Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017

Career Development Center Offers Presentations on Career-Related Topics
Pink Zone T-shirt Sales Today in the MUC
Watch for January Intercollegiate Athletics Events, Men's Bball Today
Tickets Still Available for Jan. 14 Production of My Father's Dragon
Register Now for the Diversity Strategic Plan Summit
Planning a Summer Camp? Complete the Summer Camps Survey

Career Development Center Offers Presentations on Career-Related Topics

As you are preparing for Spring classes, don’t forget the Career Development Center gives presentations on career-related topics!

A career counselor is able to visit your class to give presentations on topics including, but not limited to:

  • Resumes                             
  • Interviewing                  
  • Networking                       
  • Job Search
  • Co-ops & Internships    
  • LinkedIn                       
  • Career Assessments       
  • Preparing for a Career Fair
  • Social Media                     
  • Professional Attire & Etiquette

Presentations can be done 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, or by request. We will do our best to accommodate all requests. However, there will be times when we have limited staff availability.
Note: If you would like your class to use our services (i.e. mock interviews, assessments, resume approvals, etc.), please notify us in advance that your students will be making appointments, and indicate the class and assignment. This way we will be able to ensure we are meeting your and your students’ needs.
Please visit our website and click on “Faculty and Staff,” then "Request a Presentation" to complete the online form and schedule your Career Development Center presentation today!
If you have specific questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office directly at 618-650-3708 or

Pink Zone T-shirt Sales Today in the MUC

Purchase your 2017 Pink Zone t-shirt!

11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Morris University Center

T-shirts are $5 and all proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen Missouri. Sizes range from S-3XL.

For more information about Pink Zone events, visit

Watch for January Intercollegiate Athletics Events, Men's Bball Today

6:30 p.m.
Vadalabene Center
Men's Basketball vs Austin Peay*

7 p.m. 
Saturday, Jan. 14
Vadalabene Center
Men's Basketball vs Murray State*
TV: FOX Sports Midwest

12 p.m.
Sunday, Jan. 15
Vadalabene Center
Women's Basketball vs Murray State*
TV: American Sports Network

7 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 18
Vadalabene Center
Women's Basketball vs Southeast Missouri State*

5 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 21
Vadalabene Center
Wrestling vs Chattanooga*

12 p.m.
Sunday, Jan. 22
Vadalabene Center
Wrestling vs Davidson*

11:30 a.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 25
Vadalabene Center
Women's Baskeball vs Tennessee State*

7 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 25
Vadalabene Center
Men's Basketball vs Tennessee State*

1 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 28
Vadalabene Center
Wrestling vs Gardner-Webb*/South Dakota State

8 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 30
Nashville, Tenn.
Men's Basketball at Belmont

*Conference Event

Tickets Still Available for Jan. 14 Production of My Father's Dragon

Tickets still are available for the Jan. 14 performance of My Father’s Dragon, produced by A Season for the Child (SfC)—the family-oriented live theater season sponsored by the SIUE Friends of Theater and Dance (FOTAD). The production is based on the Newberry Honor book of the same name by Ruth Stiles Gannett.

2 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 14
SIUE's Katherine Dunham Hall theater

This musical staging of the story takes us on a comic adventure to Wild Island, as performed by the Imaginary Theatre Co. of St. Louis.

Individual tickets are $5 per child and $7 per adult. They are available through the SIUE Fine Arts box office at (618) 650-2774.

My Father’s Dragon presents the story of Jim, who is restless at home while on summer vacation. However, mom knows just what will entertain him—the story of Grandpa’s adventures to rescue a captive dragon. Join Jim for a fantastic jungle journey past obstacles and wild animals as we discover the importance of perseverance and the wonderful power of imagination.

SfC, which premiered in 1990, features adaptations of various children’s stories using interactive techniques that not only delight children and parents, but also provide a thorough learning experience.

The final offering of the 2016-17 SfC season will be Pinocchio, performed by the Curtains Up Theatre Co. of Edwardsville-Collinsville. It’s set for two showings: 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Sturday, March 18.

Register Now for the Diversity Strategic Plan Summit

Registration is still open for the:
Diversity Strategic Plan Summit
The Journey Continues to Build an Inclusive Campus Environment
8-11:30 a.m. (Coffee and Refreshments beginning at 7:30am)
Wednesday, Jan. 18
Morris University Center Conference Center
The Summit will be a working dialogue to develop our new three-year University Diversity Plan. The Diversity Plan is inclusive of all groups and members of our university community. This is an opportunity for everyone to provide input. The Summit is FREE!
Please register early, as space is limited. Click here to register.

Planning a Summer Camp? Complete the Summer Camps Survey

If you’re hosting a camp this summer, please complete the Summer Camps Survey to submit your camp information for the comprehensive list of SIUE summer camps. You will be asked to include a description, contact info, location, date, time, age/grade level, camp fee and any additional links or attachments about your camp.

You may also copy and paste the following link in your browser to complete the survey ( Completing the survey will provide the necessary information to University Marketing and Communications to add your camp to

Benefits include:

  • Summer camps and courses are promoted to Edwardsville and Glen Carbon residents through postcards and posters. All communication directs people to or to find more information.
  • Media inquiries about summer camps are directed to the list of camps on
  • is among the top search results on Google and on the SIUE website when looking for “SIUE Summer Camps.”
  • The summer camps website will include links to the Health Information and Consent Form and the Release of Liability form.

Please submit summer camp information by Tuesday, Jan. 31.

If you have questions, please call Nathan Brewer at ext. 3605 or