty mentor over the course of an academic year. (Note: This is separate from the URCA Assistant program where many more students work on faculty-led projects for one semester.)

If you know of students who may be interested, please encourage them to visit the URCA website, What is an URCA Associate? They can find information regarding benefits, eligibility and how to apply.

The application process requires students to submit a detailed proposal, and the deadline is noon Friday, March 17.

Interested students may want to attend an informational meeting held by current Associates Shaelyn Grant and Daniel Miller:

3-4 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 26
Alumni Hall, room 0406

All associates need a faculty mentor. If a student approaches you about mentoring, we hope you will consider. Mentors must be full-time, tenured or a tenure-track faculty members working in an academic unit. First-time associate mentors are required to attend a brief, introductory meeting to review their responsibilities.

Being a faculty mentor for an URCA Associate provides:

  • Opportunities to mentor a junior or senior level student
  • Recognition for sponsoring an associate
  • Participation with a community of undergraduate scholars

For more information, contact Laura Pawlow, PhD, URCA coordinator, at 650-2608, lpawlow@siue.edu

Planning a Summer Camp? Complete the Summer Camps Survey

If you’re hosting a camp this summer, please complete the Summer Camps Survey to submit your camp information for the comprehensive list of SIUE summer camps. You will be asked to include a description, contact info, location, date, time, age/grade level, camp fee and any additional links or attachments about your camp.

You may also copy and paste the following link in your browser to complete the survey (https://siue.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eUK7lSlcr2s1WyF). Completing the survey will provide the necessary information to University Marketing and Communications to add your camp to siue.edu/summer-camps.

Benefits include:

  • Summer camps and courses are promoted to Edwardsville and Glen Carbon residents through postcards and posters. All communication directs people to siue.edu/summer or siue.edu/summer-camps to find more information.
  • Media inquiries about summer camps are directed to the list of camps on siue.edu/summer-camps.
  • siue.edu/summer-camps is among the top search results on Google and on the SIUE website when looking for “SIUE Summer Camps.”
  • The summer camps website will include links to the Health Information and Consent Form and the Release of Liability form.
Please submit summer camp information by Tuesday, Jan. 31.

If you have questions, please call Nathan Brewer at ext. 3605 or nbrewer@siue.edu.

RSVP to Attend the Diabetes Education Program

The School of Pharmacy invites you to attend the Annual Diabetes Education Program.

8 a.m. - registration
8:30 a.m. - program
10:30 a.m. - vendor fair
Saturday, Feb. 11

Morris University Center

The event features speaker sessions, a health and vendor fair and one-on-one counseling with health care professionals.

There is no cost to attend. RSVP is requested by Friday, Feb. 3 at 618-650-5164 or jekoehn@siue.edu.

Catholic Campus Ministry Spring 2017 Liturgy Schedule

Catholic Campus Ministry has announced its spring 2017 liturgy schedule with Catholic mass and praise and worship/eucharistic adoration taking place at The Dome: Center for Spirituality and Sustainability.

Catholic Mass
10:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. (Confession from 7-8 p.m.)



Praise and Worship/Eucharistic Adoration:
8 p.m.

The Newman Catholic Community exists to nurture and engage the spiritual lives of students, faculty and staff at SIUE through Catholic liturgy, small faith sharing groups, Newman Nights, retreats, community building, service immersion based in Catholic Social Teaching and one-on-one spiritual conversations. All are welcome.